This project is a lexical analyzer, parser, and interpreter for the RPAL programming language, implemented in Java as part of a semester project. The project includes the following components:
Lexical Analyzer: Scans the input RPAL program to generate tokens based on the lexical rules specified in the RPAL_Lex.pdf.
Parser: Builds an Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) from the tokens, following the grammar rules outlined in the RPAL_Grammar.pdf.
AST to ST Conversion: Converts the AST into a Standardized Tree (ST) as part of the program's execution.
CSE Machine: Executes the ST using a Control Stack Environment (CSE) machine to produce the final output.
AST Generation: The parser generates a detailed Abstract Syntax Tree (AST) from the input program.
AST to ST Conversion: The AST is transformed into a Standardized Tree (ST) before execution.
CSE Machine Execution: The ST is executed using a CSE machine to produce the final output.
Command-Line Interface: The program can be run from the command line, with options for different outputs.
To run the interpreter, open terminal from root directory give following commands
I. "make" or "javac" : compile project
II. "make run" or "java myrpal test_programs/rpal_test" : run interpreter with rpal_test file
III. to get the AST "make run AST=true" or "java myrpal -ast test_programs/rpal_test" : run interpreter to get ast
III. "make clean" : remove all class files before recompiling
test.rpal and rpal_test files contains same program, test.rpal file was used to verify the functionality of the program