Movies App React is a web application built with React that displays information about movies and TV shows, using the TMDb API. Users can search and filter movies and series, view details about each title, such as synopsis and cast.
- Search movies and series by title
- Filter by genre and release year
- Movie/series details, including synopsis, cast and related recommendations
- Responsive design for optimal user experience on mobile devices
You can try out the live demo of Movies App React here. Enjoy!
To raise the development environment, the following steps must be followed:
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Navigate to the project directory:
cd MoviesAppReact
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Get a TMDb API key here (you need to be logged in to get your API key).
- Create a .env file in the project root directory and add your TMDb API key: REACT_APP_API_KEY='your API key'. See the .env.example
- Start the application:
npm start
- Open your browser at http://localhost:3000