Day counting mobile app for keeping track of goals (aka Not Fucking Up)
First off, there are plenty of goal tracking, self-improvement and habit apps already out there, so if your looking for something with a bunch of features check out: Habit Tracker (Android), Habitify (Android | iOS), Productive (Android | iOS), Habit (iOS), Done (iOS) or Loop (Andoid).
This app is a little different, the goal here was for you to spend as little time as possible using it. And so instead of daily recoding your success or failure, you just reset the streak if you f*ck up. It allows you to really quickly and easily keep track of how many days, you've kept going for (such as number of days smoke-free, sober, or whatever else you'd like to measure days for).
It's built with Flutter, and deploys nativley to Android and iOS.
Fairly small code base, and it's structured in the standard sorta way. Uses Flutter SDK V2.1.0 - V3.0.0.
- Get the Code:
git clone
thencd nfu
- Grab the dependencies
flutter pub get
- To keep the source code synced, you can
flutter packages pub run build_runner watch
- Then use Android Studio or your favourite editor along with the Flutter CLI to develop
For more info, check out the Flutter docs, which are actually pretty awesome.
βββ android/
βββ build/
βββ ios/
βββ lib/
β βββ forms/
β βββ models/
β βββ screens/
β βββ utils/
β βββ widgets/
β βββ main.dart
βββ pubspec.yaml
Shout out to @faob-dev for folding_cell and @Realank for flutter_datetime_picker, both components were nice and neat, and thanks to them, it made building this little app a lot quicker.
I'm quite new to Flutter, and always looking to improve, so if you see something that could be better, it'd be awesome if you could let me know, or open an issue and I'll look into it- thanks!
Β© Alicia Sykes 2019
Licensed under MIT