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LTB Website Source Repository


This repository contains the source code for the LTB project website. The site is hosted using GitHub Pages at and redirects to (see the CNAME file for details). The website is built using the Minimal Mistakes Jekyll theme.

Changes We've Made Based on the Original Template

  • Removed the tests and docs folders from the root directory.
  • Added a citation feature by including assets/js/citation.js and revising _includes/scripts.html, but it did not work as expected.
  • Sorted the showcases by time descending in the showcases collection.
  • Added an impact map to the home page (see index.html), based on the Leaflet library.
  • Updated configuration files _config.yml and _data/navigation.yml.
  • Added other pages and materials.

How to Run the Website Locally

To run the website locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone ltbweb
    cd ltbweb
  2. Install Jekyll and Bundler:

    bundle install
  3. Build the site and make it available on a local server:

    bundle exec jekyll serve

    The site will be available at http://localhost:4000.

For new to Jekyll, see GitHub Pages - Testing site localy with Jekyll for more information.


We welcome contributions! For reporting typos, adding new showcases, or adding affiliations to the map, please use the existing issue templates:

  • Report a Typo or Inaccurate Information
  • Add a New Showcase
  • Add an Affiliation to the Map

For other contributions, please read our contributing guide.


This project is licensed under a MIT License. Note that the license applies only to the LTB website source code, not the Minimal Mistakes theme itself.

This repository is based on the Minimal Mistakes theme, which is licensed under the MIT license.