$ git clone https://github.com/DavidRR-F/dotfiles.git ~/.dotfiles
curl -L -o ~/.dotfiles/dotter https://github.com/SuperCuber/dotter/releases/download/<version>/<platform>
scoop install main/dotter
Create .dotter/local.toml
Optional exclude packages you dont want to use
cd ~/.dotfiles
./dotter --force
# if using package managed version
dotter --force
i -> between a -> around w -> word W -> non whitespace
v<open/close-charater>: visual select everything between open and close characters y<open/close-charater>: yank everything between open and close characters d<open/close-charater>: cut everything between open and close characters c<open/close-charater>: cut everything between open and close characters
gUw capitalize a word guw lowercase a word gUU calitalize line guu lowercase line ~ in normal to capital or lowercase a letter
cs<open/close-charater-source><open/close-charater-target>: change surrounding ys<open/close-charater-target>: add surrounding ds<open/close-charater>: change surrounding
f : jump to next instance of character F : jump to prev instance of character t : jump to space before next instance of character T : jump to space after next instance of character
Note: , to jump back an instance ; to jump forward and instance
.: indent . to continue = or == in visual: auto indent lines % in normal to jump between open and close charaters
q to record macro q to stop record @ to use macro @ to use macro n times
Substitute string visual mode
Remove lines with just whitespace
Remove all after prefix
- %: Refers to the entire file.
- s:: This starts the substitution command.
- //.*: This pattern matches // followed by any characters until the end of the line.
- ::g: This replaces the matched pattern with nothing (i.e., removes it) and g applies it globally in each line.
- CTag Regex
- :tag main jumps directly to the tag “main”
- :tag /^get jumps to the tag that starts with “get”
- :tag /Final$ jumps to the tag that ends with “Final”
- :tag /norm lists all the tags that contain “norm”, including “id_norm”
- :tag /Final$\C lists all the tags that end with “Final” (Doesn’t match “Cipher_final” or “SHA_FINAL”)