A bar for macOS. Reports — by default — the current workspace, cpu load, network bandwidth, date, battery percentage and time.
pecan requires Übersicht.
Once Übersicht is installed, download this repository to wherever your widgets are stored (by default ~/Library/Application Support/Übersicht/widgets/).
This can be done via the terminal like so:
brew tap caskroom/cask
brew install --cask ubersicht
git clone https://github.com/zzzeyez/pecan.git "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Übersicht/widgets/pecan"
If Übersicht is running, then the bar should appear.
This is a picture of my current config with all optional features enabled.
To edit the appearance you can place a config at ~/.config/pecan.css
– the included config.css
can be placed there to discover options.
mv "$HOME/Library/Application Support/Übersicht/widgets/pecan/config.css" "${HOME}/.config/pecan.css"
This is pecan's default appearance with ifstat, yabai, xanthia and landscape installed.
Ifstat displays current upload and download speeds. Current download and upload speeds may be shown in the 2nd-to-left element via Ifstat. If Ifstat is not found, then the current WiFi network will be displayed instead. To install Ifstat via Homebrew:
brew install ifstat
Yabai is a window manager. Current workspace ID can be shown on the left element if Yabai is installed, otherwise a power symbol will be shown instead. To install Yabai:
brew install yabai
xanthia is a notification system. If xanthia is installed then it will display notifications on the left (useful for showing current song playing, chat notifications, etc.) xanthia will use pecan's config at ~/.config/pecan.css
. Install xanthia.
landscape is a workspace selector. If landscape is installed then it will display clickablle images of available workspaces on the left. landscape will use pecan's config at ~/.config/pecan.css
. Install landscape.
This is pecan with all optional features and pywal installed.
Pywal is a system colorscheme manager. If Pywal is installed then pecan will grab it's colors from that by default.