A top down bullet-hell style game with a maze-like room and enemies that pursue the player and avoid obstacles.
Processing 3.5 or later
- Clone repository
- Open in Processing 3.5 or later
- Press the Play ("▶") button
- Use the arrow keys or WASD to move
- Press "space" to jump
- Press "shift" or hold down the mouse button to fire bullets
- Press "R" to restart
- Levels are procedurally generated
- Enemies use A* to pathfind their way toward the player
- Enemies avoid walls, pits, obstacles, and each other
- Enemies jump over pits when convenient and possible based on current velocity
- Enemy behaviors utilize behavior trees (patrolling until they spot the player, then chasing the player, and firing if within range)
- The player can jump over pits and enemies, but not over obstacles
- Pits instantly kill the player
- After getting hit, the player and enemies are briefly invulnerable to avoid continuous damage
- If the player kills all enemies in a room, they will be spawned in the next randomly-generated room