A Laravel Website with Admin access Starter project with AdminLTE theme and basic features.
- Test Driven Development
(111 tests, 466 assertions)
- User: [email protected]
- Password: github
- Admin LTE theme
- Authentication
- User Roles
- Admin Navigation
- Log and View Activities (website actions and admin resource changes)
- Accounts
- App Settings
- Banners
- Page Builder
- Resources (Documents, Photos, Videos)
- News
- Shop
- Website: Contact Us
- Unit Tests
- Events
- Testimonials
composer create-project bpocallaghan/titan-starter:dev-master laravel-website
- create your database
- setup your virtual host (preview: http://titan.test)
- open .env and update app information, database, mail
- open
and set your admin user credentials
-> set timezone- create Facebook Website App https://developers.facebook.com/
- create a Mailgun account and set custom domain
- google Captcha https://www.google.com/recaptcha/admin#list
- google Analytics Account https://analytics.google.com/analytics/web
- google Console Developer account for google maps and google analytics API
- https://console.developers.google.com
- Enable the 'google analytics' API
- Create api browser key for google maps
- Get and Setup Laravel Analytics Laravel Analytics (Spatie)
- create new service account key (JSON)
- download and rename the json to 'service-account-credentials.json'
- store the file under /storage/app/analytics
- go to (google analytics)[https://analytics.google.com/analytics/]
- go to admin - property - user management and add the service account's email as a user
- go to admin - view - settings and copy the 'site id' to your .env
- get a Google Maps js API key https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
- All contributors
- Thank you Taylor Ottwell for Laravel.
- Thank you Jeffrey Way for the awesome resources at Laracasts
- File Generators Laravel 5 File Generators with config and publishable stubs
- Notify Laravel 5 Flash Notifications with icons and animations and with a timeout
- Alert A helper package to flash a bootstrap alert to the browser via a Facade or a helper function.
- Impersonate User This allows you to authenticate as any of your customers.
- Sluggable Provides a HasSlug trait that will generate a unique slug when saving your Laravel Eloquent model.