I'm Arthur, a Frontend Engineer working mainly with Javascript, React.js and Three.js. I love building new cutting-edge projects for customers who want to push the boundaries of the web (3D WebGL, VR WebXR, blockchain dApp Web3, ...).
I'm currently working as a Frontend React.js Engineer for Broadcast Industry for live production @evs-broadcast (FIFA World Cup, Olympic Games, eSports, Fox Sport SuperBowl, ...), but I'm also building cool projects for other customers.
- β Stack: React.js, react-three-fiber, Three.js, GLTF.
- π https://playar-syngenta-foi.netlify.app
Syngenta's Field Of Innovation is a big annual event in... real life. Unfortunately, COVID-19 force them to re-think their event. And this is how Virtual Field Of Innovation came to life.
Full React.js project with react-three-fiber (React renderer for Three.js). Challenging but exciting project !
When I have free time, I love building new projects. Sometimes to learn a new tech, but most of the time just for fun.
- β Stack: Javascript, Phaser.js, React.js (UI), Node.js Express, Websocket (socket.io).
- π https://alkito.herokuapp.com
- πΎ Github: https://github.com/Colmea/alkito-js-mmorpg
Alkito is a Proof Of Concept for a Javascript MMORPG built with Phaser.js and React.js on the client side, and Node.js, Express and Websockets on the backend side.