Project to review the best use of Webpack 4 with ES6 and Knockout.
- Run
npm install
- Run
npm run start
to start the Webpack Dev Server - Browse to http://localhost:8080/
- Run
npm run build
- Done - Setup Webpack Dev Server to serve content and reload page when content (JS, HTML or CSS / SASS) changes
- Done - Use ES6 modules for Knockout components & view models
- Done - Use ES6 classes for Knockout view models
- Done - Add Knockout component HTML templates to Webpack bundle
- Done - Use Babel to transpile ES6 to ES5
- Done - Use Babel polyfill to support Promises and newer methods on native prototypes
- Done - Use Webpack to compile multiple SASS files into a single CSS file and generate a sourcemap
- Done - Use a SASS / CSS autoprefixer to automatically add vendor prefixes
- In Progress - Use "scoped" component SASS files that only affect the elements in the component HTML templates. Currently using BEM naming convention.
- Done - Create a vendor bundle using Webpack. The bundle should contain just third-party scripts (things in node_modules folder) and the bundle can be reused by several pages alongside a page specific code bundle.
- Done - Support handlebars syntax
for setting HTML text and HTML attribute values (Knockout.Punches) - Not Done - Write unit tests against Knockout view models using Jasmine and potentially a test runner like Karama
- Done - Add Bootstrap 4 SASS files then compile to CSS and bundle into a single CSS file
- Not Done - Use Bootstrap 4 with icon fonts e.g. Glyphicons, Iconic or Octicons
- Done - Ensure Bootstrap 4 variables can be used in our own CSS files (useful for media queries, colours etc)
- Not Done - Create an npm package for a reusable component with zero dependencies and use this external component
- Not Done - Review the best way to support HTML templates in different languages (KO binding vs compiled templates in multiple languages)
- Done - Add a KO click handler to show how to use an ES6 arrow function to have the VM context for "this".
- Not Done - Implement modern but still backwards compatible approach to routing. Support data retrieval via Promises before navigation. Review knockout-contrib-router.
- Not Done - ESLint JavaScript.
- Done - Use a fetch polyfill and create example where fetch is used to get data from the server
- Not Done - Create a service worker and cache bundles. Ensure a suitable version number / hash is used to allow bundle to be updated.
- Not Done - State store that manages and controls state changes for complicated a state scenario
- Not Done - Review if "html-webpack-plugin" should be used to generate the HTML files to serve up the bundles
- Not Done - Configure Webpack Dev Server for hot module reload (rather than just page reload) when changes made
- Not Done - Move code to an ASP.Net Core 2.x project and make use of WebpackDevMiddleware