Quick troubleshooting for your Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster.
- Overview
- Data Privacy and Collection
- Compatibility
- Current Feature Set
- User Guide
- Programming Guide
- Dependent Consuming Tools and Working Contract
- Debugging Guide
- Contributing
Hopefully most of the time, your AKS cluster is running happily and healthy. However, when things do go wrong, AKS customers need a tool to help them diagnose and collect the logs necessary to troubleshoot the issue. It can be difficult to collect the appropriate node and pod logs to figure what's wrong, how to fix the problem, or even to pass on those logs to others to help.
AKS Periscope allows AKS customers to run initial diagnostics and collect and export the logs (such as into an Azure Blob storage account) to help them analyze and identify potential problems or easily share the information to support to help with the troubleshooting process with a simple az aks kollect command. These cluster issues are often caused by incorrect cluster configuration, such as networking or permission issues. This tool will allow AKS customers to run initial diagnostics and collect logs and custom analyses that helps them identify the underlying problems.
Raw Logs and metrics from an AKS cluster are collected and basic diagnostic signals are generated by analyzing these raw data.
AKS Periscope runs on customer's agent pool nodes and collects VM and container level data. It is important that the customer is aware and gives consent before the tool is deployed/information shared. Microsoft guidelines can be found in the link below:
AKS Periscope can run on both Linux and Windows nodes, but there are some functional differences between Windows and Linux behaviour.
Periscope collects the following logs and metrics:
- Container logs (by default all containers in the
namespace. Can be configured to take other namespace/containers). - Docker and Kubelet system service logs.
- Network outbound connectivity, include checks for internet, API server, Tunnel, Azure Container Registry and Microsoft Container Registry.
- Node IP Tables.
- All node level logs (by default cluster provision log and cloud init log. Can be configured to take other logs).
- VM and Kubernetes cluster level DNS settings.
- Describe Kubernetes objects (by default all pods/services/deployments in the
namespace. Can be configured to take other namespace/objects). - Kubelet command arguments.
- System performance (kubectl top nodes and kubectl top pods).
You can deploy Periscope to your cluster in different ways, depending on your preferred working environment and the degree of control over precisely how it needs to be run.
Whichever method you choose to deploy Periscope, you will need to have kubectl version 1.21 or later installed on your system.
This approach gives you the most control, allowing you to inspect and override the configuration of all Kubernetes resources deployed to your cluster, as well as choosing a specific release.
The Kustomize
tool deploys resources defined in a directory containing a kustomization.yaml
file. To deploy Periscope, a minimal file might look like this:
- https://github.com/azure/aks-periscope//deployment/base?ref=<RELEASE_TAG>
# Optional feature components, uncomment if applicable:
# - win-hpc: only useful if the cluster contains Windows nodes
# components:
# - https://github.com/Azure/aks-periscope//deployment/components/win-hpc?ref=<RELEASE_TAG>
- name: periscope-linux
newName: mcr.microsoft.com/aks/periscope
newTag: <IMAGE_TAG>
- name: periscope-windows
newName: mcr.microsoft.com/aks/periscope
newTag: <IMAGE_TAG>
- name: azureblob-secret
behavior: replace
# Commented-out config values are the defaults. Uncomment to change.
- name: diagnostic-config
behavior: merge
# - DIAGNOSTIC_CONTAINERLOGS_LIST=kube-system # space-separated namespaces
# - DIAGNOSTIC_KUBEOBJECTS_LIST=kube-system/pod kube-system/service kube-system/deployment # space-separated list of namespace/resource-type[/resource]
# - DIAGNOSTIC_NODELOGS_LIST_LINUX="/var/log/azure/cluster-provision.log /var/log/cloud-init.log" # space-separated log file locations
# - DIAGNOSTIC_NODELOGS_LIST_WINDOWS="C:\AzureData\CustomDataSetupScript.log" # space-separated log file locations
# - COLLECTOR_LIST="" # space-separated list containing any of 'connectedCluster' (enables helm/pods-containerlogs, disables iptables/kubelet/nodelogs/pdb/systemlogs/systemperf), 'OSM' (enables osm/smi), 'SMI' (enables smi).
All placeholders in angled brackets (<
) need to be substituted for the relevant values:
: The Periscope release to use.IMAGE_TAG
: The Docker image tag to use.STORAGE_ACCOUNT_NAME
: The Azure storage account for Periscope to upload diagnostics to.CONTAINER_NAME
: The blob container within the storage account for Periscope to upload diagnostics to.SAS_KEY
: An Account SAS including preceding?
with parameters:ss
(Service: blob)srt
(Resource types: service, container and object)sp
(Permissions: read, list, add, create, write)
: The identifier for a particular 'run' of Periscope, by convention a timestamp formatted asYYYY-MM-DDThh-mm-ssZ
. This will become the topmost container withinCONTAINER_NAME
You can then deploy Periscope by running:
kubectl apply -k <path-to-kustomize-directory>
To re-run without deleting and recreating resources, you can update the RUN_ID
value in the ConfigMap. Depending on the expiry of the SAS token, you may need to update the AZURE_BLOB_SAS_KEY
value in the Secret first:
# Update SAS token (if expired)
kubectl patch secret -n aks-periscope azureblob-secret -p="{\"data\":{\"AZURE_BLOB_SAS_KEY\": \"$(echo -n ?$sas | base64 -w 0)\"}}"
runId=$(date -u '+%Y-%m-%dT%H-%M-%SZ')
kubectl patch configmap -n aks-periscope diagnostic-config -p="{\"data\":{\"DIAGNOSTIC_RUN_ID\": \"$runId\"}}"
AKS Periscope can be deployed by using Azure Command-Line tool (CLI). The steps are:
If CLI extension aks-preview has been installed previously, uninstall it first.
az extension remove --name aks-preview
Install CLI extension aks-preview.
az extension add --name aks-preview
az aks kollect
command to collect metrics and diagnostic information, and upload to an Azure storage account. Useaz aks kollect -h
to check command details. Some useful examples are also listed below:-
Using storage account name and a shared access signature token with write permission
az aks kollect \ -g MyResourceGroup \ -n MyManagedCluster \ --storage-account MyStorageAccount \ --sas-token "MySasToken"
Using the resource id of a storage account resource you own.
az aks kollect \ -g MyResourceGroup \ -n MyManagedCluster \ --storage-account "MyStorageAccountResourceId"
Using a pre-setup storage account in diagnostics settings for your managed cluster.
az aks kollect \ -g MyResourceGroup \ -n MyManagedCluster
Customize the container logs to collect. Its value can be either all containers in a namespace, for example, kube-system, or a specific container in a namespace, for example, kube-system/tunnelfront.
az aks kollect \ -g MyResourceGroup \ -n MyManagedCluster \ --container-logs "mynamespace1/mypod1 myns2"
Customize the kubernetes objects to collect. Its value can be either all objects of a type in a namespace, for example, kube-system/pod, or a specific object of a type in a namespace, for example, kube-system/deployment/tunnelfront.
az aks kollect \ -g MyResourceGroup \ -n MyManagedCluster \ --kube-objects "mynamespace1/service myns2/deployment/deployment1"
Customize the node log files to collect.
az aks kollect \ -g MyResourceGroup \ -n MyManagedCluster \ --node-logs "/var/log/azure-vnet.log /var/log/azure-vnet-ipam.log"
After export, they will also be stored in Azure Blob Storage in a container named with the cluster's API Server FQDN. A zip file is also created for easy download.
AKS Periscope can also be deployed by using the VS Code AKS extension.
You first need to configure your cluster's diagnostic settings to use a storage account as explained here. You can then right-click on the cluster and select Run AKS Periscope
to run the tool and upload the result. The results can be downloaded directly from VS Code. For more detail how this feature works please refer here.
To locally build this project from the root of this repository:
CGO_ENABLED=0 GOOS=linux go build -mod=mod github.com/Azure/aks-periscope/cmd/aks-periscope
See this guide for running automated tests in a CI or development environment.
You can build and run Periscope locally in a Kind
cluster using the 'dev' Kustomize overlay notes.
To build and push a Docker image to an external registry (GHCR or ACR), and then deploy that to any (local or cloud-hosted) cluster, please refer to the 'dynamic-image' Kustomize overlay notes.
Dependent tools need access to an immutable, versioned Periscope resource definition. We provide two ways to obtain this:
- [Deprecated] Build the
overlay using instructions here and include the output as a static resource in consuming tools. This will require runtime string substitution to configure appropriately for any given deployment, before being deployed usingkubectl -f
. - Build a
overlay at runtime, referencinghttps://github.com/azure/aks-periscope//deployment/base?ref={RELEASE_TAG}
as the base, and the appropriate MCR image tags for that release, as well as all configuration and secrets. This can then be deployed usingkubectl -k
. Example:
- https://github.com/azure/aks-periscope//deployment/base?ref={RELEASE_TAG}
- name: periscope
newName: mcr.microsoft.com/aks/periscope
newTag: "{IMAGE_TAG}"
- name: azureblob-secret
behavior: replace
- name: diagnostic-config
behavior: merge
# Only specify those which should be overridden
This section intends to add some tips for debugging pod logs using aks-periscope.
Scenario, where user A
uses expired sas-token
and converts into base64
to be used in the deployment file.
In the scenario above, the kubectl apply -k ./deployment/overlays/dev
will show no error but the output which will look like the one below.
❯ kubectl apply -k ./deployment/overlays/dev
namespace/aks-periscope created
serviceaccount/aks-periscope-service-account created
clusterrole.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/aks-periscope-role unchanged
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/aks-periscope-role-binding unchanged
clusterrolebinding.rbac.authorization.k8s.io/aks-periscope-role-binding-view unchanged
daemonset.apps/aks-periscope created
secret/azureblob-secret created
configmap/diagnostic-config created
customresourcedefinition.apiextensions.k8s.io/diagnostics.aks-periscope.azure.github.com unchanged
To debug the pod
logs in the aks-periscope-dev
namespace deployed in the cluster:
- To get the pods in
namespace:kubectl get pods -n aks-periscope-dev
- To check the logs in each of the deployed pods:
kubectl logs <name-of-pod> -n aks-periscope-dev
Feel free to contact [email protected] or open an issue with any feedback or questions about AKS Periscope. This is currently a work in progress, but look out for more capabilities to come!
This project welcomes contributions and suggestions. Most contributions require you to agree to a Contributor License Agreement (CLA) declaring that you have the right to, and actually do, grant us the rights to use your contribution. For details, visit https://cla.opensource.microsoft.com.
When you submit a pull request, a CLA bot will automatically determine whether you need to provide a CLA and decorate the PR appropriately (e.g., status check, comment). Simply follow the instructions provided by the bot. You will only need to do this once across all repos using our CLA.
This project has adopted the Microsoft Open Source Code of Conduct. For more information see the Code of Conduct FAQ or contact [email protected] with any additional questions or comments.