Not for general use yet. Streaming of particular uvc cameras over
This project is responsible for serving the h264 stream from the geo camera via
It first tries to init the camera:
- Use mxcam whois to see if the camera has been booted.
- If needed, boot the camera with mxcam
- Find the video device(s) matching the camera
- /dev/v4l/by-id/usb-GEO_Semi_Condor_12345-video-index0 is a symlink to the /dev/video# or sudo udevadm info --query=all --name=/dev/video1
- Stream the video
Dependencies. Use scripts to load Dependencies
- apt get the geo-driver
Running in Mock mode:
environment variable is set to True, the system will attempt to use ffmpeg to generate a test pattern video. This does requires that ffmpeg is installed.
License: All Rights Reserved Still working out the open source license for this package.