#Browser Interactions
part in attendance.py
according to your forms in most cases. It is not going to help you in marking proxies and shouldn't be misunderstood that way. Make sure to change your name or rollno. in attendance.py
in the same order it is on form at the place of YourName/Rollno.
Step 1 : Download the repository
git clone https://github.com/Amit0617/online-attendance
Step 2 : Move into the directory
cd online-attendance
Step 3 : Setup the required environment
If you have pip installed
make -s gecko setup
OR If you are not sure about it
make -s gecko pip setup
Step 4 : Make sure your environment is ready
make -s verify_setup
This should output like this :
===> Checking pip...
(1/2) VERSION=21.3.1
(2/2) LOCATION=/home/amit/.local/lib/python3.10/site-packages/pip
===> Checking geckodriver...
(1/1) TYPE=executable
===> Checking if geckodriver is on path
geckodriver --> /home/amit/Downloads/geckodriver
You are ready to automate attendance marking!
Step 1 : Make sure to make it executable(this step is one time only)
chmod u+x attendance.py
(Assuming you are inside the cloned directory i.e., online-attendance
Step 2 :
./attendance.py [link of your attendance] OPTIONS
And you are done.
./attendance.py https://www.surveyheart.com/form/60a103fc03dbe251fdca08b0
If you want it to happen in background(headless):
./attendance.py [link] -b
Maybe you would like it to save a screenshot of final status if something went wrong in headless mode:
./attendance.py [link] -b -s ~/Pictures/
Check help:
./attendance.py -h
Step 1 : Clean setup environment
(Assuming you are in cloned directory i.e., online-attendance
make clean
Step 2 : Clean cloned directory
cd .. ; rm -rf online-attendance
[] To make attendance.py suggest help on wildcards
[] To update usage with several supported flags
[] Add more examples for different usecases.