A list of neat projects made in India.
- JavaScript
- Java
- C#
- C
- C++
- ActionScript
- Clojure
- Go
- Haskell
- Lua
- Matlab
- Objective-C
- Perl
- Python
- R
- Ruby
- Scala
- Shell
- Swift
- TeX
- VimL
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
1611 | @shyamseshadri/angularjs-book | Examples and Code snippets from the AngularJS O'Reilly book | |
1466 | @chinchang/cta.js | Animate your 'action-to-effect' paths | |
705 | @chinchang/superplaceholder.js | ⚡Super charge your input placeholders | |
503 | @rakeshpai/pi-gpio | A simple node.js-based GPIO helper for the Raspberry Pi | |
452 | @chinchang/screenlog.js | Bring console.log on the screen | |
387 | @shyamseshadri/angularjs-up-and-run… | All the source code for the AngularJS Up & Running Book for O'Reilly | |
258 | @chinchang/code-blast-codemirro… | ✨Particles blasts while typing in Codemirror | |
250 | @hemanth/paws-on-es6 | Minimalist examples of ES6 functionalities. | |
231 | @arvindr21/diskDB | A Lightweight Disk based JSON Database with a MongoDB like API for Node | |
222 | @s-yadav/patternLock | A light weight plugin to simulate android like pattern lock interface for your hybrid app or website. | |
125 | @pksunkara/npm-police | policing the dependency packages versions | |
112 | @pksunkara/inflect | custom inflections for nodejs | |
110 | @pksunkara/semicolon | A language of semicolons | |
102 | @chinchang/picssel-art | An app to create pixel art using only CSS | |
95 | @hemanth/koa-rest | REST demo with koa. | |
91 | @s-yadav/contextMenu.js | contextMenu.js is a plugin to create windows like context menu with keyboard interaction, different type of inputs ,trigger events and much more. | |
91 | @arvindr21/mydashboard | node webkit based dashboard app | |
88 | @arvindr21/blueimp-file-upload-… | A simple express module for integrating jQuery File Upload. | |
87 | @shijuvar/react-aspnet | Demo app with React and ASP.NET Web API | |
83 | @s-yadav/jsonQ | A JavaScript library to make manipulation and extraction of data from a JSON very easy and fast. | |
76 | @vickychijwani/closer.js | 💻 Clojure parser and core library in JavaScript, compatible with the Mozilla Parser API. | |
68 | @s-yadav/radialIndicator | A simple and light weight circular indicator / progressbar plugin. | |
67 | @arvindr21/cli-adventure-games | Text Based Adventure Games built with Node.js | |
61 | @chinchang/simplezoom.js | A tiny JavaScript library to preview images, better way! | |
59 | @hemanth/node-nightly | node-nightly at your finger tips! | |
52 | @chinchang/IsoBlocks | A library to create eye-candy isometric texts. | |
46 | @arvindr21/vTak | A Desktop based Chat app with node-webkit, Firebase and Angularjs | |
44 | @arvindr21/jsTree-directive | An Angular Directive for jsTree. Docs : | |
41 | @arvindr21/BucketListApp | BucketListApp | |
41 | @arvindr21/pi_livestreaming | Raspberry Pi, Camera and Node.js – Live Streaming with Websockets #IoT | |
39 | @shijuvar/EFMVC.Azure | Extending the EFMVC app for adding Windows Azure specific features | |
38 | @arvindr21/slush-wean | A slush generator to generate Webkit Express Angular Node desktop apps | |
37 | @hemanth/generator-atom | Yeoman generator for atom editor packages. | |
37 | @s-yadav/modalBox.js | A very light weight and minimal plugin to display modal window. | |
37 | @arvindr21/expressjs-fileupload | A simple express module for integrating jQuery File Upload. | |
35 | @amitmerchant1990/electron-markdownify | A minimal Markdown editor desktop app based on Electron | |
34 | @s-yadav/ImageViewer | A zooming and panning plugin inspired by google photos for your web images. | |
33 | @s-yadav/patternCaptcha | Android like pattern matching captcha system for your node webapps. | |
31 | @shashankmehta/slick.js | Embed presentations when you can't use SpeakerDeck or SlideShare | |
29 | @arvindr21/slush-meanjs | A slush generator to scaffold MEAN Apps | |
28 | @arvindr21/nwk-videochat | Node-Webkit, WebRTC and Angularjs – A Video Chat Client | |
27 | @hemanth/es6-lab-setup | Setup your ES6 Lab. | |
26 | @shijuvar/Koa-CRUD | A CRUD demo for Koa.js and Node.js | |
26 | @pksunkara/pygments.js | A pygments wrapper for nodejs | |
25 | @arvindr21/ng2do-mean-app | Developing a MEAN app with Angular 2.0 | |
25 | @shijuvar/HapiAzure | Single Page Application (SPA) Demo with Hapi.js, AngularJS and Azure Table Storage. | |
23 | @chinchang/super-search | Easy to add search for your blog | |
23 | @arvindr21/generator-framework7… | A yeoman Generator for scaffolding Framework7/PhoneGap App | |
22 | @arvindr21/ngTwitterApp | Angularjs, Material Design and Twitter Streams – A Twitter Live Search App | |
20 | @arvindr21/wordpress-offline-vi… | Electron, WordPress & Angular Material – An Offline Viewer | |
20 | @arvindr21/mediaPlayerApp | Ionic Framework, Cordova and File API – A Media Player App | |
20 | @arvindr21/myTwilioApp | Twilio, Ionic Framework and Node.js – A Message & Call App | |
20 | @shripadk/express-juggernaut-d… | Mating express.js and juggernaut 2! | |
19 | @hemanth/ramda-repl | Ramdajs REPL. | |
18 | @arvindr21/remindme | A Twilio Reminder App | |
17 | @hemanth/grunt-usemin-example | Minimalist example of grunt-usemin. | |
17 | @hemanth/greener | Fetches all your node modules and keeps them green, with greenkeeper. | |
16 | @arvindr21/chatter | Node Webkit, Firebase and Ionic Framework – A one to one chat client | |
16 | @s-yadav/eventPause.js | eventPause is a tiny plugin with lots of methods to control events. So whenever you want you can pause and activate any event. | |
16 | @webtunings/youtube | Code of Youtube channel screencasts | |
16 | @arvindr21/MEAN-Todo-App | A Todo MEAN App - MongoDB, Expressjs, Angularjs and Nodejs | |
16 | @hemanth/generator-pwa | Yeoman generator for a progressive webapp. | |
16 | @arvindr21/generator-onsenui-ph… | A yeoman Generator for scaffolding Onsen UI/PhoneGap App | |
15 | @arvindr21/restify-mongojs-app | ||
15 | @hemanth/bangalore-startups | Ever growing list of startups in Bangalore. | |
15 | @hemanth/gulp-cleanhtml | remove unneeded whitespaces, line-breaks, comments, etc from the HTML. | |
15 | @hemanth/power-off | Cross OS power-off. | |
15 | @arvindr21/todoApp | Re-Architecting a Firebase app to work with Node.js and MongoDB | |
15 | @arvindr21/slush-mongo | A slush generator for MongoDB | |
14 | @hemanth/gulp-jstransform | Gulp plugin to transform ES6 to ES5. | |
14 | @webtunings/node.js-examples | example code of my youtube channel - webtunings | |
14 | @arvindr21/dropzone-express-fil… | Fileupload with Dropzone & Express.js | |
14 | @hemanth/head-it | Easy interface for head |
13 | @shyamseshadri/angularjs-workshop-3… | ||
13 | @hemanth/interview-time | Prepare for your technical interviews! | |
13 | @Manishearth/AnnoTabe | Annotations for tabs in Chrome | |
13 | @santhoshtr/wiki2cd | [ABANDONED] Tool to create an offline repository or CD from a selected list of topics from wikipedia | |
13 | @kirang89/play-gradle | Some Gradle scripts for Play! Framework | |
12 | @arvindr21/lazyboy | Command line laziness redefined! This module is language agonistic. It can store any command line statement as shortcuts! | |
12 | @hemanth/nw-wiki-app | A simple sample app to demo the usage of node-webkit. | |
12 | @rmehta/whiteboardapp | simple web based whiteboard [abandoned] | |
12 | @hemanth/xkcd-img | Custom Polymer element for displaying random images from XKCD! | |
12 | @chinchang/Bouncy_HTML5 | HTML5 version of my game Bouncy. | |
11 | @arvindr21/ngMovieStub | Online Movie tickets booking via Angularjs - A Hands on tutorial. | |
10 | @arvindr21/myIonicFireApp | A Ionic Framework + Firebase BucketList app - Code | |
10 | @pksunkara/node-redirect | A simple redirection server in node.js | |
10 | @Manishearth/Manish-Codes | ||
10 | @s-yadav/react-number-format | React component to format number in an input or as a text. | |
10 | @hemanth/react-mui-base | BaseComponent for react-material-ui | |
10 | @hemanth/blood-donor | Donors for a blood type. | |
10 | @shijuvar/NodeExpressMongo | Building Windows Azure Web Sites by using Node.js, Express.js, Mongoose and MongoDB | |
10 | @arvindr21/ionCordova | Getting Started with ngCordova | |
10 | @pksunkara/react-mdl | React components for Material Design Lite | |
10 | @hemanth/node-rsj | rss as json | |
9 | @hemanth/orly-cover-bot | The source that is governing https://twitter.com/OreillyCover | |
9 | @shripadk/d3-externs | Closure Externs for D3 Visualization Library | |
9 | @chinchang/chinchang.github.com | My personal site and blog | |
9 | @hemanth/node-prepend-file | Prepend data to a file. | |
9 | @hemanth/gulp-html2jsx | Converts HTML to JSX for use with React. | |
9 | @shripadk/google-closure-image… | This is a simple image plugin for those of you who want to implement one until Google releases the official plugin. This is not feature complete. | |
9 | @hemanth/manifest-json | Creates manifest.json for your PWA. | |
8 | @hemanth/is-incognito | Detects incognito mode. | |
8 | @chinchang/konsole.table | console.table polyfill for Node.js | |
8 | @rakeshpai/dojotoolkit | dojo fork from freelock | |
8 | @hemanth/github-upstreamer | Auto configure a remote for a fork! | |
8 | @rmehta/chaiproject | web app framework | |
8 | @hemanth/joel-test | Rate the quality of a software team! | |
8 | @hemanth/node-yoda-said | Yoda quotes on CLI a trribute to Master Yoda! | |
8 | @webtunings/closure | Code of JavaScript functions & scope book | |
8 | @hemanth/node-xkcd-img | xkcd-img module for node.js | |
7 | @webtunings/canvas-examples | code of youtube canvas lectures | |
7 | @pksunkara/bullet | A simple lightweight MVC with express | |
7 | @rakeshpai/pi-motor | Control a quadruple half-H-bridge IC using node.js and the Raspberry Pi's GPIO pins | |
7 | @hemanth/is-mp3 | Check if a Buffer/Uint8Array is MP3 file. | |
6 | @s-yadav/fqueue | A micro-plugin to queue function execution to handle asynchronous flow and stepping through functions. | |
6 | @geohacker/indicwiki | Visualizing the Indic Wikipedia Community. | |
6 | @shripadk/node-nexmo | Nexmo Node Library | |
6 | @rakeshpai/airtel-chrome-extens… | Shows your Airtel Internet usage in Chrome, if you are on a broadband Airtel connection in India. | |
6 | @shijuvar/AzureCloudServices | Multi-Tier Windows Azure Cloud Services App with Web Role, Worker Role, Table Storage and Service Bus | |
5 | @abhisekp/Practice-Modern-Java… | A boilerplate to setup and Practice Modern JavaScript | |
5 | @pksunkara/voila | best asset manager one can get in nodejs | |
5 | @santhoshtr/uca.js | Unicode Collation Algorithm- Javascript implementation | |
5 | @rakeshpai/fn-helpers | Some JS function helpers I use regularly | |
5 | @chinchang/web-maker | Replace your Chrome tabs with an offline web experiment playground | |
5 | @iambibhas/open-chat | A video conferencing app that can run on LAN, without the need of Internet. | |
4 | @shijuvar/RESTNode | REST API samples using Node.js with MongoDB and Mongoose | |
4 | @dineshkummarc/liquidcarousel | ||
4 | @santhoshtr/tofudetector | Measure the rendering capacity for language scripts in a client browser context by detecting tofu | |
4 | @rakeshpai/mysensors-controller | A partial implementation of the MySensors serial protocol as a node.js module. | |
4 | @jaseemabid/fooChat | A couchDB based real time chat system | |
4 | @pksunkara/flatiron-cli-version | flatiron cli plugin for showing version | |
4 | @shripadk/jTube | jQuery plugin for Youtube API | |
4 | @chinchang/ggj13 | HTML5 game where you see only when your heart beats! | |
3 | @chinchang/Defenders-From-Past | An HTML5 game made for BYOG, April 2012 | |
3 | @s-yadav/coequal.js | coequal is a small utility function to check equality of all data types and objects in JavaScript. | |
3 | @rmehta/chart-builder | Simple Charting Tool using Chart.js and SlickGrid | |
3 | @Manishearth/MathToTeX | ||
3 | @shashankmehta/minimal-8tracks | Minimal 8tracks. No clutter. Bliss. | |
3 | @shashankmehta/inotes | Extract your notes, highlights from Apple's iBooks on OSX | |
3 | @pksunkara/codecollab | An online code collaboration tool in nodejs | |
3 | @dineshkummarc/Html5-Templates | ||
3 | @pksunkara/flatiron-cli-ok | Flatiron cli plugin to welcome and show status of the command executed | |
3 | @jaseemabid/Debian-Mirror | The NITC debian mirror website | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/txt2sound.js | JavaScript library that converts text to live audio. | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/WindowXPUI | Windows XP Look alike UI for Websites using javascript | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/ERPthon | ERPthon, ERP framework written in python | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/dotnetgallery | ||
2 | @dineshkummarc/IE9-comparison | The truth behind microsoft's comparison chart | |
2 | @shyamseshadri/angularjs-workshop | Session by session for the AngularJS workshop | |
2 | @shyamseshadri/angularjs-directive-… | Simple Step by Step ANgularJS Directive tutorial for JSSummit | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/leanback_player_v0.8… | ||
2 | @dineshkummarc/nodejs-windows-all-i… | Install NodeJS as a Windows Service, with hot reloading, conventions, simple deploy, copy and run | |
2 | @geohacker/osm-roundabouts | Find roundabouts in OSM using TileReduce and QA Tiles | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/google-doodle | ||
2 | @geohacker/geojson-stream-merge | Create a single FeatureCollection from line delimited GeoJSON FeatureCollections | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/nanek.github.com | ||
2 | @geohacker/latex-workshop | Content for the Latex Workshop | |
2 | @rakeshpai/optimus | Does what Optimus Prime does, cause Optimus is cool like that. | |
2 | @geohacker/cartonama-worshop | Cartonama Workshop Website | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/gnomeweb-wml | gnomeweb-wml | |
2 | @pksunkara/node-suite | A simple diff based test suite for executable programs with outputs | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/smart-tasks | Smart Platform sample application for the "Becoming Smart" tutorial | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/selfhtml-forum-js | Benutzer-JavaScript für das SELFHTML-Forum | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/FullscreenSlideshowA… | ||
2 | @dineshkummarc/blog-6 | My Blog | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/events.jquery.org | ||
2 | @dineshkummarc/liike.github.com | Source for the Project Liike blog | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/smart-library | Joyent Smart Platform JavaScript Library | |
2 | @s-yadav/LongListScroller | A small plugin to handle long list scroll using IScroll | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/uglify-tests | testing performance of uglify using php and shell exec command | |
2 | @jaseemabid/lehd | When am I going to Leh? | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/sizzlejs.com | ||
2 | @jaseemabid/teamunwired.org | The teamunwired website | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/ParallexTemplates | ||
2 | @dineshkummarc/twitter-widget-sourc… | twitter-widget-source is an application using HTML 5 and jquery to get twitter feeds | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/Google-body-r26 | Google Bode Code upto Revision 26 | |
2 | @s-yadav/FlakeId | Twittter Snowflake like unique id generator plugin for nodejs and browser | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/Persistent-Sticky-No… | Persistent-Sticky-Notes is a notes UI using html5 and Jquery and CSS3 | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/homura-compiler | homura-compiler, a online complier for C#, java and C++ code to compile and run inside your favourite borwser. the code is written in python and supports jquery and jquery easing libraries. | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/iisnode-boilerplate | Um template de website pronto para usar com node-service, que torna o desenvolvimento web ABSURDAMENTE rápido. Copy-Paste-Run. Contempla os arquivos HTML, CSS e JS mais usados e com as melhores práticas | |
2 | @chinchang/cssconf-asia | My slides and game source for CSSConf.Asia '14 | |
2 | @dineshkummarc/MacLeopardDesktop | MacLeopardDesktop is a Linux, Macintosh Look alike UI for Websites using javascript, Jquery and CSS3 |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
1815 | @ragunathjawahar/android-saripaar | UI form validation library for Android | |
1783 | @naman14/Timber | Material Design Music Player | |
736 | @rahulrj/YahooNewsOnboarding | Demo of the onboarding animations of Yahoo News App | |
674 | @naman14/MaterialPowerMenu | A demo of the power menu with Reveal and other animations | |
503 | @FaizMalkani/Fabulous | [DEPRECATED] | |
466 | @anupcowkur/Reservoir | Android library to easily serialize and cache your objects to disk using key/value pairs. | |
395 | @ragunathjawahar/adapter-kit | Adapter Kit is a set of useful adapters for Android. | |
379 | @naman14/PlayAnimations | A demo of various animation in latest PlayGames app | |
354 | @anupcowkur/Android-Wheel-Menu | Simple and easy to use circular menu widget for Android. | |
344 | @naman14/WashingMachineView | An interactive view with water waves flowing like in a Washing machine | |
339 | @learnNcode/MediaChooser | Library to browse & select videos and images from disk. | |
308 | @naman14/PlayNewsStandDemo | Demo app for achieving UI like the one used in latest Google Play Newsstand app. | |
296 | @Suleiman19/Android-Material-Des… | Various UI implementations, animations & effects based on Material Design compatible with pre Lollipop devices as well. (Work in progess) | |
271 | @RaghavSood/AndroidCircularSeekB… | A circular seek bar for Android | |
246 | @ragunathjawahar/instant-adapter | Just like instant coffee, saves 78% of your time on Android's Custom Adapters. | |
222 | @learnNcode/GmailLikePullToRefre… | Gmail like pull to refresh implementation. | |
219 | @ishan1604/uberprogressview | ⏳ An android progress view developed after taking inspiration from Uber app. | |
194 | @rahulrj/ChromeOverflowMenu | Overflow Menu animation similar to Chrome For Android | |
169 | @learnNcode/ScrollBarPanelWithCl… | Path like scrollbar panel with clock. | |
159 | @rahulrj/Swipe_RecyclerView | Modifed SwipeList by 47deg to work with RecyclerView | |
157 | @naman14/S-Tools | Keep track of your CPU and Sensors alongwith useful features like Color Picker,Compass and device information | |
153 | @ragunathjawahar/simple-section-adapt… | The SIMPLEST Section Adapter for Android | |
119 | @omerjerk/RemoteDroid | App to control your android device from another Android device or a PC over the internet connection | |
114 | @PareshMayani/DesignSupportLibrary… | Examples - Android design support library components | |
93 | @rahulrj/WinKal | Android version of Windows Phone Date Picker | |
85 | @RaghavSood/ProAndroidAugmentedR… | Official repository for Pro Android Augmented Reality (http://www.apress.com/9781430239451) | |
76 | @sivaprasadreddy/Java-Persistence-wit… | MyBatis | |
73 | @ragunathjawahar/android-typeface-tex… | [DEPRECATED] TextView that allows custom typefaces from XML | |
71 | @in28minutes/SpringIn28Minutes | Spring Tutorial For Beginners | |
65 | @naman14/FieldMapView | A demo of MapView as in FieldTrip with smooth animations | |
54 | @in28minutes/SpringMvcStepByStep | Spring MVC Tutorial for beginners - In 25 Small Steps | |
50 | @anupcowkur/MVPSample | A sample project showing the use of MVP in android | |
43 | @PareshMayani/Gallery-MultiPhotoSe… | How to select multiple photos from Gallery? | |
41 | @RaghavSood/AppaholicsUpdateChec… | A free and open source library to check for and install updates for non app store apps. | |
28 | @ragunathjawahar/circular-list-adapte… | A simple Circular List Adapter for Android | |
27 | @algorithmica-reposit…/top20 | It consists of all the code examples of Top-20 course across all years. | |
26 | @Suleiman19/Masonry | Pinterest style Masonry Layout using StaggeredGrid | |
24 | @learnNcode/2DScroller | Customized listview implementation. | |
24 | @manishsri01/CustomCalendarAndroi… | calendar view in android | |
22 | @RaghavSood/CompilingLauncher2 | A compiling version of Launcher 2 from the Android ICS source code | |
19 | @manishsri01/CustomGridView | Custom Grid View Example in Android | |
19 | @Suleiman19/ParseApp | Android app using Parse SDK as backend with a Facebook Login. | |
19 | @PareshMayani/WearableListViewDemo | WeableListView basic examples | |
17 | @PareshMayani/Contextual-Action-Ba… | A Contextual action bar (CAB) is a temporary action bar that overlays the app’s action bar for the duration of a particular sub-task. | |
16 | @Swati4star/NSIT-App-v2 | 📚 The official NSITonline app - 'NSIT Connect' that aims to act as a companion app for NSIT students | |
16 | @RaghavSood/CompilingAndroidMail | Android mail client from AOSP modified to compile | |
14 | @in28minutes/JavaWebApplicationSt… | JSP Servlets Video Tutorial For Beginners - in 25 Steps | |
14 | @PareshMayani/CardslibDemo | ||
13 | @Suleiman19/Gallery | Quick Simple Android Image Gallery with Glide | |
13 | @Swati4star/Travel-Mate | 👜 A complete travel guide | |
12 | @PareshMayani/Android-LoadWebImage… | Example/demo on loading image from web and caching | |
12 | @omerjerk/processing-video-and… | Processing Video implementation for Android | |
11 | @learnNcode/DemoTwitterImagePost | Demo to post a tweet/tweet with image using twitter4j | |
11 | @ragunathjawahar/saripaar-x | The Android Saripaar Extensions Project | |
11 | @manishsri01/FitbitIntegration | ||
10 | @PareshMayani/Android-WebView-Prog… | How to load WebView with ProgressBar? | |
10 | @manishsri01/SearchActionBarDemo | ||
10 | @Swati4star/Hackathon-airtel | 📱One Estimote beacon in each Airtel store and with that users can get numerous facilities. | |
10 | @ashish1294/ChessOOP | A simple chess game that implements basic OOP concepts. | |
8 | @Swati4star/Images-to-PDF | 📷 An app to convert images to PDF file | |
7 | @in28minutes/JUnitIn28Minutes | Get started with Junit | |
7 | @manishsri01/GCMPushDemo | Google cloud messaging demo in Android | |
7 | @manishsri01/CameraGallerySqliteD… | Capture Image from Camera and Gallery and save into local database sqlite and display into listview. | |
7 | @sivaprasadreddy/primefaces-beginners… | PrimeFaces Beginner's Guide Book Source Code | |
7 | @RaghavSood/UserManagement | A GUI app for Android 4.1 users to create and manage multiple accounts on rooted devices | |
7 | @Suleiman19/Marshmallow-Sample | Sample App to desmonstrate new features in Android Marshmallow | |
7 | @PareshMayani/Android-JSON-Parsing | Tutorial about JSON Parsing in Android | |
7 | @in28minutes/TDDin28Minutes | TDD Tutorial For Beginners - from in28Minutes | |
6 | @manishsri01/AndroidCustomImageVi… | ||
6 | @naman14/FaisalCrush | ||
6 | @FaizMalkani/KeylineTileSample | A sample project demonstrating the use of the QuickSettings Tile API in Android N, using KeylinePushing's GridService as an action | |
6 | @ishan1604/MaterialCheckBox | A simple checkbox view interaction that tweens between tick and a cross. | |
6 | @Suleiman19/Bottom-Navigation-De… | Implementation of Bottom Navigation with Fragments, using https://github.com/aurelhubert/ahbottomn… library | |
6 | @algorithmica-reposit…/top20-May | ||
6 | @dpr-odoo/trainee-om-shop | Odoo Mobile Trainee Projects | |
6 | @omerjerk/ProcessingAndroidDem… | This demo explains how to embed processing sketch in your own app | |
6 | @rahulrj/Deep-Dive | Internal implementations of various components in Android and Java | |
5 | @naman14/Armageddon-2014 | App for the Annual Tech Week of IET DTU | |
5 | @learnNcode/ListWithDiffRowViewT… | Demo showing the functionality of getViewTypeCount() and getItemViewType(…) in list-view. | |
5 | @omerjerk/droidcv | Useful Java APIs to use with OpenCv for Android | |
5 | @algorithmica-reposit…/hadoop-bigdata | It consists of all code examples of hadoop course taken at algorithmica | |
5 | @in28minutes/MavenIn28Minutes | Maven Tutorial for Beginners with Examples | |
5 | @PareshMayani/CheckstyleDemo | Checkstyle is a development tool to help programmers write Java code that adheres to a coding standard. It automates the process of checking Java code to spare humans of this boring (but important) task. This makes it ideal for projects that want to enforce a coding standard. | |
5 | @ragunathjawahar/deselectable-radio-b… | Deselectable Radio Button for Android | |
5 | @PareshMayani/Android-GridView-Exa… | Example for implementing GridView in Android | |
5 | @RaghavSood/ListViewFont | Sample project demonstrating how to use a custom font in all TextViews in a ListView. | |
5 | @rahulrj/CanvasMediaControls | Media controls Of Android drawn on Canvas | |
4 | @PareshMayani/Android-SAX-Parsing | Example of SAX Parsing in Android | |
4 | @manishsri01/TabGroupChildDemo | child group demo | |
4 | @omerjerk/Screenshotter | A library to take screenshots without root access | |
4 | @manishsri01/SqliteQueryBrowser | sq-lite query browser demo | |
4 | @PareshMayani/Android-WebViewClien… | Example for implementing WebViewClient in Android | |
4 | @in28minutes/MockitoIn28Minutes | Learn Mockito from In28Minutes | |
4 | @sankha93/Panther | Panther encodes media files from one format to another. It has a simple user interface, and should be very easy to get started with. It can reduce the size of music files. | |
4 | @PareshMayani/Android-LodeWebImage | Example for loading images from web | |
3 | @dpr-odoo/odoo-widgets | Odoo App Widgets Library | |
3 | @Swati4star/HackIIITD-2015-event… | 📖 A Delhi Events Android App, which can act as a complete master control for an explorer 🏃 | |
3 | @Suleiman19/Android-Note-app-wit… | Demonstrating SQLite database using Sugar ORM for a note app, similar to Google Keep. | |
3 | @RaghavSood/AppaholicsAndroid | Source code for the tutorials at appaholics.in | |
3 | @ishan1604/audio-processor | An android based sound processing app to plot graph based on sound signals | |
3 | @karthikb351/map.a.ble-Android | Indoor mapping shenanigans. King Gormsson would be proud. | |
3 | @manishsri01/SQLiteImageDemo | take image from gallery and camera and save in sqlite | |
3 | @omerjerk/androidVersionUpgrad… | Android app which deals with the SuperUser access stuffs and edit the build.prop file to change the android version. | |
3 | @manishsri01/TabHostDemo | tab host demo in android | |
3 | @manishsri01/PagingnationDemo | ||
3 | @dpr-odoo/week-calendar | ||
3 | @manishsri01/MultiLevelListview | ||
3 | @MrDHat/RainCollector-libGDX | A Rain Collector Game implemented using libGDX | |
3 | @rahulrj/VIT-Login | App for Acdemics site of VIT University | |
3 | @PareshMayani/Android-DashBoard-Ex… | Example for the implementation of Dashboard design pattern implementation in Android | |
3 | @PareshMayani/Android-CopyFiles | Example for copying files from | |
3 | @sivaprasadreddy/twitter4j-spring-boo… | SpringBoot Starter for Twitter4J | |
3 | @learnNcode/DemoTwitterAction | Twitter tutorial covering hashtags, reply & favorite/un-favorite Using twiiter4j. | |
2 | @karthikb351/vitinfo2 | NOTE: We've moved! Development for the VITinfo suite of applications. Including Attendance, Marks, etc. | |
2 | @learnNcode/TabWidgetSample | This is a simple tutorial on how to use tabs with fragment in android application. | |
2 | @learnNcode/CustomTabletUI | Custom tablet UI animation. | |
2 | @ishan1604/QDroid | Android Quiz Application | |
2 | @ragunathjawahar/winzipaes | Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/winzipaes | |
2 | @FaizMalkani/ViewPagerWithDrawer | Sample application using a ViewPager with Indicator and a Navigation Drawer | |
2 | @Suleiman19/People-API-App | Demo app for Google Sign-in and People API | |
2 | @omerjerk/stickTracker | ||
2 | @viggyprabhu/SillyCardTrick | An Android App to implement a simple card trick | |
2 | @in28minutes/BasicWebServletsIn28… | ||
2 | @in28minutes/JavaInterviewQuestio… | Java Interview Questions and Answers | |
2 | @sankha93/jupdater | A simple library to check whether a new update for a program is available | |
2 | @manishsri01/AndroidAlarmManagerD… | http://www.androidhub4you.com/2013/12/an… | |
2 | @sankha93/wetunes-android | a social music player for android | |
2 | @manishsri01/GoogleMapCircleDemo | Google Map Version Map-2 Demo for Draw Circle in Android | |
2 | @PareshMayani/Android-JustifyText | How do i display information with Justify alignment? | |
2 | @manishsri01/ListViewIntoScrollVi… | ||
2 | @PareshMayani/Android-ReadFileAsse… | Example of reading files from Assets folder | |
2 | @manishsri01/GooglePrintDemo | ||
2 | @sivaprasadreddy/spring-training | Spring Training Material |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
24 | @prashantvc/Xamarin.iOS-MessageB… | Dropdown message bar for iOS | |
19 | @amaneureka/SharpBrain | A C# based Machine Learning Library which aims to implement user interactive Deep Learning Architecture & Algorithms. | |
18 | @akhilmittal/REST-WebAPI | Enterprise level application with MVC4 Web API's using Entity Framework ,Generic Repository pattern and Unit of Work. | |
15 | @prashantvc/SpecialCopy | Paste JSON as C# Classes | |
11 | @prashantvc/AndroidInAppBillingD… | In app billing demo with Xamarin.Android | |
5 | @Vadi/Cedar | A scalable shard-based data store middleware | |
5 | @mafiya69/Credit | CreditSharp | |
5 | @mafiya69/SharpChat | A Simple Chat Program. | |
5 | @goldytech/QTec-II | A standard asp.net mvc project showcasing the best patterns and practices | |
5 | @satish860/RuleComposer | Wrist Friendly Rule Engine for .net . | |
4 | @prashantvc/FlatUI.iOS | A collection of flat UI controls for iOS. C# port of https://github.com/Grouper/FlatUIKit | |
4 | @prashantvc/Basic-Image-Editor | This Android app shows the ability to adjust Contrast, Brightness and Saturation using the ColorMatrix and ColorMatrixFilters | |
3 | @akhilmittal/AttributeRouting-in-… | How to implement Attribute based Routing in Asp.net WebAPI using AttributeRouting library | |
3 | @mafiya69/sharicles | Learn Windows 10 App Development Here. | |
3 | @zoebchhatriwala/WikiApp | Wikipedia Unofficial App Developed in C# | |
3 | @zoebchhatriwala/zKeyLogger | Key Logging Application Developed in C# [for Educational Purpose] | |
3 | @akhilmittal/CURD-operations-usin… | How to do custom mapping and entity to entity mapping with the help of AutoMapper. | |
3 | @zoebchhatriwala/Zencryptor | Text Encrypting Application Developed in C# | |
3 | @zoebchhatriwala/ICS-I-can-speak- | This Application Converts Your Input Text Into Speech. Developed For Windows Phone In C#. | |
3 | @zoebchhatriwala/Regen-Windows-Phone-… | Regen is a Regular Expression based Text|Password Generator Developed in C# | |
2 | @sharat/Winstagram | A simple WP7 Client for Instagram | |
2 | @amaneureka/LunchTime | Few lines of code, which reduces huge tasks for me. | |
2 | @zoebchhatriwala/Multicopier | An Multi Copy Application Developed in C# | |
2 | @zoebchhatriwala/WebCloud | An HTML Writer and Viewer Developed in C# |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
206 | @naveenshaji/material | An HTML5 responsive template incorporating Google's Material Design Standards along with Jekyll -- Work in Progress -- | |
4 | @tapasweni-pathak/No-Feed | 📚 Chrome Extension which hides all your Facebook news feed. | |
3 | @TrigonaMinima/TrigonaMinima.github… | My awesome blog! | |
3 | @tapasweni-pathak/Help-The-Needy | Nearby NGOs Finder. | |
2 | @CuriousLearner/git-intro | Learning version control with git | |
2 | @ayusharma/MyFirstApp | How to code for Firefox OS . | |
2 | @joshpitzalis/websites | A simple landing page template | |
2 | @astha/ConsumerConnect | A web interface to buy and sell services. | |
2 | @tapasweni-pathak/CodeBenders-IGDTU | 💻 The programming club of IGDTUW. Aims at providing a platform for competitive programming under CodeChef. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
41 | @igneustech/html-exercise-file | Exercise files for students of HTML leaning class | |
8 | @ansarimofid/blog-iiitv | ||
4 | @shipra1509/PSD | ||
3 | @ansarimofid/portfolio | ||
2 | @copygift/copygift.github.io | The official project website | |
2 | @salman-bhai/HandCricket | This is a game of hand cricket that is played against a computer opponent. | |
2 | @salman-bhai/salman-bhai.github.i… | My Personal Website - Find who I am over here | |
2 | @shipra1509/shipra1509.github.io |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
167 | @jarun/keysniffer | Linux kernel module to log pressed keys in debugfs | |
52 | @championswimmer/kernel-tools | tools to tinker with kernels and ramdisks and bootsplash images | |
24 | @ankurs/Hash-Table | simple implementation of a hash table | |
22 | @AdiPat/Android_Toolchains | This repository contains ARM EABI Toolchains for Android. | |
17 | @jarun/dslib | Academic C data structures library growing on itself | |
15 | @ashwinr64/android_device_onepl… | ||
13 | @ankurs/Poll-Event | a simple epoll wrapper | |
11 | @dhiru1602/android_kernel_samsu… | 3.0.y OMAP3 Kernel for Samsung Galaxy SL (I9003) | |
8 | @percy-g2/android_kernel_motor… | ||
8 | @ankurs/TIK | TIK Is Kernel - a small hobby kernel | |
8 | @sakindia123/android_kernel_htc_p… | Linux Kernel 3.0.101 for HTC Explorer(Stable) | |
7 | @ashwinr64/android_kernel_onepl… | ||
6 | @jarun/lsstack64 | Trace process execution stack on Linux x86_64 | |
6 | @vivekp/minix-nbsd | GSoC project for porting NetBSD userland to MINIX3 | |
6 | @percy-g2/GNU-kernel | GNU kernel for samsung galaxy y (GT-S5360) | |
5 | @CallMeAldy/kernel_lge_mako | Unofficial Marshmallow Kernel for Nexus 4 (MAKO) | |
5 | @CallMeAldy/AK-Mako | ||
5 | @vivekp/C-Network-Programmin… | Network programming done in course works ! | |
4 | @prashants/comedi | Dynalog comedi drivers | |
4 | @sakindia123/kernel-htc-pico | Cranium Kernel for Htc Explorer/Pico (MSM7227A) | |
3 | @percy-g2/android_device_sony_… | cm10.1 for xperia P | |
3 | @sakindia123/kernel_i9100G | Cranium Kernel For Samsung Galaxy S2 GT-I9100G with TI OMAP4430 | |
3 | @prashants/km | Sample Linux kernel modules | |
3 | @dhiru1602/android_device_lge_u… | Common Device tree for U2 Optimus L9 Devices. | |
3 | @ashwinr64/android_device_alcat… | Idol 3 5.5 | |
3 | @ashwinr64/furnace-condor | Linux Kernel for Motorola Moto E (condor) | |
3 | @sakindia123/Cranium_I927 | Cranium Kernel for Samsung Captivate Glide i927/i927r | |
3 | @AdiPat/i9003_Kernel | Galaxy SL i9003 TitaniumS kernel | |
2 | @ashwinr64/android_device_alcat… | Device Tree for Idol 4.7 | |
2 | @AdiPat/android_kernel_htc_p… | HTC Explorer/Pico Kernel source | |
2 | @AdiPat/android_kernel_tegra… | Samsung Galaxy R GT-I9103 Sources | |
2 | @charulagrl/cs50-pset4 | Problem Set 4: Forensics | |
2 | @ankurs/HttpServe | Implementation of a Libevent based web server in C | |
2 | @sakindia123/android_kernel_samsu… | Custom Kernel for Samsung Galaxy J7 | |
2 | @chirayudesai/android_kernel_goldf… | ||
2 | @chirayudesai/android_bootable_boo… | Little Kernel Bootloader | |
2 | @dhiru1602/android_device_lge_p… | Device Tree for LG Optimus L9 P768. | |
2 | @dhiru1602/android_device_lge_p… | Device Tree for LG Optimus L9 P765. | |
2 | @eyantra/Experiment | This folder contains experiments to be performed on Firebird-V | |
2 | @electronut/nRF51-pwm-test | A simple example that demonstrates PWM, GPIOTE events, and NUS (Nordic UART Service) using the S110 softdevice on the nRF51-DK. | |
2 | @dhiru1602/android_device_lge_p… | Device Tree for LG Optimus L9 P760. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
42 | @ashkulz/NppFTP | Plugin for Notepad++ allowing FTP, FTPS, FTPES and SFTP communications | |
33 | @jaybosamiya/chaos-game | 💥 Play the chaos game to create amazing fractal images | |
13 | @jaybosamiya/network-protocol-sim… | 🔧 Simulations of Stop-and-Wait, Go-Back-N, Selective-Repeat | |
10 | @jaybosamiya/CryptoGuy | 🎩 CryptoGuy is a tool usefull to find out various decryptions of a string | |
6 | @utrade/muTradeApi | ||
6 | @jaybosamiya/triangulate-tool | 📐 Easily convert any image into low-poly art in just a few clicks | |
3 | @pakhandi/UVA | solutions to some UVA problems | |
3 | @pakhandi/Spoj | Solutions to some problems on SPOJ | |
3 | @shubhamchaudhary/uiet | Everything I did in UIET College Labs | |
3 | @shubhamchaudhary/qmpris | Creating QMpris library | |
3 | @utrade/ecl | Exchange Connectivity Layer | |
3 | @pakhandi/CODECHEF | Code | |
2 | @nevinvalsaraj/image-processing-ope… | Image Processing using OpenCV 2.4.6 | |
2 | @aapav01/android_hardware_sam… | ||
2 | @utrade/marketDataDispatcher |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
165 | @hsharma/Hungry-Hero | Hungry Hero is an open source Flash game built on Starling Framework. | |
15 | @hegdemahesh/hanuman | A sample game built on starling and nape | |
8 | @circuitvalley/IR-Remote-Control | ||
2 | @riaxe/Screenshot-ANE-Mac | Adobe AIR Native Extension for generating screenshot in Mac OSX. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
281 | @zcaudate/vinyasa | more flow to your workflow | |
218 | @kumarshantanu/lein-exec | Leiningen plugin for executing Clojure scripts | |
168 | @kumarshantanu/lein-localrepo | Work with local Maven repository | |
153 | @zcaudate/hara | code patterns and utilities | |
104 | @zcaudate/adi | data modelling for the ambitious | |
103 | @zcaudate/jai | manipulate source code like the dom | |
100 | @zcaudate/cronj | cron for clojure - DEPRECATED | |
85 | @zcaudate/ribol | conditional restarts - DEPRECATED | |
75 | @zcaudate/lein-midje-doc | documentation generator DEPRECATED | |
61 | @zcaudate/lein-repack | Repack your project for deployment and distribution | |
56 | @kumarshantanu/lein-sub | Leiningen plugin for executing tasks on sub-projects | |
53 | @zcaudate/iroh | Java reflection made easy. DEPRECATED | |
44 | @kumarshantanu/lein-clr | Leiningen plugin to automate build tasks for ClojureCLR projects | |
42 | @zcaudate/sigmund | System analytics for Clojure | |
32 | @zcaudate/one.love | rethinkdb wrapped in funk | |
29 | @kumarshantanu/clj-liquibase | Clojure wrapper for Liquibase for database change management and migration | |
28 | @ghoseb/img-palette | A simple demo of extracting dominant colors from an image using K-means clustering | |
28 | @kumarshantanu/lein-servlet | A Leiningen 2 plugin to work with servlet-based webapps | |
27 | @ghoseb/clojure101 | Clojure 101 Course Material | |
27 | @zcaudate/gita | the introspective jgit wrapper | |
22 | @ghoseb/yfinance | Simple Clojure code to fetch data from Y! Finance | |
22 | @grinnbearit/the-little-clojurer | The little Schemer, in Clojure | |
18 | @kumarshantanu/clj-dbcp | Clojure wrapper for Apache DBCP to create JDBC connections pools | |
17 | @zcaudate/ova | Stateful arrays for clojure, DEPRECATED | |
12 | @grinnbearit/sicp | SICP in Clojure | |
11 | @kumarshantanu/quiddity | S-Expression evaluation library for Clojure and ClojureScript | |
10 | @kumarshantanu/basil | A general purpose template library for Clojure and ClojureScript | |
8 | @kumarshantanu/lein-idefiles | Generate IDE files for Leiningen projects | |
7 | @kumarshantanu/espejito | Latency finder for single-threaded processing | |
7 | @grinnbearit/opencsv-clj | A lazy opencsv wrapper in clojure | |
6 | @kumarshantanu/keypin | Key lookup on steroids in Clojure | |
6 | @ghoseb/chainmap | A custom Map-like data-structure for Clojure | |
6 | @zcaudate/oren | system information for clojure | |
5 | @kumarshantanu/lein-cascade | A Leiningen plugin to execute cascading task dependencies | |
5 | @zcaudate/korra | jar and maven package introspection. DEPRECATED | |
4 | @ghoseb/isbn.clj | Fetch book prices from Indian ecommerce sites | |
4 | @grinnbearit/freemarker-clj | A wrapper for the freemarker template engine, http://freemarker.sourceforge.net/ | |
4 | @kumarshantanu/lein-docbkx | Leiningen plugin for rendering Docbook documents (using Docbkx-tools) | |
4 | @ghoseb/ketamine | A consistent hashing library for Clojure. | |
3 | @kumarshantanu/clj-miscutil | Misclleneous utility functions and macros in Clojure | |
3 | @kumarshantanu/clj-jdbcutil | DEPRECATED - Clojure JDBC utility functions | |
3 | @kumarshantanu/stringer | Fast string operations for Clojure | |
2 | @grinnbearit/stringtemplate-clj | A stringtemplate wrapper in Clojure | |
2 | @kumarshantanu/thingy | Data abstraction of 'things' in Clojure | |
2 | @kumarshantanu/citius | Comparative benchmarking using Criterium | |
2 | @ghoseb/tushy | A blog aggregrator written in Clojure | |
2 | @zcaudate/wu.kong | wrapper for org.eclipse.aether | |
2 | @kumarshantanu/asphalt | A Clojure library for JDBC access. | |
2 | @kumarshantanu/ide-files | DEPCRATED. Leiningen template to generate IDE files for existing projects. Superseded by the lein-idefiles plugin. | |
2 | @gowda/path-to-philosophy | find the path from any given wikipedia.org article to philosophy article on wikipedia.org | |
2 | @gowda/tomcat-example | A simple web application built using noir to be deployed using tomcat application server | |
2 | @kumarshantanu/ring-jdbc-session | JDBC based HTTP session store for Ring (Clojure) |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
91 | @cskr/pubsub | A simple pubsub package for go. | |
51 | @cbonello/revel-csrf | CSRF prevention for Revel framework. | |
20 | @cskr/gorepos | A tool to help 'go get' private packages | |
15 | @adnaan/gomobileandroidgradl… | A sample Android Studio project integrated with Go's NativeActivity lib. | |
6 | @uttamgandhi24/pre-sales-huddle-web… | A golang webservice with mongoDB database | |
6 | @biswarupadhikari/gomysql | GoMysql is a Google Go Language Based Database Wraper.Using this Package you can easily intract with mysql database from Go lang. | |
6 | @teamldcs/sflag | cmdLine args parser | |
4 | @adnaan/hapreload | A simple tool to add rules to haproxy.cfg and reload the Haproxy container. | |
4 | @psankar/korkai | A corpus builder for Tamil by analyzing wordpress, blogger, wikipedia dumps | |
3 | @uttamgandhi24/expenseManager | webservice in go with mongoDB database | |
2 | @psankar/kuvalai | A multi-language developer-focused slideshow tool to teach Programming languages, inspired by Go Tour | |
2 | @cbonello/gp-config | Configuration file parser for golang. | |
2 | @psankar/keeri | ||
2 | @cskr/jsoncast | A Go library to read arbitrary JSON |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
28 | @ajnsit/wai-routes | Wai Routes provides typesafe URLs for Wai applications | |
9 | @ajnsit/luautils | Helpers for Haskell integration with Lua | |
6 | @kapilash/ScaTeX | literate programming in scala | |
5 | @ckkashyap/really-simple-xml-pa… | A really simple xml parser in Haskell using Parsec | |
4 | @donatello/plivo-haskell | Helper library for the Plivo Web-Telephony API in Haskell | |
4 | @ajnsit/FactorCSS | FactorCSS (Haskell based CSS refactoring tool) modified to support vendor specific css properties. Original code imported from the FactorCSS repo at http://zamez.org/source/factorcss/ | |
3 | @ajnsit/haystack | The haskell web stack | |
3 | @ajnsit/luachunk | Haskell library for reading and writing Lua bytecode chunks | |
2 | @ckkashyap/LearningPrograms | Programs to learn stuffs | |
2 | @ckkashyap/gmail | Build a DLL/shared object in Haskell to download gmail attachments. Such that it could be linked to C/C++ programs ... why? not sure yet | |
2 | @donatello/xmonad-conf | My Xmonad/GNOME configuration | |
2 | @ajnsit/monadbi | BiDirectional monads that can be transformed into each other (atleast partially). | |
2 | @ajnsit/monadfibre | Monadic functions which provide Choice and Parallelism. Also provides a good example of how to use the MonadBi library. | |
2 | @ajnsit/SimpleServer | A simple static server written in Haskell, for when Apache is overkill | |
2 | @ajnsit/react-flux | A git mirror of the mercurial repo for react-flux (https://bitbucket.org/wuzzeb/react-flux… | |
2 | @ajnsit/fay-build | A Build System For Fay (Haskell) Code | |
2 | @ajnsit/haste-markup | A port of blaze-markup and blaze-html to Haste. In particular, this removes the bytestring and text dependencies, and replaces Text with JSString. | |
2 | @ajnsit/vyom | Extensible algebra for creating typesafe DSLs in Haskell | |
2 | @dj08/projecteuler | My solutions to Project Euler problems | |
2 | @ajnsit/dot.xmonad | My XMonad configuration |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
66 | @ROClientSide/Translation | Ragnarok Online ClientSide Translation. | |
12 | @dufferzafar/Cmder | A fork of the Cmder Project - a terminal emulator package for Windows. Unmaintained. | |
11 | @SatheeshJM/Lua-Preference-Libra… | save and retrieve tables,numbers,strings or boolean | |
11 | @SatheeshJM/Auto-Renewable-In-Ap… | Validating Auto-Renewable In-App purchases using Corona SDK | |
10 | @aliasgar84/Appirater | The famous Appirater is now ported for Corona SDK. Uses lua code. | |
6 | @dufferzafar/Lua-Scripts | A collection of libraries and functions for Lua. | |
5 | @edwynxero/ensage-scripts | Lua scripts for Ensage | |
5 | @dufferzafar/Project-Euler-Soluti… | Soultions of Project Euler Problems in Lua | |
4 | @SatheeshJM/Amazon-SimpleDB-Modu… | Amazon SimpleDB API for Corona SDK | |
4 | @SatheeshJM/Ascii85-Encoding-in-… |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2 | @ateshkoul/NeuroImaging | Neuroimaging | |
2 | @SivanandAchanta/DNN_SPS | This contains code to replicate DNN-SPS experiments reported in "Significance of Maximum Spectral Amplitude in Sub-bands for Spectral Envelope Estimation and Its Application to Statistical Parametric Speech Synthesis" paper Interspeech15 submission | |
2 | @SivanandAchanta/SSW9 | SPSS using RNN-DNN for speech synthesis workshop |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
6345 | @hackiftekhar/IQKeyboardManager | Codeless drop-in universal library allows to prevent issues of keyboard sliding up and cover UITextField/UITextView. Neither need to write any code nor any setup required and much more. | |
469 | @mukyasa/MMTextFieldEffects | Extension of TextFieldEffects with Custom UITextFields effects inspired by Codrops, built using Objective-C | |
402 | @hackiftekhar/IQMediaPickerControl… | Audio Image Video Picker Controller | |
402 | @mukyasa/MMCamScanner | Simulation of CamScanner app With Custom Camera and Crop Rect Validation | |
399 | @Reefaq/FlipView | Magazine Style View/Layout like Flipboard | |
391 | @mukyasa/MMPaper | MMPaper [Inspired From Paper by Facebook,]Approach to simulate Paper app | |
271 | @RATTLESNAKE-VIPER/GLGooglePlusLikeLayo… | ||
247 | @hackiftekhar/IQAudioRecorderContr… | A drop-in universal library allows to record audio within the app with a nice User Interface. | |
231 | @mukyasa/MMGooglePlayNewsStan… | To Simulate iOS Google Play NewsStand app | |
197 | @varshylmobile/TableViewCellFlip | Vertical and Horizontal flip animation for table view cell | |
161 | @hackiftekhar/IQDropDownTextField | TextField with DropDown support using UIPickerView | |
145 | @hackiftekhar/IQActionSheetPickerV… | ActionSheet with UIPickerView | |
125 | @mukyasa/MMTransitionEffect | This is Extension Of RSTransitionEffect(yeahdongcn) Transformed From (Frame based animation) to (Constraint Based Animation) | |
110 | @RATTLESNAKE-VIPER/GLMoveToTrashAnimati… | ||
96 | @RATTLESNAKE-VIPER/GLGroupChatPicView | ||
85 | @mukyasa/MMPaperPanFlip | Approach to Simulate Pan Flip Like in Paper app | |
59 | @hackiftekhar/IQGeometry | IQGeometry is the extension of CGGeometry | |
56 | @hackiftekhar/IQDatabaseManager | CoreData helper classes with convenience methods | |
52 | @mukyasa/MMPaperGallery | Image Browser similar to Facebook Paper app | |
40 | @hackiftekhar/IQIrregularView | IQIrregularView for those who need view touch on a particular part of UIView. | |
28 | @hackiftekhar/IQStickerView | ||
22 | @mukyasa/MMTableCellAnimation | This project is about table cell translation animation | |
18 | @hackiftekhar/IQFeedbackView | Feedback/BugReport iOS control | |
16 | @hackiftekhar/IQHTTPService | HTTP Client for iOS | |
16 | @caughtinflux/iOS-6-SpringBoard-He… | SpringBoard headers from iOS 6, yay! | |
14 | @varshylmobile/Hamburger | Hamburger button transition in ObjC | |
12 | @vivekvpandya/DrupalRESTKit | DrupalRESTKit is an iOS 7.x library built on the top of AFNetworking. It simplifies developer tasks to consume REST services provided by Drupal 8. Currently it simplifies CRUD operations on 'node' and 'user' entity type. | |
11 | @hackiftekhar/IQURLConnection | A replacement of sendAsynchronousRequest of NSURLConnection with ResponseBlock, ProgressBlock & CompletionBlock | |
10 | @hackiftekhar/IQEditableLabel | UILabel with UIKeyInput protocol implementation | |
9 | @chaitanyapandit/LayoutEngine | LayoutEngine demonstrates the use of Text Kit APIs to wrap text around objects | |
9 | @vivekvpandya/TipsAndTricksAFNetwo… | An iOS application that connects to Drupal 8 base web site via REST services. It uses AFNetworking Library. | |
8 | @shubhsin/FBProgressHUD | Facebook Messenger Async Connection Loader Bar for iOS 8 | |
8 | @caughtinflux/swift-dump | Class-dump for Swift. Doesn't actually work yet. Contributions welcome! | |
7 | @amannayak0007/Aman-Jain | WWDC2015 Student Scholarship Application | |
7 | @varshylmobile/CloudQRScan | CloudQRScan is .com for ME, it’s world’s first cloud based QR application that lets you save all the information that one would want to have on their personal website, thus no need to have personal website – just get your SMART QR from www.cloudqrscan.com. | |
7 | @Lohit9/mobile-buy-sdk-react… | iOS and Android sample apps using Shopify's Mobile Buy SDK in React Native | |
6 | @nsriram/Gumba | iPad App - Thoughtworks Technnolody Radar | |
6 | @kishorek/Free-Tamil-Ebooks | An iOS eBook Reader. Books are from http://freetamilebooks.com/ | |
6 | @aliHafizji/TowerOfHanoi--cocos2… | A tower of hanoi game built using cocos2d | |
5 | @MaitrayeeGhosh/UITableViewCellCusto… | It is an example of how to make UITableView cell loading with custom animation, while scrolling the tableView | |
5 | @vivekvpandya/Notes | An iPhone appliaction compitible with iOS 7 to take notes | |
4 | @MaitrayeeGhosh/ParallaxScrollingAni… | This is an example of how to implement parallax scrolling animation effect in iOS app | |
4 | @MaitrayeeGhosh/ExpandableTableView-… | ||
4 | @hackiftekhar/BackgroundAppRunning | Running the iOS app in background | |
4 | @caughtinflux/quickshoot-pro | QuickShoot Pro: This is terrible. | |
3 | @MaitrayeeGhosh/ImageDrawingControll… | It is a controller for drawing on an image. User can pass an image to the controller and mention the desired pencil colour and pencil brush width and start drawing. | |
3 | @aliHafizji/Appacitive-iOS-SDK | iOS SDK for the Appacitive platform | |
3 | @caughtinflux/include | ||
3 | @thinknikhil/FlipView | Magazine Style View/Layout like Flipboard | |
3 | @vivekvpandya/TipsAndTricksCFNetwo… | This is an iOS application that interact with a site made with Drupal 8 and it uses its REST web services. | |
2 | @MaitrayeeGhosh/PageCurlAnimationExa… | It is an example of partial and full page curl animation, both horizontally and vertically. | |
2 | @MaitrayeeGhosh/ExpandableTableView | It is a simple example of expandable table view cell | |
2 | @bhallacharanjit/SoapCaller-Parser | This library would call the soap web service and parse it according to the tags thus given to it and return an array of strings to the delegate. | |
2 | @caughtinflux/iOS6-Private-Framewo… | Private frameworks from iOS 6 :D | |
2 | @amannayak0007/StackOverFlow-master | Ask Question, Get Answer | |
2 | @nsriram/SampleVideoStreamApp | SampleVideoStreamApp | |
2 | @avikantz/FMDB-Demo | Trying out random queries using the university database on Mac OS X using FMDB. | |
2 | @ravirajm/Spire | Siri installer. | |
2 | @n9986/ObservingUIViewMovem… | Quick clean fix for monitoring UIViews for movement when they are nested inside another UIView | |
2 | @hackiftekhar/LocuAPI | UnOfficial Locu API demo | |
2 | @kumaranvram/NSTableView-Cell-Sel… | This project is a Cocoa application that demostrates how to identify the cell that has been currently clicked in a NSTableView | |
2 | @hackiftekhar/IQNetworkTaskManager | Manage Multiple Network requests with an easy way |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
6142 | @sitaramc/gitolite | Hosting git repositories -- Gitolite allows you to setup git hosting on a central server, with very fine-grained access control and many (many!) more powerful features. | |
65 | @sitaramc/gitpod | local caching server for git when the actual server is on the other side of a (possibly slow) WAN link | |
25 | @sitaramc/map | (EXISTING USERS: please see wiki). map -- simpler than xargs, more power than xargs. | |
16 | @sitaramc/git-tools | little tools to make life easier in git | |
11 | @sitaramc/gitolite-doc | detailed documentation for gitolite, split out from the main gitolite repo. CC-BY-NC-SA (mostly) | |
8 | @sitaramc/tsh | quick and easy testing/assertion shell | |
4 | @sitaramc/hap2 | hash-a-pass with a twist, using the basic idea behind 'scrypt' | |
3 | @sitaramc/bq | simple job queue manager | |
3 | @sitaramc/active-aliases | "active aliases" -- aliases like you've never seen before. Documentation at http://gitolite.com/active-aliases/ | |
3 | @sitaramc/totport | totport -- TOTP anywhere, any service | |
2 | @ppant/perl-csp | Perl implementation of Constraint Satisfaction Problem (CSP) Algorithms | |
2 | @dipanjanS/Temperature-Aware-Li… | A temperature-aware application for creating a temperature-aware variant of the linux OS | |
2 | @sitaramc/hashlite | Store and retrieve small amounts of data from perl or shell. Think "git config" in some ways, but different. Uses Sqlite3. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
65 | @kayalshri/socialmedia-oauth-lo… | SocialMedia sites login by using oauth connect | |
35 | @rishabhp/mentions | Check Social mentions count for a particular URL or all URLs from RSS feeds. | |
28 | @shivamdixit/WebGoatPHP | WebGoatPHP is a port of WebGoat to PHP and MySQL/SQLite databases. | |
27 | @xaneem/flipkart-api-php | A simple PHP wrapper for the official Flipkart API | |
16 | @kayalshri/oauthlogin | oauth login for famous social media apps | |
15 | @skbly7/codechef-ranking | The full code of Codechef Ranking which ismade to provide all the features one need to know about other programmers of their college. This site is an initiative to increase number of active codechef users from all the colleges in India. | |
15 | @sudar/rolopress-core | Open Source Contact Manager built on top of WordPress. Rolopress core theme | |
13 | @mauryaratan/stagtools | StagTools is a powerful plugin to extend functionality to your WordPress themes offering shortcodes, FontAwesome icons and useful widgets. | |
12 | @rishirdua/commerce-ccavenue | Edited the module commerce_ccavenue to make it work with the new CCAvenue multi-currency processing payment gateway | |
11 | @harikt/php-hyperclick | PHP hyperclick package for atom text editor, open your files on the go | |
8 | @skbly7/fb-group-links | This repository contains code for converted a Facebook music sharing group into playlists, and lots more. | |
8 | @sudar/rolopress-default | Open Source Contact Manager built on top of WordPress. Rolopress default theme | |
8 | @sudar/bulk-delete | #WordPress Plugin. Bulk Delete is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to delete posts, pages and users in bulk based on different conditions and filters. | |
7 | @harikt/phpform | Standalone Forms for PHP with Aura.Input, Aura.View helpers and optional dependency Aura.Filter | |
7 | @sandeepshetty/ftt | Single-file drop-in Function Testing Tool (FTT) and auto-documenter | |
7 | @ManrajGrover/MokshaWebsite | [Depricated] Moksha Website | |
6 | @rishirdua/smart-chat | Real-time personalized recommender for instant messaging | |
6 | @harikt/conduit-skelton | A micro framework on top of conduit, which supports PSR-7 in core | |
6 | @sudar/bbpress-subscription… | A WordPress plugin that allows you to send topic subscription emails in bbPress through wpMandrill | |
6 | @kayalshri/phpcrawler | Light-weight Search Engine (Google,Bing,Yahoo,Ask,Amazon) data crawler | |
5 | @sudar/bulk-move | #WordPress Plugin. Bulk Move is a WordPress Plugin, that allows you to move posts between categories and tags | |
5 | @sudar/email-log | Email Log is a WordPress Plugin that allows you to log all emails that are sent through WordPress. | |
5 | @xaneem/Treasure-Hunt | A fully functional online treasure hunt built in CodeIgniter, for Clueless 2013, conducted as a part of Tathva, at NIT Calicut, India. | |
4 | @ashish2/muntoo | Muntoo - A Forum and Social Networking software with some Basic AI ( Artificial Intelligence ) features enabled. | |
4 | @harikt/ghdocs | Render github markdown files. A work for easy documentation | |
4 | @sudar/wp-github-gist | #WordPress Plugin which provides the ability to embed gist and files from Github in your blog posts or pages | |
4 | @sudar/github-ribbon | #WordPress Plugin. Github Ribbon is a WordPress Plugin that adds "Fork me" Github ribbons to your website. | |
4 | @sudar/posts-by-tag | #WordPress Plugin. Posts by Tag WordPress Plugin, provides sidebar widgets which can be used to display posts from a specific set of tags in the sidebar. | |
3 | @aniketpant/igniteplate | Template for all your new applications using CodeIgniter | |
3 | @nisargjhaveri/minimalMVC | A minimal MVC framework in PHP | |
3 | @sudar/easy-note-uploads-fo… | ||
3 | @sudar/wp-github-commits | #WordPress Plugin. Displays the latest commits of a github repo in the sidebar. | |
3 | @sudar/wp-plugin-reviews | #WordPress Plugin. Displays the latest reviews of a WordPress Plugin in the sidebar. | |
3 | @nisargjhaveri/saathi | A simple disaster management system - as part of an academic project | |
3 | @shivamdixit/kayako | Kayako Twitter challenge | |
2 | @ashfame/facebook-like-thumbn… | WordPress plugin which specifies the thumbnail FB should use while embedding links | |
2 | @ashfame/Moneyflow | Silly yet good looking WordPress plugin for keeping log of how much moolah I need to trade off | |
2 | @ashfame/email-cop | WordPress plugin for stopping outgoing emails with the option of viewing them | |
2 | @aniketpant/bits-inventory-app | A simple inventory allotment app for the college | |
2 | @aniketpant/stencil | [WIP] A static site generator written in PHP | |
2 | @mirfan/dal | An object-oriented wrapper to PHP's native mysql_* functions | |
2 | @AnupamSaraph/AssetTracker | Track public assets and share them | |
2 | @AnupamSaraph/BudgetTracker | Track public spend and share it | |
2 | @harikt/cakephp-orm-shell | Cakephp ORM shell/cli for standalone users | |
2 | @harikt/TweetRelation | Tweets has relationship, lets find for what the tweet was :D | |
2 | @sudar/rolopress-importer | A RoloPress Plugin to import CSV files | |
2 | @ashfame/Directory-Last-Modif… | ||
2 | @sudar/google-maps-for-rolo… | ||
2 | @kayalshri/Facebook-idcard | Facebook Idcard build, post | |
2 | @sudar/twitter-avatar-reloa… | Twitter avatar reloaded Plugin adds a new field to the comment form to get the user’s Twitter username and stores it together with comments and using it replaces gravatar with twitter avatar when the comment is displayed | |
2 | @ashfame/WPRealtime | Nothing to see here, move on. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2078 | @kovidgoyal/calibre | The official source code repository for the calibre ebook manager | |
1036 | @ajinabraham/Mobile-Security-Fram… | Mobile Security Framework is an intelligent, all-in-one open source mobile application (Android/iOS) automated pen-testing framework capable of performing static, dynamic analysis and web API testing. | |
576 | @axitkhurana/buster | Brute force static site generator for Ghost | |
450 | @amitu/importd | django based mini framework inspired from sinatra. fully compatible with django. | |
325 | @kushaldas/pym | Python for you and me book | |
301 | @abidrahmank/OpenCV2-Python-Tutor… | This repo contains tutorials on OpenCV-Python library using new cv2 interface | |
237 | @vaidik/sherlock | Easy distributed locks for Python with a choice of backends. | |
219 | @abidrahmank/OpenCV2-Python | Contains some Python Samples with new cv2 interface of OpenCV | |
183 | @OrkoHunter/ping-me | A cross platform personalized Ping | |
131 | @ajinabraham/Xenotix-Python-Keylo… | Xenotix Python Keylogger for Windows. | |
103 | @kushaldas/retask | Retask is a simple task queue implementation written for human beings. It provides generic solution to create and manage task queues. | |
98 | @ajinabraham/OWASP-Xenotix-XSS-Ex… | OWASP Xenotix XSS Exploit Framework is an advanced Cross Site Scripting (XSS) vulnerability detection and exploitation framework. | |
88 | @abidrahmank/OpenCV-Python | OpenCV examples in Python | |
65 | @punchagan/cinspect | Code inspection for Python builtins | |
64 | @amitu/smarturls | smarturls a url construction helper for django | |
61 | @JayVora-SerpentCS/hotelmgmt_v8 | Hotel Management System based on Odoo | |
61 | @ajinabraham/Static-DOM-XSS-Scann… | Static DOM XSS Scanner is a Static Analysis tool written in python that will iterate through all the JavaScript and HTML files under the given directory and will list out all the possible sources and sinks that may cause DOM XSS. At the end of the scan, the tool will generate an HTML report. | |
57 | @vaidik/commentjson | Add JavaScript or Python style comments in JSON. | |
52 | @amitu/djangothis | SimpleHTTPServer with Django steroids | |
51 | @ajinabraham/Xenotix-APK-Reverser | Xenotix APK Reverser is an OpenSource Android Application Package (APK) decompiler and disassembler powered by dex2jar, baksmali and jd-core. | |
43 | @JayVora-SerpentCS/SerpentCS_Contributi… | The modules SerpentCS is contributing for All versions of Odoo since v7! | |
40 | @anandology/pyjs | Python to Javascript compiler | |
39 | @anandology/python-practice-book | A book to learn Python programming language through lot of examples and practice problems | |
39 | @ajinabraham/WebAppSec | Web Application Security | |
34 | @shivam5992/textstat | Package to calculate text statistics | |
32 | @kovidgoyal/powerline-daemon | A daemon to reduce the resource consumption of powerline by having a single python process that serves all powerline requests | |
31 | @JayVora-SerpentCS/EduERPv8 | Education ERP based on Odoo! | |
28 | @kushaldas/tunir | ||
24 | @softvar/simplegist | Advanced python wrapper for Github Gist API | |
23 | @JayVora-SerpentCS/Jasperv8 | Jasper Reports Engine for Odoo | |
22 | @amitu/fhurl | Django Form Handler Generic View | |
22 | @softvar/json2html | python module for converting complex JSON oject to HTML Table representation | |
22 | @vaidik/incoming | JSON validation framework for Python. | |
19 | @dhruvbaldawa/project_euler | My code for solving problems at Project Euler(http://projecteuler.net/problems) | |
19 | @ajinabraham/PoC | Proof of Concepts, Exploits | |
18 | @amitu/amitu-websocket-clie… | Python WebSocket Client Library | |
18 | @abhikandoi2000/knowyourgov | Real-time Sentiment analysis for Politicians | |
18 | @amitu/dutils | django utilities | |
18 | @lionaneesh/Monitor-Web | Did you come across a website in which you were really interested, and wanted to check for any updates, or maybe you are interested in getting updates if the documentation of your favorite website was updated, Is the answer is yes, Monitor-Web is your one stop solution, Monitor-Web tracks any changes in your favorite content and alerts you with proper log of differences. So, now never waste time surfing the web to check if there are any updates, Simply add the website you wish to monitor and relax, Whenever you need to check simply run the program and it will automatically sync for any changes or are provide you with a diff like output. It works best for static websites, mainly online HTML ebooks, online documentation, course lists, wiki's or something similar. | |
18 | @sengupta/twss | Python based double entendre classifier | |
17 | @sachingupta006/github-crawler | A simple crawler in python | |
16 | @anandology/subcommand | Python library to build command line utilities with subcommands. | |
15 | @nigelbabu/pppconverter | Equivalent Salary Converter | |
14 | @anujdeshpande/BBB-workshop | Demos for a Hands on BeagleBone Black workshop | |
13 | @ajinabraham/Xenotix-xBOT | Xenotix xBOT is a Cross Platform PoC Bot that abuse certain Google Services to implement it's C&C | |
13 | @amitu/gitology | Git Based Knowledge Management System | |
13 | @anandology/electionspot | Visualizing Indian elections | |
13 | @vaidik/sharepastes | Submits your clipboard text to PasteBin.com and gives you the URL to the paste, doing everything without requiring you to open your web browser. | |
12 | @kushaldas/darkserver | GNU Build-id providing service | |
11 | @anandology/broadgauge | Platform for managing training/workshops | |
9 | @JayVora-SerpentCS/MassEditing | Mass Editing Module for Odoo | |
9 | @anandology/solving-puzzles-with… | Solving Puzzles with Python - tutorial at PyCon India 2012 | |
9 | @punchagan/childrens-park | A Jabber/Google-talk bot that can be used as a chatroom. (Based on python-jabberbot) | |
8 | @OrkoHunter/PotterScript | /x/pel/e/r/mus | |
8 | @thejeshgn/blocked | Blocked by ISPs in India | |
8 | @vaidik/GoogleMovieShowtimes… | Python class for parsing Google Movie Showtimes (www.google.com/movies) response. | |
8 | @anandology/hacks | Utility scripts | |
8 | @lakshmivyas/conche | A primitive build system for Cocoa apps | |
7 | @abidrahmank/MyRoughWork | It contains some roughworks i do at my home | |
7 | @punchagan/org2blog-importers | Importers from various blog formats to org2blog format | |
7 | @anandology/datastore | Simple document database on top of relational database | |
7 | @kushaldas/autocloud | ||
7 | @jace/pydocflow | Python Document Workflows | |
7 | @ajinabraham/tizen-security | Tools made for Tizen Security Analysis | |
6 | @sanand0/pyconindia2012-autol… | Automated Data Analysis in Python: Talk at Pycon India 2012 | |
6 | @lionaneesh/LBP-opencv-python | Some basic local binary patterns implementation in python using OpenCV. | |
6 | @shabda/so-starving | so-starving | |
6 | @nigelbabu/git2web | A web UI to manage gitosis | |
6 | @punchagan/blog-files | Build files for my web-site (no-longer maintained. Moved to o-blog!) | |
5 | @kushaldas/tlogt | Tower log tower, logs for human | |
5 | @nigelbabu/mozalien | RSS Feed to reddit posting bot. | |
5 | @amitu/dgci | Django Google Contact Importer | |
5 | @OrkoHunter/depends | The script powering http://apps.himanshumishra.in/depends | |
5 | @sanand0/benchmarks | Various benchmark tests | |
5 | @sanand0/mixamail | Twitter via e-mail | |
5 | @lionaneesh/Code-Pasty | A Simple Code Sharing Web Application in Python, using GAE. | |
5 | @manojpandey/flask-blog | 🪲 Simple Blog app using Flask and StormPath API for authentication | |
5 | @rtnpro/wordgroupz | Learn by building your own vocabulary. | |
5 | @kushaldas/rst | Python module to create rst document | |
4 | @anandology/pyjamas | fork of git://pyjs.org/git/pyjamas.git | |
4 | @lakshmivyas/tayable | HTML Tables to YAML | |
4 | @anandology/sandbox | experimental code | |
4 | @abhikandoi2000/air-o-play | Stream media files over WiFi for instant access. | |
4 | @amitu/djangothis-jekyll | Jekyll like theme for djangothis | |
4 | @thejeshgn/archive-it | Archive your blog using public archiving. | |
4 | @sanand0/orderedattrdict | An ordered Python dictionary with attribute-style access. | |
4 | @OrkoHunter/keep | Keep and view terminal commands in terminal only | |
4 | @sanand0/xmljson | xmlsjon converts XML into Python dictionary structures (trees, like in JSON) and vice-versa. | |
4 | @punchagan/statiki | statiki is an easy-to-use service for deploying simple web-sites. | |
4 | @dhruvbaldawa/commute.py | This is a helper script for multi-modal commute planning based on the specified routes that you specify | |
4 | @punchagan/omnium-gatherum | Everything that can't go anywhere else. | |
4 | @kushaldas/tunirtests | ||
4 | @kushaldas/wallfe | A personal feed reader. | |
4 | @ajinabraham/Exploit-Research-Por… | Exploit Research & Development - Ported Exploits | |
4 | @rtnpro/django-pontoon-hook | This hook enables a Django project to use Pontoon for translation. | |
3 | @rtnpro/test-your-code | Resources for my workshop on testing at Pycon India 2013 | |
3 | @jace/moviefolder | MovieFolder: Get ratings and folder cover images from IMDb | |
3 | @manojpandey/fb-terminal | 🌀 A smart Facebook client on Terminal, written in Python | |
3 | @jace/ljpics | Interface for LiveJournal Userpics | |
3 | @sengupta/spritzbot | A bot implemented to use Twitter's streaming API. | |
3 | @rtnpro/fedwidgets | Web app to power widgets for the Fedora community | |
3 | @punchagan/dot-emacs | My dot-emacs | |
3 | @lionaneesh/coursera-forum-user-… | ||
3 | @thejeshgn/pyg2fa | ||
3 | @nigelbabu/cloaked-spice | Simple flask app to listen to the push webhook and deploy an app | |
3 | @anandology/tornadohacks | Hacks to make Tornado work work with web.py and wsgi applications | |
3 | @amitu/dpp | Django PayPal Helper | |
3 | @anandology/puzzlemaster | PuzzleMaster is a utility to generate, verify, solve and render puzzles. | |
3 | @amitu/zums | ZeroMQ based User and Session management for webapps in different languages/frameworks | |
3 | @anandology/notebook | Random experiments, half finished projects organized by date | |
3 | @amitu/dimagebundle | Django Tools to Help Bundle Multiple Images Into One | |
3 | @anandology/projecteuler | Solutions to projecteuler problems | |
3 | @punchagan/hs-twitter-lists | A script to create private lists of Hacker Schoolers or twitter, batch-wise. | |
3 | @sanand0/euler | Project Euler solutions in Python | |
2 | @sanand0/reportbee-dashboard | ||
2 | @punchagan/v_block | An Android script that let's you block calls from unwanted numbers. | |
2 | @punchagan/what-changed | A simple tool to diff public API changes of a Python library | |
2 | @punchagan/project-euler | My (age old) attempts to solve problems at Project Euler | |
2 | @punchagan/prang | A python script that shows the color name at the pixel where the mouse is present | |
2 | @JayVora-SerpentCS/OdooUSA | Odoo USA Localization | |
2 | @dhruvbaldawa/alia | an online docker based learning environment | |
2 | @shabda/pychart | Mirror of the Pychart bzr repo | |
2 | @jace/qwkweb | QWK message archive parser and web archive for messages from pre-Internet bulletin boards. | |
2 | @dhruvbaldawa/facebook-hacker-cup-… | My solutions to problems in Facebook Hacker Cup 2012 | |
2 | @nishanthvijayan/Take-A-Break | TakeABreak is an gnome indicator app that keeps track of time for which you have been working and reminds you to take a break after a set interval.Could also be used as a pomodoro timer. | |
2 | @softvar/pyShare | It's a local file sharing app in python(GUI with Kivy) | |
2 | @manojpandey/CodeForces-Code-Down… | Download AC'ed solutions from Codeforces for any username | |
2 | @jace/mxsniff | Identify the email service provider a domain or email address is using | |
2 | @rtnpro/wordcollections | ||
2 | @nigelbabu/git-repo-tools | A collection of scripts to augment the git sever gitosis gives | |
2 | @vaidik/nonblocking-io-examp… | Examples for the series of blog posts on Understanding Non Blocking I/O with Python | |
2 | @svaksha/chaya | "chAya" (Sanskrit: छाय), describes a reflected image, shading or blending of colours with image manipulation and other CV techniques using Python scientific libraries. | |
2 | @vaidik/kipptbackup | Utility to backup Kippt data. | |
2 | @kushaldas/ukhra | dgplug site | |
2 | @vaidik/marketplacecli | ||
2 | @sanand0/py-pretty | Formats dates, numbers, etc. in a pretty, human readable format. | |
2 | @abhikandoi2000/gulp | Kinect based multi-player physics game | |
2 | @sanand0/data.gov.in | Exploring the datasets | |
2 | @amitu/dtinyurl | TinyURL Django App | |
2 | @anandology/election-directory | Dataset containing all states, districts, assembly constiuencies and polling stations in India. | |
2 | @amitu/hammerd | ||
2 | @anandology/pyjst | Tool to compile python templates into Javascript | |
2 | @amitu/amitu-dutils | Django Utilities, replacement for previous dutils library. | |
2 | @anandology/electionarchive | Project to archive data related to elections in India. | |
2 | @amitu/dtwitter | Django App for Twitter Integration | |
2 | @axitkhurana/Download-Softwares | [deprecated] Download Softwares application is currently under development for IIT Roorkee's intranet, for sharing and downloading free software under Information Management Group. | [:arrow_upper_right:](IITR Intranet) |
2 | @amitu/django-encrypted-id | Encrypted IDs for Django Models | |
2 | @abhikandoi2000/lyricsparser | Simple parser to parse lyrics from Lyrics.com |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
13 | @adityashrm21/Bike-Sharing-Demand-… | Solution to the Kaggle knowledge problem - Bike Sharing Demand | |
5 | @bishwarup307/AV_Last_Man_Standing | ||
3 | @nishantsbi/R-Programming-Assign… | R-Programming Project 3 |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
450 | @arunagw/omniauth-twitter | OmniAuth strategy for Twitter | |
72 | @arunagw/css-bootstrap-rails | Twitter Bootstrap CSS for Rails 3 | |
38 | @asanghi/fiscali | Fiscal Year Date Functions | |
31 | @vishnugopal/rubymotion-ios-sdk-d… | A cookbook example from the iOS SDK Development book in RubyMotion | |
30 | @asanghi/excel_rails | rxls views for Rails 3 | |
27 | @vishnugopal/twitter-search-follo… | Auto-follows users who tweet particular keywords | |
20 | @gautamrege/pusher | Push Notifications example using express.js, socket.io - powered by a Rails app | |
17 | @nithinbekal/actioncable-chat-exa… | A simple chat app using Rails and ActionCable | |
14 | @smtalim/YahooStockQuotes | Access Yahoo stock quotes web service | |
13 | @vikhyat/latex-to-unicode | convert simple LaTeX expressions to unicode | |
13 | @railsfactory/spree_multi_theme | ||
12 | @railsfactory/crux | SaaS Extension for SpreeCommerce | |
12 | @vikhyat/ai-contest-ruby | ruby starter pack for the google ai contest | |
10 | @nithinbekal/spellingbee | A spelling correction tool for ruby | |
10 | @smtalim/ChessOpeningMoves | A DSL for chess opening moves | |
10 | @smtalim/sinatra-street-view | A Sinatra app that displays the street-view of a given location | |
10 | @nileshtrivedi/gupshup | Ruby wrapper for SMSGupShup API | |
10 | @vikhyat/discourse-persona | persona login for Discourse | |
9 | @gautamrege/RPCFN5solutions | Solutions for RPCFN #5 | |
8 | @gautamrege/short_circuit | RPCFN#3 Find out redundant resistors in a closed circuit | |
8 | @smtalim/myrubyprograms | RubyLearning.org programs used for teaching | |
8 | @swanandp/MapReduce_with_hadoo… | Supplementary code I used in the "Build your first MapReduce with Hadoop and Ruby" at the BRUG March meet-up. | |
8 | @vikhyat/StormyCloud | Ridiculously simple distributed applications in Ruby. | |
7 | @vishnugopal/memcached-persistent… | A simple web server daemon in Ruby to allow command-line scripts to have persistent connections to memcached. | |
7 | @arunagw/rake_migration | rake_migration | |
7 | @swanandp/gcj | My attempts at Google Code Jam problems | |
7 | @vikhyat/similar-sounding-wor… | Uses soundex to give back a list of similar sounding words. | |
5 | @vishnugopal/menu-http | HTTP daemon for menu-driven stateful applications | |
5 | @smtalim/exifmap | Project that shows the location on a map where a photo was snapped. | |
5 | @railsfactory/.motion | shake will help you load custom code into your rubymotion apps | |
5 | @asanghi/serial_preference | Serialized Preferences for Model | |
5 | @asanghi/omniauth-constantcon… | OmniAuth Strategy for Constant Contact using OAuth2 | |
5 | @kaiwren/to_nokogiri | Moving ActiveSupport's Hash#to_xml to use Nokogiri::XML::Builder | |
5 | @rtdp/myloveruby | Collection of reasons to love Ruby. | |
5 | @ketan/ruby-diff | ||
4 | @railsfactory/spree-api | Spree API gem | |
4 | @swanandp/simple_versioning | A vanilla versioning interface for active_record | |
4 | @vishnugopal/oku-no-hitto | Ōku no hitto ("many hits" in Japanese) is an experiment to figure out how best to saturate a HTTP pipe. | |
4 | @vishnugopal/barcode-segmenter | Barcode Segmenter is a tool that crops out barcodes from larger images. | |
4 | @railsfactory/spree_odg_theme | ||
4 | @vikhyat/zenity.rb | Ruby-ish syntax for zenity GTK dialogs. | |
4 | @deepak/chef_cookbooks | Chef cookbooks to setup a rails stack using chef-solo | |
3 | @vikhyat/theca | basic console mp3 player | |
3 | @railsfactory/emotion | extended rubymotion code generator | |
3 | @kaiwren/warren | ActiveRecord extension for MySql dbs enabling fulltext searching by allowing a model to connect to a MyISAM mirror of an InnoDB table | |
3 | @kaiwren/agni | JVM based download manager written in ruby | |
3 | @arunagw/trello-hipchat | Parse Trello activity feed into HipChat | |
2 | @utkarshkukreti/twitter-angellist-br… | Major WIP | |
2 | @kaiwren/ruse | A Ruby Threadpool based on http://stackoverflow.com/questions/81788… | |
2 | @swanandp/loess.rb | A Simple LOESS / LOWESS calculator built in Ruby | |
2 | @vikhyat/discourse-hummingbir… | Discourse plugin for all Hummingbird-related customizations | |
2 | @vikhyat/indexable | Rack middleware that executes javascript before serving pages to crawlers. | |
2 | @asanghi/dbt | Database Driven Templates (scoped to Company) | |
2 | @kaiwren/farse | https://gist.github.com/2046359 | |
2 | @utkarshkukreti/rubymotion-hackernew… | ||
2 | @utkarshkukreti/ace_editor-rails | Ace Editor for the Rails pipeline | |
2 | @nithinbekal/actioncable-chatter | Getting started with Rails 5's ActionCable and websockets - code example | |
2 | @nileshtrivedi/smsapp | Build SMS-based applications with ease using Ruby and SMSGupShup API | |
2 | @asanghi/clinode | Command Line control over Linode thru the Linode API | |
2 | @utkarshkukreti/phaad | A beautiful way to write PHP code. | |
2 | @utkarshkukreti/rubymotion-breakout | A simple implementation of the Breakout game in RubyMotion. | |
2 | @railsfactory/crux_i18n | ||
2 | @vikhyat/aufstellung | a tiny application for helping with the selling of used books to new students | |
2 | @railsfactory/crux_faq | ||
2 | @arunagw/capybara_test | capybara_test | |
2 | @railsfactory/crux_digital | ||
2 | @smtalim/Saral | Saral the Ruby web framework by RubyLearning. | |
2 | @smtalim/exifmap_sinatra | Project that shows the location on a map where a photo was snapped using Sinatra. | |
2 | @railsfactory/crux_email_to_friend | ||
2 | @railsfactory/crux_reviews | ||
2 | @steverob/smslane | A simple wrapper gem for the Smslane.com HTTP API | |
2 | @ershad/Test-Git-repo | This repo is used to learn git | |
2 | @railsfactory/crux_share | ||
2 | @railsfactory/crux_theme | ||
2 | @arunagw/omniauth-picplz | PicPlz OAuth strategy for OmniAuth |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
225 | @debasishg/sjson | Scala Json with capabilities for Scala Object Serialization | |
175 | @debasishg/scala-redis-nb | Implementation of a non blocking Redis client in Scala using Akka IO | |
100 | @debasishg/cqrs-akka | An implementation of CQRS using scalaz for functional domain models and Akka for event sourcing | |
97 | @debasishg/frdomain | Code repo for Functional and Reactive Domain Modeling | |
79 | @debasishg/scouchdb | CouchDB Driver and View Server in Scala | |
25 | @debasishg/tryscalaz | Explore various options of domain modeling with scalaz | |
23 | @debasishg/dsls_in_action | Code base for DSLs In Action (http://www.manning.com/ghosh) | |
21 | @debasishg/scala-snippets | Various Scala snippets of interest - some of them plagiarised | |
15 | @pamu/AkkaDynoDB | Dynamo like distributed database built using Akka Cluster | |
13 | @debasishg/tryscalaz7 | Some experiments with scalaz7 | |
12 | @debasishg/sjsonapp | An applicative layer on top of sjson | |
10 | @debasishg/monad-trans | Playing with Monad Transformers in scala | |
9 | @pawank/Facebook-Integration… | Facebook Integration in Play 2.0 using scribe library | |
5 | @debasishg/hodgp | Exploring Higher Order Datatype Generic Programming in Scala | |
4 | @codingnirvana/scala-quiz | Solutions to scala quizzes from 99 problems and project euler | |
3 | @pawank/LinkedInAPI_Test | Lift application showing usage of LinkedIn API integration and mongodb. | |
3 | @debasishg/cqrs-finagle | Version of CQRS ported to Twitter Finagle | |
2 | @pamu/resonate | Resonate Project | |
2 | @pamu/split-pal | Split wise for Sane people in Scala Android | |
2 | @pamu/ChatBox | Simple Chat System Using Akka Actors (Akka Remoting) | |
2 | @pamu/BulkMailer | send bulk emails to email contacts | |
2 | @pawank/play-silhouette-mong… | Play framework based Silhouette sample application using multi-project SBT configuration and web and API authentication | |
2 | @debasishg/qcon-ny-12 | Code base for presentation in QCon NY 2012 | |
2 | @scalolli/chotoo | Utility written in scala to read data from of different formats csv, excel, txt files etc. | |
2 | @debasishg/recon | Attempt to make a generalized reconciliation service |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
5 | @dhamaniasad/eyeos | eyeos open source archive | |
5 | @SpEcHiDe/APK-DeCompiler | Program to get the source code from APK file | |
4 | @anubhavchaturvedi/ConnectifyLinux | Shell Script to simulate the behavior similar to Connectify for Windows/Mac | |
3 | @Jackeagle/android_device_xiaom… | CyanogenMod Device Tree For Dior | |
2 | @Abhinav1997/speed-up-android | Script to speed up your build process by 357.233% | |
2 | @kiranp11/scripts | scripts | |
2 | @SpEcHiDe/scripts | Useful scripts to have fun. |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
12 | @keshavvishwkarma/KVRootBaseSideMenu-Swift | KVRootBaseSideMenu-Swift It's a root base side menu with autolayout for iOS applications & It is also written in pure swift. | |
5 | @DharmeshKheni/QR-and-BarCode-Scann… | QR and barcode Scanner with swift | |
5 | @vinit5320/PaperMenuViewControl… | Guide: https://swiftyos.wordpress.com/2016/03/2… | |
4 | @vinit5320/AnimatedLogin | Guide: https://swiftyos.wordpress.com/2015/09/1… | |
3 | @vinit5320/TableView---PullToRe… | Guide: https://swiftyos.wordpress.com/2015/09/2… | |
3 | @ArunPrasanth-R/APAlertView | Alertview with label and input textfield. | |
3 | @DharmeshKheni/Music-player-with-sw… | Music player with swift | |
3 | @vinit5320/SwiftyCollectionView | Guide: https://swiftyos.wordpress.com/2015/08/0… | |
2 | @vishnupillai9/F1nfo | iOS app that lets users follow their favorite drivers and the latest standings and schedule for the current Formula One season. | |
2 | @abdullah-chhatra/iLayout | Framework with high level and intuitive methods to write Auto Layout constraints | |
2 | @iappvk/TableView-Swift | ||
2 | @abdullah-chhatra/iDispatch | Easy to use wrapper over GCD for iOS |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
2 | @santhosbaala/vitmsprojectreport | A LaTeX template for MS Software Engineering final year project report |
🌟 | Name | Description | 🌍 |
404 | @dhruvasagar/vim-table-mode | VIM Table Mode for instant table creation. | |
142 | @dhruvasagar/vim-dotoo | Org-mode like task logging & time tracking in Vim | |
85 | @notpratheek/vim-luna | Touchdown on Lunar Surface ! :) | |
58 | @dhruvasagar/vim-prosession | Handle vim sessions like a pro | |
45 | @ashisha/image.vim | View images in Vim, because Vim is awesome! | |
19 | @notpratheek/vim-sol | On the Path of Illumination ! :) | |
8 | @notpratheek/Pychimp-vim | Vim colorscheme (Created out of boredom, and requirement !) | |
8 | @vikkikanhaua/myconfs | Some config files | |
8 | @dhruvasagar/dotfiles | The single dot that has it all. | |
8 | @anadgouda/taskmanagementvim | Task Management plugin for vim | |
6 | @dhruvasagar/vim-markify | VIM Plugin Markify to indicate quickfix results on buffers using Signs | |
6 | @dhruvasagar/vim-testify | Simplified viml testing | |
4 | @vmandela/WinFastFind | A vim plugin to find files quickly on windows | |
4 | @Prajjwal/dotfiles | Configuration for my system(s). | |
3 | @dhruvasagar/vim-audiobox | Control Rhythmbox from VIM | |
2 | @anadgouda/typing-vim-colour-th… | A dark colour theme for (g)vim. |
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- Please post questions on Stack Overflow. You can open issues with questions, as long you add a link to your Stack Overflow question.
- For bug reports and feature requests, open issues. 🐛
- For direct and quick help, you can use Codementor. 🚀
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I open-source almost everything I can, and I try to reply to everyone needing help using these projects. Obviously, this takes time. You can integrate and use these projects in your applications for free! You can even change the source code and redistribute (even resell it).
However, if you get some profit from this or just want to encourage me to continue creating stuff, there are few ways you can do it:
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