Leo Platform Quick Start Guide: https://github.com/LeoPlatform/Leo
LEO EventBus is an open source project connecting several AWS services (Kinesis, DynamoDB, S3 and Lambda) together to provide a more robust Data Pipeline. LEO is deployed in your own Amazon cloud. Essentially, we created Apache Kafka for your own serverless AWS cloud.
- Multiple stream events (or Topics) on one Kinesis Stream
- Durability of stream events
- Replay of stream events
- Unlimited Subscribers to any stream event
- Lower AWS cost through reusing Kinesis, gziping data, auto archiving.
Kafka | LEO |
Communication Stream | Kinesis |
Service Catalog (# of Subscribers, where in log) | DynamoDB |
Notification & Broker | Lambda |
Data Store | S3, DynamoDB |
Use LEO to solve these types of business problems
- Custom integrations
- Business Intelligence and Data Warehousing
- Big Data and Data Science projects
- Microservice async communication
- Machine Learning and AI
All of these projects require access to core business events which can be easily streamed to LEO. Once in LEO, the same data event can be leveraged for all data projects. When your data flows, innovation follows.
Specify an Amazon S3 template
Region us-west-2: https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/leo-cli-publishbucket-mzhr7agmqo7u/leo-bus/2.0.9/cloudformation.json
Region us-east-1: https://s3.amazonaws.com/leo-cli-publishbucket-abb4i613j9y9/leo-bus/2.0.9/cloudformation.json
Specify a name (eg. "DevBus"), click next
acknowledge that it might create IAM resources by clicking the checkbox. Click Create
Wait for the status to change from create_in_progress to update_complete
Use one of our SDKs in order to interact with this stream NodeJs: https://github.com/LeoPlatform/Nodejs
echo -e "{"id":"cli-bot","event":"cli-queue","payload":{"hello":"world","number":2345}}\n{"id":"cli-bot","event":"cli-queue","payload":{"hello":"world4","number":67894}}" | gzip -f | base64 -w 0 | xargs aws kinesis put-record --region us-west-2 --stream-name <---BusStreamName---> --explicit-hash-key="0" --partition-key="cli-queue" --data
Want to hire an expert, or need technical support? Reach out to the Leo team: https://leoinsights.com/contact