FIX Repository Orchestrations for IG Group Rules of Engagement
This project specialises the standard FIX orchestration to build IG Orchestrations (repositories) and corresponding JSON schemas and Java bindings.
│ - Describes how to build the project using Apache Maven and NPM, the outputs of the mvn build steps is generally in subdirectories named “target”.
└───chart-data - For the Chart Data API this contains the JSON Schema source code and build for the Java bindings.
│ └───java-bindings - Generates the Java/JSON bindings.
│ └───json-schema - Source code for the JSON schema.
└───fixp - For the FIX Performance protocol this contains the JSON Schema source code and build for the Java bindings.
│ └───java-binding - Generates the Java/JSON bindings
│ └───json-schema - Source code for the JSON schema.
└───ig-us-rfed – Contains the FIX “orchestration” and supporting information for the IG US RFED API.
│ |───document/
│ | └───document-fixt - Generates the Rules of Engagement in markdown and HTML for the FIX50sp2/FIXT1.1 API.
│ └───java-binding - Generates the Java/JSON bindings.
│ └───json-schema – Generates the JSON Schema.
│ └───orchestration – Generates the IG RFED “orchestration” from the FIX Standard orchestration – an XML document.
│ └───ts-interface - TypeScript interfaces.
|___otc - location for OTC API resources
You can build this project using jdk8 as follows:
git clone
cd ig-orchestrations
mvn clean install