ESA (Entity System Advance) is an Entity System for Game Boy Advance game development.
Autobahn WebSocket protocol testsuite
Blazingly 🔥 fast 🚀 memory vulnerabilities, written in 100% safe Rust. 🦀
The front-end client for
Example application using a Vue frontend with Rust backend that has authentication + authorization.
BGR555 color tool, suitable for SNES, GBC, and GBA
Free font resources for GBA game development
UNSCII, a Unicode bitmap font family inspired by classic computer systems.
Imitate the documentation build that would do
Rust type for days of the week bit-mapped in a single byte
An open-source full-motion video codec optimized for real-time playback on low-end graphical devices.
A Rust Crate to Parse Google Search Results into csv and dataframe
Furnace Tracker and Impulse Tracker audio driver and library for the GameBoy Advance