Releases: vmware-tanzu/sonobuoy
Sonobuoy v0.17.1
This release contains numerous small updates which improve the following use-cases:
- airgapped runs
- parallel runs
- custom plugin generation
In addition, messaging was improved in a few locations which should help avoid confusion in common flows, particularly if the API server stops responding temporarily during a run.
What's new
- Added a new flag to
sonobuoy gen
andsonobuoy run
to specify the systemd-logs image. - Adds two subcommands (e2e and systemd-logs) to
sonobuoy gen plugin
which will print those plugin definitions respectively. This will hopefully make certain workflows easier by giving users a starting point for their plugin definition.
What's better
sonobuoy images
commands will now pull/tag/push the other images necessary to run Sonobuoy in an airgapped environment: the Sonobuoy image, the E2E test image itself, and the systemd-logs image.- Fixed an issue where the <error ... > field of JUnit test cases was not parsed. These now get reported via Sonobuoy as failures.
- Fixed a bug which caused daemonset plugins' status to not be updated with results properly.
- Fixed a bug which caused job plugins (like the e2e plugin) to prematurely get marked as failures if the Sonobuoy could not check its status via querying the API server.
- Adds additional metadata into the sonobuoy_results.yaml file to help indicate what each node in the tree represents.
- Added an error message to ensure that users don't set configuration options as well as a
option when usingsonobuoy run
. - Cluster resources are now labeled with the namespace of the Sonobuoy run that created it so that parallel Sonobuoy runs do not delete each others' resources.
- Clarified some error messages which may have mislead users into believing a namespace was not created correctly when it may have been for other reasons.
efb9d68 Update goreleaser to remove deprecated field (#1065)
534cb79 Version bump and docs for v0.17.1 (#1063)
23d1d5c Add support for pulling and pushing all images (#1061)
bb0c5a3 Clarify that users shouldn't provide more options when running a file (#1053)
627fa31 Merge pull request #1060 from danielfbm/master
d991dff Bring KIND to 0.6.1 in CircleCI (#1062)
51791ed Merge branch 'master' into master
9c3e4a6 feat: Adding namespace to cluster resources and removing only necessary ones
78b256d Refactor image client to not be E2E specific (#1057)
3f6547e Allow systemd-logs to be configured via CLI
30365d1 Improve error message from GetStatus
e41ac6e Adds commands to print default plugin definitions
be8e183 Tag Items with metadata about the type if item (e.g. node/file/etc)
8f2750f Do not fail jobs if we can't query the API server while running
e0d3921 Remove outdated examples
121ba8d Fix bug which caused daemonset status to not be updated with results
ee12b94 Process JUnit error field
a7a8aa0 Update release docs (#1042)
Sonobuoy v0.17.0
This release corresponds to the Kubernetes v1.17.0 release. It takes place very close to our previous release, Sonobuoy v0.16.5. The main user-facing change is support for Kubernetes v1.17.x.
It also contains a number of fixes of links in our documentation.
93f63ef Prepare v0.17.0 release (#1041)
1af0378 Add results to shortlinks and update link to remove .md suffix (#1039)
28f410a Add blog post describing progress updates from e2e plugin
5884d2a Add FAQ to shortlinks (#1033)
4d9ed5a Merge pull request #1032 from johnSchnake/kubebenchblogImage
9511856 Update blog post about kube-bench image
Sonobuoy v0.16.5
What's new
- Sonobuoy will now begin tailing logs from new containers as they are created while running
sonobuoy logs -f
. - If targeting v1.17 clusters and above, the e2e plugin will now provide the necessary logic in order to enable progress updates from the plugin. At the current time, you can see progress via
sonobuoy status --json
. - Sonobuoy can now output the default configuration for the registries used by the
plugin using the new commandgen default-image-config
. This will output the default configuration for the version of Kubernetes that is being tested. This configuration is required for using theimages
command. - Sonobuoy will now publish 32-bit Windows/Linux clients and arm64 clients on its Github release page.
What's better
Documentation improvements
We made a number of improvements to our documentation during this release cycle:
- Added an FAQ for common questions around use of the
plugin. - Updated and improved our documentation on how to run Sonobuoy in airgapped environments.
- Made a number of changes to improve our documentation site's accessibility score.
- Fixed a link that pointed to an old version and some typos.
99d45a1 Prepare v0.16.5 release (#1031)
4a88c74 Merge pull request #1019 from SDBrett/issue-1018
8a0c2ac Improve site accessibility score (#1017)
a768c66 Add an FAQ (#998)
05dc053 Improve instructions for airgapped environments (#1023)
cff00ca Add command to ouput default image registry config (#1022)
e189def Fixes: #1018
44be251 fix typo in e2eplugin page (#1014)
46ae5a9 Merge pull request #1011 from johnSchnake/e2eProgress
9a40478 Default to enableing progress updates from E2E plugin
fb517c2 Merge pull request #1013 from rbankston/issue1012
e22dd1a Updated to just /docs so this doesn't have to be updated again
ab6125a Updated docs link to point to latest
9e41652 Update to log logic in order to stream from new containers as they come up (#1007)
1b0ea1a Publish 32-bit and arm64 clients (#1009)
36709f5 Fix formatting of commands in CIS blog post (#1004)
7ce6965 Add CIS Benchmark plugin blog post (#1002)
Sonobuoy v0.16.4
What's new
- The
flag now supports URLs in addition to paths to local files or directories. (#989) - Daemonset plugins may now specify node affinity in their podSpec without extraneous errors. Until now, this could be specified but Sonobuoy would record errors due to "missing" plugins on the non-targeted nodes. Currently support In/NotIn/Exists/DoesNotExists operators only. (#990)
- The namespace and label selectors used by Sonobuoy to find the DNS pods during the preflight checks can now be customised using the flags
. (#987)
What's better
- Sonobuoy will no longer treat the first encounter of
as a final error state for a plugin. It will instead allow a pod up to 5 minutes to recover from this in case the error is transient. (#997) - Fixed a bug which caused some error files from being properly parsed by Sonobuoy leading to less helpful output from the
sonobuoy results
command. (#995)
cda71c3 Bump version and docs for v0.16.4 (#999)
ad67ceb Add wait period to allow image pull error recovery (#997)
6f983e2 Ensure errors.json with structured data is parsed (#995)
c5ad70d Allow daemonsets to use affinity to limit nodes they run on (#990)
73cdb50 Allow plugins to be specified via a URL (#989)
31b5728 Allow DNS pod selectors to be configured (#987)
Sonobuoy v0.16.3
What's new
Support for prerelease E2E test images
Sonobuoy will now utilize the prerelease info from the server version when looking up the conformance image. This means that if your cluster is version v1.17.0-beta.0 it will look up that exact version (which the upstream publishes currently). It continues to ignore metadata (e.g. for v1.17.0-beta.0+otherdata the "+otherdata" is dropped to be consistent with current image publishing practice).
What's better
- Sonobuoy now sets the
on the Secret resource created when running plugins which is used when communicating with the main aggregator pod. This means that if the main aggregator pod is deleted, this Secret will also be deleted. - Fixed an issue where the systemd-logs plugin would restart when the e2e tests ran for longer than 1h. This led to confusing messages in the logs.
bda80c2 Prepare v0.16.3 release (#983)
871ba62 Use prerelease info when looking up conformance image (#978)
f463b6d Fix broken e2eplugin link (#974)
f673ed7 Set OwnerReference on plugin TLS Secret (#973)
cd942b3 Sleep forever after systemd logs plugin finishes (#971)
f3b4e35 Update github org in one of our scripts (#960)
Sonobuoy v0.16.2
What's new
Piping data into sonobuoy run
In cases where large changes to YAML from sonobuoy gen
need to occur, we've recommended piping the data then to kubectl apply -f -
to start the run. However, when you do that you lose out on the ability to use the --wait
flag which can be very helpful.
We decided to add a -f
flag to sonobuoy run
so that you can load files or pipe to it from stdin. For example:
$ sonobuoy gen > my.yaml
$ cat my.yaml | sonobuoy run -f -
This may be a very useful feature for users who routinely need to change parts of the YAML since you can include other tools as well:
sonobuoy gen | <commands to change the yaml> | sonobuoy run -f -
What's better
Improved documentation
Documentation doesn't always get the attention it deserves. As we've been more active with Sonobuoy development in the past few months a number of shortcomings have been noted and we tried to clarify things and improve organization.
Clear timeouts
One relatively common failure mode is that the plugins fail to provide results within the timeout period. Historically when this happens users would get partial results from the e2e plugin which could be misleading since it may appear that N tests passed but it wasn't clear that some were not run at all. In addition, the logs noted the timeout, but the ended up in the middle of all the logs and it was difficult to notice.
As a result, we added more logging and tried to put it in more visible places. In addition, we made changes to the results processing logic that would be aware of problems like this and mark the plugins as having a status of timeout
. Hopefully these changes will save hours of unnecessary debugging.
Bug fixes
- Fixed a bug which caused some nodes results from a daemonset plugin to not be considered when doing post-processing.
- Fixed a bug where a plugin which failed to run wouldn't have its
directory considered during post-processing leading to an "unknown" status instead of a failure.
- Blog post on how to customize the E2E test image and run with unique testing options set: blog
- Moved from Travis to CircleCI
- Moved from to DockerHub for image hosting
- Updated imports for the new Github org
9b83cac Don't set branch just let it be calculated (#966)
a16e3e4 Tweaks to CI (#964)
3d0a548 Fixing up CI scripts to publish correctly (#963)
fe2646f Adjust our CircleCI to list tags on required job (#961)
7295394 Add older blog posts and author images (#958)
0838111 Prepare v0.16.2 release (#957)
26cb536 Update release process docs to reference new systems (#956)
6077455 Improve docs organization and E2E descriptions (#951)
3d03f98 Make timeouts more clear (#938)
bb1398c Remove .travis.yml to disable TravisCI (#954)
71dd2f9 Update badge to be from CircleCI not Travis (#953)
a673ac1 Unity integration testing and remove Travis (#949)
381d9e9 Make the publish script executable (#948)
be325ce Fixup to path to script (#947)
ff5326e Move image pushing into CircleCI (#945)
03e44e6 Adds new blog post regarding customizing the E2E test image (#944)
6899c87 Add CircleCI config (#940)
e18111d Update README to download release instead of go get (#942)
1e57ed8 Move to go modules (#935)
2686723 Results aggregation should consider the errors directory (#936)
69cc7ff Process all nodes and treat empty status as unknown (#937)
61cb07b Fixup to docker image push (#934)
03fd8b6 Get dockerhub image pushing to work on Travis (#932)
7218d76 Use created namespace name during run --wait
15ab7f3 Update our registry to dockerhub and use our latest kind-node (#927)
c799770 Fix blockquote rendering (#923)
4ba8b74 Add new GitHub org blog post (#928)
3290552 Allow piping input to sonobuoy run (#925)
3a8f83a Update repo throughout codebase (#924)
Sonobuoy v0.16.1
Sonobuoy v0.16.1 mitigates a major bug found in the upstream E2E conformance image. Users are highly encouraged to update. See #910 for more details.
What's new
Golang-based test runner for Kubernetes 1.16.0+ clusters.
Within the test image used for end-to-end tests are some wrappers which invoke those tests. Historically those were written in bash but various problems have occurred which caused us to add a Golang-based runner. The benefits of this are:
- avoids a major problem where 1.16.0 clusters with the bash runner would not report test results properly when there are failures
- improved error handling and logging
- ability to further customize the test run by allowing arbitrary flags to be passed via the env vars. This means that many more testing options are supported including provider specific settings that were previously unsettable.
What's better
sonobuoy results
will print results for all plugins by default. This way you don't have to remember which plugins were run or how their names are exactly spelled to figure out what is inside a tarball.sonobuoy gen plugin
added a--format
flag which allows you to specify the result format.
c9c2a46 Prepare for v0.16.1 Release (#921)
2c92062 Tweak readme with info about results. (#917)
0e16b5e Default to using the golang-based conformance runner (#916)
bf2fa52 Add a small test which runs a basic plugin (#903)
06f638e Allow the --plugin flag to specify a directory of plugins (#911)
d9ca4ba Prints all plugins when invoking sonobuoy results
by default (#909)
aae48ef Adds blog post summarizing improvements made up until 0.16.0 (#908)
6e5dcaa Adds a testImage for our integration tests (#907)
d42d0f1 Adds the results format as a flag parameter for gen plugin (#904)
e30312b Add kind and dep to path in Travis build (#902)
7473b3d Remove unused dependency from Gopkg.toml (#898)
a8e4c1c Add a test to check that version fields are set (#894)
Sonobuoy v0.16.0
This release corresponds to the Kubernetes v1.16.0 release. It takes place very close to our previous release, Sonobuoy v0.15.4, and does not contain any user-facing changes other than supporting Kubernetes v1.16.x.
6db0b0b Prepare v0.16.0 release (#896)
b0fb524 Rename stress test directory to match package name (#893)
0b77329 Fix script to make new versioned docs (#892)
Sonobuoy v0.15.4
What's new
- Supported modes
The supported "modes" for sonobuoy run
have changed. The supported values are now quick
, non-disruptive-conformance
, and certified-conformance
. This is due to Kubernetes changes in v1.16 which will be allowing disruptive tests to be included in Conformance runs. Sonobuoy, by default, will seek to protect your workloads by avoiding those disruptive tests unless you explicitly state that you want to run in certified-conformance
To be clear, sonobuoy run
is most appropriate as a safe way to test that your cluster is in a good state.
sonobuoy run --mode certified-conformance
will run all the conformance tests for submission to the CNCF Certified Kubernetes program.
- Progress updates
Sonobuoy now has support for collecting and reporting on the progress of plugins while they are still running. This functionality is currently just in Sonobuoy itself and is not yet implemented in the upstream E2E tests, where it is most useful. A new [example][] has been added to illustrate how you can utilize this functionality in your own plugins.
What's better
- In v1.16 Kubernetes has a few E2E tests which may evict user workloads from a node (see the above item about
mode. To ensure that Sonobuoy and your plugins run appropriately and do not get evicted, a new toleration is added by default. - When tailing logs via
sonobuoy logs -f
, if Sonobuoy sees a container but it is not yet running, we will continue to watch the container and start streaming logs once it enters the running state. - If a plugin fails to report any results and is considered an
result, that will bubble up and cause the plugin to properly be marked asunknown
rather thanpassed
by default. This reduces the number of false positives possible.
3d6c1be Bump version and add v0.15.4 docs (#886)
90a586f Add certified conformance mode and non-disruptive-conformance mode (#885)
cb43587 Progress reports for plugins (#869)
8bd715b Remove 'extended' mode (#884)
9eae93e Minor change to retrigger blog publishing (#882)
06fcf66 Add blog post for Customizing PodSpecs (#879)
f7e2366 Add a disruptive taint to list of default tolerations (#878)
0f9e963 check for container running before following logs (#706)
e03eebd Remove unnecessary legacy branding (#873)
cfde6a0 Update to Go 1.13 (#871)
3975a9e Show logs for a specific plugin (#868)
bc64713 Adjust MASTER_URL to be just the hostname (#867)
a603fdb Bubble up unknown results just like failures (#866)
bfa3ade Fix broken links and reference to conformance image (#864)
Sonobuoy v0.15.3
What's new
- The results post-processing for JUnit now supports output which contains a
object consisting of multiple test suites rather than just being able to support a singletestsuite
What's better
- Plugin definitions (e.g. output from
sonobuoy gen plugin
and input for the--plugin
flag) no longer have aresult-type
field. This was usually identical to theplugin-name
field and only led to confusing users or causing issues if those values were not identical.
4737048 Update version and add new docs for v0.15.3 (#862)
250dfc1 Update release docs for new build flow (#861)
3b14025 Remove plugin.ResultType due to confusion/lack of need (#857)
2d47854 Add documentation for custom PodSpecs (#859)
a268401 Add junit support for non-e2e tests/multi-suite (#851)
451b313 Use MarshalIndent on json goldenfiles (#856)
973e782 Rename master to aggregator (#847)
58b331c Update gems (#850)