A basic bookmarklet to claim free Epic Games Marketplace items
This guide provides step-by-step instructions on using a bookmarklet script to automatically add free items to your cart on the Epic Marketplace website.
- A web browser with bookmarking functionality (e.g., Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Safari)
Copy the Script:
- Highlight the entire script provided below: https://github.com/PatrickJnr/freeepicitems/blob/main/bookmarklet.js
Create a New Bookmark:
- Right-click on your browser's bookmarks bar.
- Select "Add Page" or "Add Bookmark".
- In the "Name" field, enter a descriptive name for the bookmarklet (e.g., "Auto Add to Cart").
- In the "URL" or "Location" field, paste the copied script.
Save the Bookmarklet:
- Click "Save" or "Done" to save the bookmarklet.
Navigate to Epic Marketplace:
- Open your web browser.
- Go to the Epic Marketplace website (https://www.epicmarketplace.com) or the specific page containing the free items you want to add to your cart.
Execute the Bookmarklet:
- Locate the bookmarklet you created in your bookmarks bar.
- Click on the bookmarklet while on the Epic Marketplace website.
Wait for Execution:
- The script will automatically start adding free items to your cart.
- Depending on the number of items and your internet connection speed, it may take a few moments to complete.
Review Your Cart:
- Once the script has finished executing, review your cart to ensure that the desired items have been successfully added.
Continue Shopping or Checkout:
- If you wish to add more items, continue browsing the Epic Marketplace.
- To proceed to checkout, click on the cart icon and follow the checkout process.
- This bookmarklet script is designed to work specifically on the Epic Marketplace website.
- Ensure that the webpage containing the free items has fully loaded before executing the bookmarklet.
- Adjustments to the script may be required if there are changes to the website's layout or structure.