Code for IMU characterization using Allan variance techniques. Plays nicely with ROS bagfiles.
Install pip (if necessary)
sudo easy_install pip
Install allantools (
sudo pip install allantools
A launch file is provided for using the script. The script parses a bagfile and performs allan variance on the specified topic and IMU axis.
~bagfile_path (string, default: "")
- The global path to the bagile containing static IMU data.
~imu_topic_name (string, default: "/imu")
- The name of the IMU topic within the bagfile.
- Note: topic must be of the sensor_msgs/Imu type.
~axis (int, default: 0)
- Specify which axis/measurement to perform the allan variance. (0 = all six axes, 1 = x-accel, 2 = y-accel, 3 = z-accel, 4 = x-gyro, 5 = y-gyro, 6 = z-gyro).
~sample_rate (int, default: 100)
- The sample rate of the IMU in Hz.
~delta_measurement (bool, default: false)
'true' if delta measurements (change in angle/velocity)
'false' if rate measurements (rotation rate/acceleration)
~number_of_lags (int, default: 1000)
- The number of lags (tau values) used in calculating the allan variance.
~results_directory_path (string, default: None)
- The path to the directory where the results should be stored.
- If left unspecified, a directory will be created in the workspace (e.g. ~/allan_ws/av_results/allan_accel_x.csv).
- write node that subscribes to IMU topic and calculates Allan variance periodically. Inform user when the AV is within an acceptable amount of error
- use allantools visualization to show a plot of the resulting allan variance and errors
- calculate values for random walk and bias instability based on result
- incorporate other intertial characterization techniques (simulation, Monte Carlo, autocorrelation, etc.)
Dan Pierce ([email protected])