Migration of the OBF WP site to a static site generator (Hugo)
(Instructions for those who are not git gurus)
- To make changes to web pages on your desktop and commit them from the command line to GH, you will need a GitHub personal access token.
- Go to https://github.com/OBF/OBF.github.io and make a fork
- Then on your desktop (from the shell) do:
git clone https://github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_ID/OBF.github.io
- After you edit files on your desktop as desired, do:
cd OBF.github.io
git checkout -b BRANCH_NAME
git add FILES
git commit -m "my changes"
git push (or you might need to do git push --set-upstream origin BRANCH_NAME)
Then go to https://github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_ID/OBF.github.io to make a PR
Once the PR is merged, your changes should be visible on https://obf.github.io/
Next time you want to make more changes, first update your fork (because others may have committed changes). Go to https://github.com/YOUR_GITHUB_ID/OBF.github.io and click the "Sync fork" button.
Then update your local copy to get the latest version.
git checkout main
git pull
- Edit your local copy as desired. Then do the steps in #4 (with a NEW branch name) to commit your latest changes.
- Hugo documentation: https://gohugo.io/getting-started/quick-start/
- Install hugo
- Initialize hugo
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Run
hugo server
from the root folder of the project to launch a local server that automatically rebuilds:
hugo server &
- View the site in your web browser by going to http://localhost:1313/
- When you save edits to the web page files, http://localhost:1313/ will reload seconds later so you can instantly see the changes!
At the moment (2025-03-05), historic images live in a large separate repo
https://github.com/OBF/wp-content/ which is included as a git submodule.
If you want to view images in the web pages on localhost:1313, you will need
to also initialise this repository, which is currently setup using the
git submodule
workflow. By default the wp-content
submodule is not cloned
To load it you can run:
cd OBF.github.io/
git submodule init
git submodule update
Getting the files can take a while (the wp-content
repo is ~500 MB).
This may change.
For new images, you can place these into the static/img
folder of this repository, ideally in a subfolder based on the four digit year.
When compiling the website during the build, Hugo will move everything in static/
into the website root, i.e. to open-bio.org/
. This means that when linking images you do not have to include the static/
as part of the media/image link.
As an example: A file that resides in static/img/test-image.jpg
should be linked in the markdown files like this: 
It is also good practice to name media files with the date you add them/the date of the page/post you want to add them to, e.g. static/img/2025/2025-03-04-blogpost-image.jpg
(using yyyy-mm-dd
as the start of the filename).
- To set up a URL redirect, add an alias to the page you want to redirect to. This goes in the header part of the .md (the part between the three dashes) and looks like this:
- /events/bosc/
- To include an image, you can use this markdown format:

- Images take up the full width of the page. If you want to scale an image, use this html:
<img src="image-path" style="width:75%" alt="alt text" />
- There's also a "gallery" option (I haven't tried it):
{{< gallery class="content-gallery" >}}
When testing changes on localhost:1313, note that changes that involve .pngs take effect right away, but for some reason, if you're using .jpg or .jpeg images, it takes a while (20 min or so?) for them to show up on localhost. No idea why.
To enclose a section of text in a gray box use
<div class="well">
To make two columns (e.g. to run text next to an image), use "columns" (look for an example in one of our .mds)
You can make a button like this:
<a href="URL" class="btn btn-lg btn-primary">text on button</a>
- Posts: you can create new posts by creating a file in the content/posts directory (you can copy and modify an older post). Note the date field - if you set that to a date that's in the future, your post won't show up on the posts page or the OBF homepage.
- To get posts to show up on the BOSC news page, include the category "bosc" (the tag doesn't seem to matter).
- Note that new posts may not show up on the main OBF home page until you kill and restart hugo.
- Create XML export of existing WP site with all pages & posts
- Run the conversion script wp2hugo in the following way
/wp2hugo -source obf.WordPress.2025-01-30.xml -output obf-test-hugo -download-media -continue-on-media-download-error
- update the
to use the correct base page (as currently not deployed on open-bio.org). (For now, the first line of hugo.yaml should say "baseURL: https://OBF.github.io" but that will change later)