Try until you can do no more, strive until you move yourself to tears.
💬 你好,别来无恙呀!我是 凌云,你可以叫我 墨渊、Jim 等等你愿意的称呼!
Hi there! I'm Lingyun, you can simply call me MoYuan, Jim, or whatever you like! -
🌏 我是一名 初中
I'm a middle school student from Southern China, currently living in FuZhou! -
🧝 我的 MBTI 类型是 管理者(ESTJ-A),擅长制定规则并高效执行,以确保社交和组织运作井然有序。
My MBTI type is Executive (ESTJ-A). I excel at setting rules and executing them efficiently to ensure smooth social interactions and organizational operations. -
📰 我是中文母语者,同时可以阅读英文。 I'm a native Chinese speaker, and I can read English too.
- ✏ 备战 2028 年 A-Level 考试 | Preparing for the 2028 A-Level Exam
- 🖥️ 学习更多编程语言 | Learning more programming languages.
- 🎭 组织管理 云之岛开发组 | Organizing and managing a Organization: Yuns-Lab.
- 🚧 开发 下一代 PCL2 启动器:PCL II Nova | Developing Next Generation of PCL2:PCL II Nova
- 🛠 担任 PCL2 主仓库社区协管 | Being collaborator in PCL2 repo.
- 🕑 其他想到啥了再来补充吧 :D