This is my MIPS R4300i assembler and disassembler. I designed it to be super minimalistic and compact. valgrind
reports no errors, and compiling with GCC's -Wall -Wextra
produces no warnings. I also wrote an article about it.
minimips64 --disassemble ... "input.bin"
... refers to the following optional arguments:
--address 0x1234 address within binary file to begin
--number 10 number of opcodes to disassemble
--jrra stop parsing when jr $ra reached
--prefix prefix each line with address
--hex prefix each line with instruction hex
--start locate the start of the function
before disassembling it
--interactive do not load binary file; instead,
disassemble bytes typed by user
minimips64 --assemble ... "input.asm"
... refers to the following optional arguments:
--Dname=0x5678 for defining symbols
--address 0x1234 set base address
--cloud "out.txt" write cloudpatch (overwrites if exists)
--rom "rom.z64" update rom (file must exist)
--interactive do not load file; instead, assemble
instructions typed by user
In addition to assembling MIPS, there are a few directives you can specify throughout your source file. They're very simple, so here's a quick rundown:
define symbolName 0xAddress
expose a symbol to the assembler so you can use names
instead of magic values
seek 0xAddress
seek an address within the rom
incbin "relative/path/to/file.bin"
write data from binary file into the rom
import "relative/path/to/symbol/map.txt"
the symbol map you import should be formatted like this:
WowSymbolMagic 0x800014E4
AndHereIsAnother 0x80001584
(one per line, separated by whitespace)
Prefix directives with the >
token. For example, > import "dmaext.txt"
. I have included an example of a working file below.
/* kokiri-tunic.asm
* a simple assembly hack for OoT MQ debug using minimips64
* this one gradually changes the color of the Kokiri Tunic
/* define some addresses for later use */
> define kRed 0x80126008 /* Kokiri Tunic RGB color channels */
> define kGreen 0x80126009
> define kBlue 0x8012600A
> define GameTime 0x80223E04 /* number of gameplay frames elapsed */
/* the hack overwrites an unused skelanime function
> seek 0xB1C630
> define SkelAnime_CopyFrameTableFalse 0x800A5490
lui v0, %hi(GameTime)
lw v0, %lo(GameTime)(v0) // v0 = time elapsed
sll t0, v0, 2 // t0 = time * 4
sll t1, v0, 1 // t1 = time * 2
lui v1, %hi(kRed)
sb v0, %lo(kRed)(v1) // red = time
sb t0, %lo(kGreen)(v1) // green = time * 4
sb t1, %lo(kBlue)(v1) // blue = time * 2
jr ra
/* we will use this hook */
> seek 0xB3B8A8
jal SkelAnime_CopyFrameTableFalse