3366 commits
to master
since this release
Thanks all contributors to this new release, and special thanks to @pvojtechovsky who continue to do an amazing work on Spoon!
New features
- Add filter helpers (FieldReferenceFunction, FieldScopeFunction, SubtypeFilter). (PR: #1141)
- ParentFunction is able to terminate early. (PR: #1211)
- Introduces CtScannerFunction as basic infrastructure for advanced functions and queries. (PR: #1180)
- Add support for CtScannerListener in EarlyTerminatingScanner. (PR: #1210)
- Automatic explicit ThisAccess for fields. (PR: #1192)
- CtLambda#getMethod() and fix of #1159. (PR: #1164)
- Add helper for query variables (VariableReferenceFunction, VariableScopeFunction). (PR: #1114)
- Add helper for query to get parents of element. (PR: #1153)
- Add query functions AllTypeMembersFunction and SuperInheritanceHierarchyFunction. (PR: #1195)
- Add filter helpers (LocalVariableReferenceFunction, LocalVariableScopeFunction). (PR: #1144)
- Add filtering helpers (CatchVariableReferenceFunction, CatchVariableScopeFunction). (PR: #1145)
- Add filtering helpers (ParameterReferenceFunction, ParameterScopeFunction). (PR: #1136)
- Add support for early terminating queries with CtQuery#first(). (PR: #1138)
- Add support for getting all children with CtQuery#filterChildren(null). (PR: #1140)
- Add CtQuery#select(Filter). (PR: #1142)
- Add query factory. (PR: #1093)
- Add metamodel method CtTypeParameter#getTypeParameterDeclarer(). (PR: #1217)
- Reusable and efficient CtQueries. (PR: #1090)
- filter: Template matchers can be used as filter. (PR: #1110)
Bug Fixes
- CtMethod#isDefaultMethod. (PR: #1165)
- Fix wrong behavior for special cases in removeStatement. Closes #1221. (PR: #1224)
- Inner interfaces should be properly handled in CtTypeReferenceImpl#canAccess. (PR: #1189)
- LocalVariableScopeFunction handles CtFor, CtTryWithResource, local classes. (PR: #1154)
- Fix regression with a lambda expression extends Function. (PR: #1178)
- CtExecutableReference#isOverriding correctly handles anonymous classes. (PR: #1219)
- Fix autoimport regression. (PR: #1162)
- Bug in isSubtypeOf (broken contract X.isSubtypeOf(X)==true). (PR: #1157)
- Improve static import support in auto-import mode. (PR: #1155)
- Fix regression (NPE) in DefaultJavaPrettyPrinter. (PR: #1214)
- GetSuperClass does not throw exception in noClassPath mode. (PR: #1128)
- Fix NPE when Spoon in executed from an empty working dir. (PR: #1208)
- Visibility detection issue in CtElement #1099. (PR: #1102)
- CtQuery: CCE on Query#forEach call of CtConsumer#apply. (PR: #1126)
- comment: Support comment on string concatenation. (PR: #1124)
- noclasspath: Fix the qualified name of partial qualified reference (inner class). (PR: #1201)
- Adds hyperlink to the Spoon paper.
- Announces the OW2 membership. (PR: #1151)
- Update ecosystem (one single file to maintain + added syringe). (PR: #1147)
- Add links to changelogs (#1133). (PR: #1133)
- Add support files for FOSDEM'17. (PR: #1148)
- Remove outdated last-updated information on pages. (PR: #1177)
- More specific doc about the release process. (PR: #1131)
- Fixes broken menu (#1122). (PR: #1122)
- Fix javadoc JDK8 rules. (PR: #1112)
- Prepare internal doc for the new release. (PR: #1109)
- license: Update license year. (PR: #1130)
- Improve and simplify usage of PotentialVariableDeclarationFunction. (PR: #1194)
- Remove FieldScopeFunction. (PR: #1186)
- Remove deprecated elements from version 5.4.0. (PR: #1135)
- Improve performance of DirectReferenceFilter. (PR: #1132)
- Reduce the scope of the testSettersAreAllGood test. (PR: #1196)
- Only publish revapi report if the PR is edited or opened. (PR: #1161)
- Revapi configuration and helper scripts to detect API breaking changes. (PR: #1115)
- travis: Travis must check that javadoc is well-formed. (PR: #1107)
- Prepare for next development iteration.
Name | Nb Commit |
Pavel Vojtechovsky | 29 |
Simon Urli | 17 |
Martin Monperrus | 5 |
Thomas Durieux | 3 |
Marcel Steinbeck | 1 |