This file lists major or notable changes to OpenPnP in chronological order. This is not a complete change list, only those that may directly interest or affect users.
Manual NozzleTip Changing Fixes
Thanks to @netzmark there is now a fix for manual nozzle tip changing. Now, if you do not have auto changing turned on, when the job attempts to change nozzles, the job will be paused and you will be shown a message indicating the change.
See: * * openpnp#118 * openpnp#526
Fiducial Locator Retry and Averaging
With thanks to @mgrl, retry count on the fiducial locator, which was previously fixed at 3 is now configurable in Machine Setup -> Vision -> Fiducial Locator.
In addition, a new option is added which allows averaging the results from the retries. This helps alleviate some jitter that happens as the results shift with the movement of the camera.
ReferenceLoosePartFeeder Improvements
There is a new default pipeline that performs well for non-polarized, rectangular components such as resistors and capacitors.
It attempts to include the electrodes as well as the bodies to better recognize rectangular parts and it performs landscape orientation on the results so that there is a deterministic orientation for rectangular parts.
The camera feedback is now only shown at the end of the process, and for a longer time. This better represents what OpenPnP is "seeing" before it picks the part.
The feeder's rotation defined on it's location is now added to the final rotation so that you can set the orientation you want parts picked in.
New CvPipeline Stage: OrientRotatedRects
The new stage ensures the orientation of RotatedRects is set to either landscape or portrait. This is used in the above pipeline.
In addition, you can set a flag to negate the angle of the RotatedRects. This is primarily used when converting from the output of MinAreaRect to what OpenPnP expects for Locations.
CvPipeline Editor Model Info
The pipeline editor will now show some information about any identified models it finds as you move the mouse around the result window.
For instance, if the result you are viewing includes a List and you mouse over the center of one of them in the image view, you will see the description of that RotatedRect in the status field.
This is very helpful for learning more about what is happening in your pipelines and makes it easy to debug model data.
This feature currently works for RotatedRect, Circle, and KeyPoint models, and Lists of the same.
This video shows the feature in action:
New CvPipeline Stage: Add
A new stage has been added for use in pipelines. The stage is called Add and it simply outputs the sum of two previous images. This is used in a new Loose Part Feeder pipeline that will be released soon.
CvPipeline Standalone Editor Pipeline Restore
The CvPipeline Standalone Editor will now save and restore the last pipeline you were working on, similar to how the last directory you were working on is saved.
CvPipeline Memory Usage Improvements
CvPipeline now implements AutoClosable and all of the code that uses it has been updated to release after use. This should greatly improve memory usage on large jobs with many parts.
ReferenceBottomVision Improved Error Messages
ReferenceBottomVision will now throw specific error messages for common pipeline setup errors such as an improperly named result stage or an invalid result type.
GcodeDriver Axis Pre Move Command Coordinate Variable
Pre Move Command in GcodeDriver Axes now has a Coordinate variable which can be used to reset an axis' position before moving it. This can be used in controller firmwares that do not support individual variables for multiple axes. In particular, this makes it possible to use Marlin with multiple rotation axes by using a Pre Move Command like
Vision Usability Improvements
As a result of the discussion in several changes have been made to the vision pipeline system.
- ReferenceBottomVision now looks for it's results in a stage named "results", like the other primary vision operations. It also falls back to "result" for backwards compatibility.
- ReferenceBottomVision now has improved error messages when a result is not found, or when the result in not in the correct format. This should help users as they experiment with new pipelines.
- Vision operations all now reference a common name to avoid mistakes like this in the future.
OpenPnpCaptureCamera Updates
- Implemented the rest of the camera properties.
- Camera properties now refresh when changing device or format.
- Auto disabled state now reflects if auto is supported.
- Added display of default value.
Major Update: New Camera Capture System!
OpenPnP now has it's very own, custom written camera capture system written specifically to solve all of the problems that have plagued camera capture since the beginning of this project!
openpnp-capture is a brand new capture library written by Niels Moseley (@trcwm) specifically for OpenPnP. Using this library we are now finally able to do things like run multiple USB cameras on a single port/hub, manage camera properties such as exposure, focus and white balance and select camera data formats to make intelligent choices based on quality, size, frame rate, etc.
Two of the biggest difficulties with capture in OpenPnP from the start have been the inability to run multiple cameras over a single USB port/hub and the inability to control manual exposure. The first is important because many people use OpenPnP with laptops which may have a limited number of ports. The second is important because most commercial USB cameras default to auto exposure and this causes problems with vision as the camera adjusts the exposure to compensate for differences in the image.
Using the new library, you can now set up your lighting and choose the exact exposure that works best for your machine, and you will know that it won't change just because the camera is looking at something else.
To use the new feature, add a new camera using the OpenPnpCaptureCamera and see the General Settings tab to select a device, format and property settings.
I want to give a HUGE shout out and thank you to Niels for all his incredibly hard work on the new capture library over the past couple months. He wrote a robust and expansive library for video capture for all three major operating systems in a very short period of time, knocking out feature after feature faster than I could integrate them into OpenPnP. This is an invaluable contribution to the project and will really push OpenPnP forward in it's computer vision abilities. Thank you Niels!
For more information about the capture library itself, see:
For information about the Java and Maven bindings for the capture library, see:
Finally, be aware that there are some known issues:
- When you switch the selected device, the wizard doesn't reload the properties. To work around, simply click to another wizard and then click back. To be fixed soon.
- Brightness, contrast, saturation, gamma properties not yet implemented in OpenPnP. These properties were recently added to the capture library but have not yet been implemented in OpenPnp.
If you run into any other issues, please file a bug report or post to the mailing list. Your feedback will help us make this new feature even better!
- Ctrl-Shift-L Hotkey Added for Park Z
Job Save Always Enabled
The File -> Save Job menu option is now always enabled so that you can save the job and any associated boards at any time. Previously this was only enabled when the board was marked dirty, and it did not reflect the status of the associated boards which made it hard to save boards on demand.
Camera FPS in Image Info
The Image Info pane in the camera view now shows current FPS being received from the camera. This was put in for testing some new features but was useful enough that I decided to leave it in so users can check their camera feeds.
Job Placed Status
Placements now have a Placed column that indicates if the placement has been placed. This value is saved with the job, so it is now possible to do partial assembly, exit OpenPnP, and then recover the job from where you left off.
You can right click the placements table to perform a bulk set or reset of the Placed flag and there is a new Job menu item that will reset the Placed status for the entire job at once. This can be used to quickly prep the job to be run again after it's finished.
Associated issues: openpnp#205 openpnp#258
Implemented in PR openpnp#632
Thanks to @sp-apertus for this huge improvement in usability!
ReferenceStripFeeder Improvements
- Added auto-thresholding to the default CvPipeline for ReferenceStripFeeder to better detect tape holes and eliminate false-positives in noisy camera images. Users should reset their feeder vision pipelines to the default to get this change, then re-apply any pipeline changes if still necessary.
- Auto Setup for ReferenceStripFeeder is now a lot smarter, more accurate, and is able to catch common setup issues.
- Fixed issue where strips with 2mm part pitch could result in the reference holes being detected flipped depending on where on the two parts the user clicked.
- Fixed issue where part pitch was calculated in the units of the camera, not necessarily millimeters.
- User is notified if they selected parts in the wrong order for the orientation of the strip.
- Tightened the max distance from a component center to the feed hole centers to accurately reflect the spacing as defined in the EIA-481 standard and thus reduce false-positives for adjacent strips.
- Multiple, full lines of strip holes are detected and grouped appropriately, and only the correct line of holes are used for the selected parts/strip (some spacing is still required between adjacent strips, but it is much reduced and more reliable).
Implemented in PR openpnp#628
Thanks to @richard-sim for these improvements!
Head Movement Speed Limiting
Head movements are now limited to the speed of the slowest part on the head at any time. This means that if you have more than one nozzle, and you have picked more than one part, if one part has a slower speed setting than the other, the slower one will dictate the speed of the head. Movements initiated by Cameras and Actuators on the same head will be limited in the same fashion.
Implemented in PR openpnp#630
Original issue openpnp#576
Thank you to @johngrabner for this nice improvement!
ReferenceStripFeeder Improvements
- Added auto-thresholding to the default CvPipeline for ReferenceStripFeeder to better detect tape holes and eliminate false-positives in noisy camera images. Users should reset their feeder vision pipelines to the default to get this change, then re-apply any pipeline changes if still necessary.
- Auto Setup for ReferenceStripFeeder is now a lot smarter, more accurate, and is able to catch common setup issues.
- Fixed issue where strips with 2mm part pitch could result in the reference holes being detected flipped depending on where on the two parts the user clicked.
- Fixed issue where part pitch was calculated in the units of the camera, not necessarily millimeters.
- User is notified if they selected parts in the wrong order for the orientation of the strip.
- Tightened the max distance from a component center to the feed hole centers to accurately reflect the spacing as defined in the EIA-481 standard and thus reduce false-positives for adjacent strips.
- Multiple, full lines of strip holes are detected and grouped appropriately, and only the correct line of holes are used for the selected parts/strip (some spacing is still required between adjacent strips, but it is much reduced and more reliable).
Implemented in PR openpnp#628
Thanks to @richard-sim for these improvements!
New Scripting Event: Job.Placement.Complete
New Scripting Event fired when a placement is complete, i.e. a part has been placed.
See for usage.
ReferenceStripFeeder Converted to CvPipeline
The vision operations for ReferenceStripFeeder have been converted from hard coded algorithms to use the CvPipeline system, as bottom vision and fiducial finding do. This makes it possible for you to easily customize the pipeline used for feeder vision to better match the conditions on your system.
Implemented in PR openpnp#610
Many thanks to @richard-sim for taking on this complex and important conversion!
Board Jog Crash Protection
A new tab called Safety has been added, with a checkbox that allows you to enable/disable board crash protection. This feature will throw an error if you try to jog a nozzle into a board.
Implemented in PR openpnp#598
Thank you to @machinekoder for this helpful improvement!
Kicad Importer Improved Part Creation
A new checkbox in the Kicad importer allows you to specify that only the value should be used when creating part names.
Implemented in PR openpnp#620
Thank you to @KarlZeilhofer for this new feature!
Additional Keyboard Shortcut Support
Several new keyboard shortcuts have been added in an effort to support external control of OpenPnP. The new hot keys allow you to start, step and stop jobs, adjust jog increments and several other useful functions. For full details see the user manual:
Implemented in PR openpnp#609
Thank you to @yaddatrance for this helpful improvement!
CvPipeline Editor Result Pinning
Pipeline editor now supports pinning a stage's output so you can see how changes in other stages affect the pinned one. Select any stage and then click the Pin icon in the results panel to pin that stage. Selecting any other stage will let you edit that stage while seeing the results of the one you pinned. Click the pin icon again to turn it off.
Implemented in PR openpnp#612
Thank you to @richard-sim for this awesome improvement!
CvPipeline Editor Null Value Fix
Fixes issue #597 which caused the pipeline editor to sometimes set values to null when changing stages. This bug often caused corrupt stage data and made it impossible to save stages.
Fixed in PR openpnp#611
Many thanks to @richard-sim for tracking down and fixing this bug!
Code Cleanup: Potential Breaking Change
As part of a scheduled code cleanup several old configuration settings have been removed. If you have upgraded within the past few months you should not see any change, but if your configuration is very old it may fail to load with this version. If you get an error starting OpenPnP after upgrading to this version, please look for and remove the following lines from your machine.xml:
See In board files:
If you have any trouble with this please post to the mailing list for help.
Improved Nozzle Changer Speed Support
With thanks to @lilltroll77 we now have improved nozzle changer speed control. The speed controls added recently had a limitation where different speeds would be used for different parts of the movement. You can now define three speeds that are used between the four movements and they are applied during those transitions whether it is for load or unload.
Note that since the configuration has changed slightly for this feature, you should check your speed settings before running a nozzle change with this new version. Settings should be migrated over automatically, but it is prudent to check them before using.
More information about this change is available at: openpnp#584
Fiducial Vision Converted to CvPipeline
The fiducial vision system has been converted to use the CvPipeline system as per openpnp#329.
This allows users to easily edit the vision pipeline for fiducials, making it easy to customize for different board and lighting scenarios. Pipeline editing works the same as in bottom vision; you can edit the pipeline on a part by part basis or at a global default.
The default pipeline included with OpenPnP is an exact duplicate of the code that used to be used internally - it has just been converted to pipeline form to make it editable.
If you notice a degradation in fiducial performance, please post a message to the mailing list at
Power On, No Home Behavior
Now when you hit the power on button the home button becomes highlighted to indicate you should home the machine. Previously the power button would change color which was confusing.
SimulatedUpCamera Rewrite
The SimulatedUpCamera has been rewritten to work much better. It is now included in the default configuration so that you can test out bottom vision before you have a machine. It's also been made testable, so there is now test coverage for basic bottom vision operations.
CvPipeline Properties (Breaking Change)
In an effort to make it easier for developers to integrate custom functionality in CvPipelines, the pipeline now has a map of properties that can be set be callers. This allows callers of a pipeline to feed values in for the pipeline to use. This can be things like cameras, feeders, parts, nozzles, etc.
This functionality replaces the previously added setFeeder and setNozzle calls. These calls were too specific to certain pipelines and did not represent a good development direction for the pipeline as it would eventually become cluttered with variables that did not make sense for the pipeline as a whole.
Breaking Change: All existing stages have been migrated to the property system. If you have custom stages that used getNozzle or getFeeder you will need to make minor updates to switch these to use properties instead.
- getNozzle() becomes (Nozzle) getProperty("nozzle")
- getFeeder() becomes (Feeder) getProperty("feeder")
Finally, this change is the first step into supporting variables in CvPipeline. Eventually you will be able to reference properties and other objects when setting parameters in stages.
ReferenceLoosePartFeeder has received a big upgrade thanks to @dzach. The new AdvancedLoosePartFeeder is able to be trained to recognize the orientation of loose parts, allowing perfect placement of loose bins of both polarized and unpolartized parts. This provides a complete feeding solution with no feeders at all!
A lot of work and discussion has gone into this feature. For more details see: openpnp#573 (comment)!msg/openpnp/zqeeh6mGqtk/Ix9MgDbvCAAJ
It is expected that the default pipelines will need to be tuned and updated as we get more experience with this new system. Please post your feedback about this feeder to the mailing list.
Thank you @dzach!
Nozzle Tip Changer Speed Settings
Nozzle Tip Changer now has independent speed settings for each movement. The speeds are a multiplier, similar to how it's used in other parts of the system. The value is multiplied by the system speed slider to determine the final speed. A 1.0 is "full speed".
New Scripting Events
Two new Scripting events have been added: Job.Starting and Job.Finished. These are called as the job is starting and after it completes. They are intended to aid in using conveyer systems to automatically load and unload PCBs.
See for more info.
New tray feeder added: RotaryTrayFeeder
This tray feeder takes 3 points (first component, first row last component, last row last component) to measure the component grid and is rotation agnostic. Feedback and experience reports are welcome.
Configuration Wizard Performance Improvement
Due to a bug in a third party library that is used extensively in the configuration wizards in OpenPnP, performance on opening the wizards was often very poor for many users. This was most obvious when clicking through your various feeders, where some users were experiencing up to a 10 second delay in opening the wizard.
Unfortunately, the library has been abandoned so even though there is a fix available, it will likely never be released. Instead, we are now "monkey patching" the fix at runtime and this solves the problem.
Thanks to @SadMan on IRC for putting me on the path to the fix.
New Bottom Vision Scripting Events
Two new scripting events have been added to assist with bottom vision lighting. They are Vision.PartAlignment.Before and Vision.PartAlignment.After.
See for more information.
Script Directory Ignore
You can now add an empty .ignore file to any directory under the scripts directory to have that directory be ignored when populating the Scripts menu. This is in support of a feature by @cri-s to improve usability on production machines.
More information at openpnp#521.
Home Status
The "Power On" button now turns yellow when you first enable the machine, and does not turn green until the machine is homed. This helps you notice that you have not yet homed the machine. Thanks to @ldpgh for this helpful feature!
More information at openpnp#379.
Python Script Examples Added
@ldpgh has added some helpful Python examples to the suite of built in Scripting examples.
More information at openpnp#520.
Navigation View Removed
The Navigation View has been removed as part of a cleanup effort. This feature was unfinished and is unlikely to ever be finished in this iteration of the UI. Removing it improves startup time, removes a dependency on JavaFX and solves some bugs.
If you were using this feature and will miss it, please make it known on the mailing list at
BREAKING CHANGE: Outdated Drivers Removed
Several outdated drivers have been removed. These are: GrblDriver, MarlinDriver, SprinterDriver, and TinygDriver. All of these drivers have been replaced with the much better supported GcodeDriver. If you are currently using one of these drivers this version WILL BREAK your configuration. If you need help migrating, please post a question to the mailing list at:
More information about this change and the reasoning for it is available at:
Filter Rotated Rects CvStage
A new pipeline stage called FilterRects has been added by @dzach. It allows you to filter rotated rects based on given width, length and aspect ratio limits. This can be very helpful for making sure a recognized part is within acceptable size limits.
Tool Selection for Cameras
Thanks to @BendRocks an old feature has been brought back to life. You can now select head mounted cameras from the Machine Controls tool dropdown box. This causes the DROs to show the coordinates of the camera and allows you to jog from the camera's perspective instead of just the nozzle's. This also makes it possible (although not yet implemented) to do the same kind of thing for paste dispensers when that feature is revived.
Work for this feature was performed in: openpnp#507
Auto Panelization
Thanks to @BendRocks we now have a robust panelization solution in OpenPnP! Panels allow you to quickly set up multiple copies of a board in an array and allow you to have panel fiducials in addition to board fiducials. There is also a quick X out feature that makes it easy to mark boards in the array that are damaged and should not be placed.
This feature is a work in progress. There are some known issues and some limitations but it has matured enough that it's ready for people to start trying it out.
Full documentation for this feature is coming soon and will be available at:
For more information about this feature, please see the following links: openpnp#128 openpnp#456!msg/openpnp/_ni0LK8LR8g/5u-0-P-1EwAJ;context-place=forum/openpnp
Job Placement Status
With many thanks to @iAmRoland we now have a great status display of placements as a job is run. Their description from the pull request describes the feature nicely:
Once the start button is pressed, it will mark all pending placements with a yellow color. When it's processing a placement it will display a blue color on the ID cell. Once it's done with all placements with the same ID, it then marks that cell with a green color. If no placement is going to be done then the cell is left white.
@iAmRoland even included a nice GIF that shows how it looks:
This work was performed in PR openpnp#493 and partially addresses the feature described in issue openpnp#205 and openpnp#280.
Auto Update Fixed, Version Number Improvements
An error that was causing the auto updater to not work has been fixed. In the process, the OpenPnP version numbering scheme has been changed and improved. Version numbers were previously just an inscrutable Git hash. They are now in the format of 2017-03-26_18-56-32.0be8a03, with the part before the period representing the date of the build and the part after the period representing the Git hash. This makes it easy to identify when the code was built and how old it is, and the Git hash can be used to identify a specific commit.
Glue Feature Removed
The Glue Dispense feature has been deprecated and removed. This feature was not being used and it was causing maintainability problems. If there is interest in the feature in the future it will be rewritten. More information about this decision is available at!msg/openpnp/1-CSpnoPQGY/k6qUT9VZAQAJ
Submit Diagnostics
You can now submit a very detailed diagnostics package about OpenPnP right from OpenPnP itself! In the Help menu just click Submit Diagnostics and follow the instructions. The result will be a link to a Gist on Github that contains information and images from OpenPnP. You can share the link on the mailing list or elsewhere to assist people in helping with any issue you might be having.
Named CSV Importer Improvements
Thanks to @Misfittech the Named CSV Importer can now handle Altium R14 files and now has the option to set part heights when available. It also supports the ability to import data that contains values in mils.
Logging Improvements
With many thanks to @pfried the Log tab and the logging system have seen several improvements:
- Log panel is now searchable.
- Select and copy lines from the log.
- Enable/disable system output.
- Option to auto-scroll, or not.
More information about this feature can be found at: openpnp#288
Force Upper Case in Gcode Driver Console
There is now an option, on by default, that forces commands sent from the Gcode console to upper case. Previously upper case was forced without option, but now you can turn it off if you like.
Position Camera and Continue
Thanks to @BendRocks for two new buttons in the Job and Placements panel. The buttons which look like the Position Camera button with a right arrow added allows you to position the camera and then select either the next board or placement. This allows you to very easily and quickly move through a job and see that all of your placements are configured correctly.
Console Output in Log Panel
Thanks to @pfried, console output (System.out, System.err) is now included in the Log panel at the Info and Error levels respectively. One major benefit of this is that scripting output will now be visible in the Log panel.
ReferenceDragFeeder Configuration Actuator Positioning
Fixes a bug in the ReferenceDragFeeder configuration panel that kept the actuator positioning buttons from showing up. Now when you set an actuator name the position nozzle buttons on these fields will turn into position actuator buttons as they did previously.
GcodeDriver Sub-Driver Delete UI
You can now delete sub-drivers from the UI by selecting one and clicking the red X button in the toolbar above.
HTTP Actuator
A new boolean actuator that calls a predefined URL for ON and OFF events. It was developed for controlling pneumatic feeders that are controlled via a Raspberry Pi with IO shield but maybe there are totally different applications as well.
GCode Backlash Compensation
The GCode Driver now features a few additional parameters to address backlash. This allows approaching target locations always from a specific direction on X/Y axes. Optionally the final approach can be executed with reduced speed. Details:
GCode Console
The GCode Driver now features a new tab to manually send GCode commands in a console.
GCode Non-Squareness Compensation
The GCode Driver now also works with machines that are not perfectly square. Details about how to measure and compensate this Non-Squareness Compensation can be found here:
Generalized Vacuum Sensing (BREAKING CHANGE)
Vacuum sensing was previously a GcodeDriver only feature. With the recent Actuator Improvements it became possible to extend this feature to all drivers. The vacuum sense feature now uses an Actuator to read values from the pressure sensor, instead of a specialized GcodeDriver command.
Configuration is still similar. Instead of defining a VACUUM_REQUEST_COMMAND and VACUUM_REPORT_REGEX you just create an Actuator that uses the same values and set the Actuator name on your nozzle.
Due to this configuration change, this is a breaking change. Your vacuum sense will not work until you make the manual changes. You can watch a short video tutorial showing how to make the required changes at:
Actuator Improvements
- Actuators can now read String values in a generic fashion. This makes it possible to integrate a variety of sensors into your system and use the output in any way you like, particularly with scripting. The GcodeDriver has been updated to work with this new functionality. For more information see:
- The Actuators panel in Jog Controls now offers more options for controlling and testing actuators. You can send true/false boolean values, send double values and read a response from each actuator.
Icon Improvements
With many thanks to @dzach we now have some much improved icons in many parts of OpenPnP. @dzach spent several days working on and refining icons to show their intent better, and to improve usability to persons with color blindness. As a result, several of the icons that used to require you to think for a moment to remember what they were are redesigned to be very clear and easy to understand.
References: openpnp#429 openpnp#426 openpnp#421
Thank you @dzach!
A new feeder called ReferenceSlotAutoFeeder has been added which provides the capability of a movable auto feeder.
ReferenceSlotAutoFeeder allows you to define any number of feeder slots on your machine and each one can contain a feeder. By changing the feeder in a slot you move it's settings from slot to slot without having to reconfigure it's position, part or other settings.
The primary purpose of this feeder is for machines that have auto feeders that can be readily moved from position to position.
More information at
Work was done in openpnp#399.
QR Code Based X Out Example Script
A new example script called QrCodeXout.js is now included with OpenPnP. It will scan each board in a job for a QR code and if one is found the board will be disabled. This is an easy way to mark bad boards in a panel before starting a job.
The purpose of the example script is to show how to use the QR code reader to do a complex task. It can easily be modified to search for other markings or other types of codes.
ScriptRun CvPipeline Stage
A new CvPipeline stage has been added called ScriptRun. This stage take a file and runs it as a script with one of the supported built in script engines. This makes it very easy for people to add their own vision logic to a pipeline without having to write a stage.
The script is supplied globals of
.An example script is shown below. It sets all of the pixels of the input image to the color green.
pipeline.workingImage.setTo(new, 255, 0));
By saving the above to a file with the extension .js and selecting it in the stage the script will run each time the stage is evaluated.
OpenCvCamera Capture Properties
You can now set a number of capture properties on the OpenCvCamera. Not all properties are supported on every system or every camera. This feature is experimental and is primarily intended to allow users to experiment with exposure and format control.
To set properties open the configuration for the camera, select the Camera Specific tab and look for the Properties section at the bottom.
More information is available at: openpnp#328
Auto Feeder Improvements
ReferenceAutoFeeder can now use actuators in boolean or double mode and the configuration panel has been updated to support each.
ReferenceAutoFeeder also now supports a post pick actuator, which is helpful to support feeders that require two movements for a single feed operation. This is common in the Yamaha CL feeders that are becoming popular. The feed actuator is used to retract the guard and the post pick actuator is used to advance the tape after a pick.
Existing feeders should not require any changes to support these new features. The defaults have been maintained.
Post Pick Supported in Feeder Panel
The post pick operation is now called from the Feeders tab when you run a Pick operation. This is useful when testing feeders that use this feature. Prior to this addition the post pick operation was only called when a job was running.
Help Menu
There is now a new Help menu that has quick links to important documentation and a new option to let you check for updates to OpenPnP. This option is only enabled if you installed OpenPnP with the installer. It will not be available if you built it from source.
Camera Improvements
ReferenceCamera is now much smarter about handling problems with invalid images and it should no longer cause high CPU usage when a camera configuration is incorrect. In addition, when it receives a null image it will retry up to 10 times before failing. This is helpful for cameras that sometimes return bad images; common with the ELP series of USB cameras.
DipTrace Native Import
With many thanks to @BendRocks, we now have native DipTrace import support. Find the new importer under the File -> Import menu.
User Interface Improvements
This change introduces a new layout and some changes to the main user interface. The purpose of this change is to improve use of screen real estate for the things that people spend the most time interacting with.
The main change is that the screen is now split vertically instead of horizontally. Cameras have been moved to the upper left and jog controls to the lower left. The tabs and tables have been moved to the right side of the screen and are now stacked rather than side by side.
The primary benefit of this change is that it takes better advantage of the trend towards wider screens. Previously, users with wide (but short) screens had very limited space to work in due to the fixed sizes of several components. With the screen now split vertically it is now possible to use the full height of the screen to see jobs, placements and configuration information.
Other minor changes are:
- You can now collapse the jog controls to get them out of the way if you prefer to use the keyboard shortcuts or camera jogging.
- DROs have been moved from the Machine Controls section to the bottom right of the status bar. For too long the DROs have taken up a huge amount of screen space for something that is really not that useful. You can still switch between relative and absolute mode by clicking on them.
Here are some screenshots to show the major differences. The first shows the interface before the changes, the next shows the new user interface with jog controls expanded and the third shows the new interface with jog controls collapsed.
Finally, I would like to send a special Thank You to @FinalPhoenix, who has generously volunteered to help with improving OpenPnP's user interface and overall user experience!
Many of these changes were suggested by @FinalPhoenix and with her help I hope to make OpenPnP far more enjoyable and easy to use than it has ever been.
Introduction of Navigation Panel
The Navigation Panel is a new feature that shows a 2D rendered view of your machine and job and allows quick navigation around the various components. You can quickly jog to any location on the machine and you can see a live view of your cameras, nozzles, feeders, boards and placements. Additionally, it makes it very easy to quickly find these objects in the tables below by simply clicking on one of them in the panel.
This feature is still under heavy development. There are some known bugs and limitations:
- When an item is selected, the selection border rendering sometimes gets artifacts from the drag jog line.
- Board bottoms are not rendered correctly.
For more information about this feature, see openpnp#99.
Some things to try are:
- Load a job to see a visual representation of the boards and placements.
- Use your mouse wheel to zoom in and out.
- Mouse over objects to see their names.
- Click on various objects to select them and to instantly navigate to them in the tables below.
- Click and drag to jog the camera around.
- Click on the camera to turn it transparent so you can see what is under it.
Add and Remove Cameras, Nozzles, Nozzle Tips, and Actuators in the Machine Setup tab.
You can now add and remove cameras, nozzles and actuators in the Machine Setup tab. To add, click on the heading for the thing you want to create and click the Add button above. To remove, click on the one you want to remove and then click on the Remove button above.
Cameras Tab Removed
The Cameras tab has been removed and all of it's functionality moved to Machine Setup. This is part of a long running change to move all setup tasks into Machine Setup, and this is the final one.
More information at: openpnp#103
Camera Drag Jogging
You can now click and drag in the camera view to move the camera. When you click and begin to drag, a white line is shown from the current center of the camera to where the camera will go when you release the button. This is in addition to the existing Shift-Click to jog system already in place. It is intended to eventually replace that system.
Navigation View Updates
Navigation View is a feature that has been in development for some time but has been disabled in the code. It presents a 2D rendered view of the machine from the top down and allows you to quickly move around the machine and get information about objects such as boards, placements, feeders, etc. This feature is still under development and not ready for prime time, but it's become interesting enough that some people may want to try it out. To enable it you need to add -DenableNav=true to your command line.
Once enabled, there will be a new tab with the Cameras call Navigation. Try loading a job to see what the view shows. You should see boards, placements, feeders, cameras and a red dot for your nozzles. You can zoom in and out with the mouse wheel, mouse over objects to get information, click and drag to jog the machine, and click cameras to turn them transparent. Cameras move and update in real time.
This feature is going to grow quite a bit in the coming months. This is just a preview.
Event Bus (Developers)
A simple event bus has been added at Configuration.getBus(). This is currently being tested with the Navigation View above and is intended to further decouple the UI. This new addition is being tested for further use. For more information, see:
Scripting Events
Scripting Events is a new feature that will be getting a lot of use in the future. This allows scripts to be run when certain things happen in OpenPnP. The scripts are referenced by name and can be of any supported scripting extension. They are found in the scripts/Events directory.
The feature is used by calling
Scripting.on(String eventName, Map<String, Object> globals)
.As part of this feature, Scripting was moved into Configuration rather than MainFrame, so that it can be used outside of the UI.
For more information, see
Camera.BeforeCapture and Camera.AfterCapture Scripting Events
The first use of the new feature described above is two events that can be used to control lighting and other complex camera operations. Camera.BeforeCapture is fired before an image is captured and Camera.AfterCapture is fired after the capture is complete.
By using the scripting events in combination with named Actuators you can control any device on your machine.
For more information, see and
Removed Deprecated LtiCivilCamera and VfwCamera
LtiCivilCamera and VfwCamera were camera implementations for Mac and Windows. These required native libraries that were out of date and, as far as I know, no longer used. These have been removed in an effort to remove dead code from the project.
If you were depending on these, please try switching to OpencvCamera or WebcamCamera. See!msg/openpnp/JnOMjZWi9C8 for more information.
The Pick and Place Vacuum Sensing feature was originally released with different configuration
variable names. If you installed this version which was released yesterday then your configuration
will fail to load when you install this version. To fix it, edit your machine.xml and remove the
lines that include vacuum-level-min
and vacuum-level-max
Pick and Place Vacuum Sensing
You can now set a "part on" and "part off" vacuum level on your nozzle tips. The values will be checked during the pick and place operations. Currently only supported in GcodeDriver. See and for more information.
Thank you to Matt Brocklehurst for this feature.
Camera View Zoom
You can now zoom into the camera view using the mouse wheel. The zoom level does not affect what the software sees when taking a picture, it only affects what you see. This can be used to make it easier to pinpoint locations when doing setup work.
Feeder Post Pick Event
Feeders now support a post pick event which allows for actuation after the pick is complete. This feature is primarily for custom feeders and it is not currently used in the default feeders.
Thank you to Matt Brocklehurst for this feature.
GcodeDriver Controller Error Detection
GcodeDriver can now detect error responses from the controller using the
. See for more details.Thank you to Matt Brocklehurst for this feature.
Nozzle Tip Changer Fourth Move Added
A fourth move option has been added to the nozzle tip changer to support LitePlacer like hardware configurations. By default the fourth move is cloned from the previous second move upon configuration load, so the change should not result in any new moves for existing configurations.
Logging Changes
OpenPnP now uses TinyLog for logging instead of SLF and Log4J. TinyLog is much simpler to configure and far less complex to work with. It has quite a few less features, but based on feedback in openpnp#333 this was preferred.
- Logging now defaults to the INFO level.
- The level can be changed from the Log tab and it will be saved.
- Log level can be changed on the fly without restarting OpenPnP.
- Rotating log files are still created. The naming has changed slightly. The files now rotate after each startup instead of daily.
Camera View Reticle Now Tracks Tool Rotation
Prior to this change, the camera view reticle / crosshair always tracked the rotation of the camera. Since most cameras don't rotate, this didn't make much sense. The view now tracks the rotation of the currently selected tool, which is almost always the nozzle.
Strip Feeder Improvements
- Strip feeder now moves to the correct pick location before the first feed, i.e. when the feed count is 0. This is just a bit of user friendliness that does not really change any functionality. openpnp#352
- Strip feeder auto setup no longer captures or overwrites the Z value. openpnp#353
GcodeDriver CamTransform
GcodeDriver now supports cam based Z axes like those used on the OpenBuilds reference design, the RobotDigg head and several other common head designs.
To use the new transform, see the example configuration below.
<axis name="z" type="Z" home-coordinate="0.0"> <head-mountable-ids class="java.util.HashSet"> <string>69edd567-df6c-495a-9b30-2fcbf5c9742f</string> <string>169edd567-df6c-495a-9b30-2fcbf5c9742f</string> </head-mountable-ids> <transform class="org.openpnp.machine.reference.driver.GcodeDriver$CamTransform" cam-radius="24.0" cam-wheel-radius="9.5" cam-wheel-gap="2.0"> <negated-head-mountable-id>169edd567-df6c-495a-9b30-2fcbf5c9742f</negated-head-mountable-id> </transform> </axis>
In particular, you must define your Z axis head-mountable-ids to your two nozzles, and you must set the negated-head-mountable-id to the secondary nozzle. The parameters for defining the cam are:
- cam-radius: The radius of the cam itself.
- cam-wheel-radius: The radius of the bearings or wheels at the end of the cams that actually push the axis down.
- cam-wheel-gap: The gap, if any, between the cam wheels and the top of the axis which they push down.
Success and Error Sounds, Signaler Interface
OpenPnP can now play sounds when a job finishes or fails due to error. This feature also introduces a Signaler interface which will be used in the future to allow for external hardware to be triggered for the same events.
For more information on this new feature, see:
Thank you to @pfried for contributing this feature!
GcodeDriver Gcode Configuration UI
You can now configure all Gcode commands and RegExs via the driver configuration wizard found in Machine Setup -> Driver -> GcodeDriver. The wizard has two tabs: Serial and Gcode. In the Gcode tab you can choose the tool you want to configure and the command for that tool. By choosing the Default tool you configure the default set of commands which are used for fallbacks when tool specific commands are not found.
GcodeDriver Commands Now In CDATA
GcodeDriver commands are switched to use CDATA now, instead of escaped XML. This makes it easier to include complex regexs that may include XML characters. In general, you don't have to change anything. OpenPnP will update your config the first time you run it. The resulting commands look like:
<command type="CONNECT_COMMAND"> <text><![CDATA[G21]]></text> <text><![CDATA[G90]]></text> <text><![CDATA[M82]]></text> </command>
Only the data between the [] is considered part of the command.
GcodeDriver Position Reporting
GcodeDriver will now read position reports from the controller. This can be used to provide feedback during moves or for controllers that may move externally to OpenPnP. This is a very new feature and is expected to require some iteration before it's perfect. If you run into issues with it, please report them.
To add position reporting, define a new regex in the format of:
<command type="POSITION_REPORT_REGEX"> <text><![CDATA[<Idle,MPos:(?<x>-?\d+\.\d+),(?<y>-?\d+\.\d+),(?<z>-?\d+\.\d+),(?<rotation>-?\d+\.\d+)>]]></text> </command>
Note that the regex contains named groups. The named groups are used to identify the coordinates of each axis you have defined. You should name the groups with the same names in your axes section. In the command above the groups / axes are named x, y, z and rotation.
GcodeDriver Tool Specific Commands
GcodeDriver now has the ability to send different commands based on the the tool that that the command is being sent for. This means that you can have different commands for each object on the head such as Nozzles, Cameras, Actuators, etc. Most importantly, you can now have separate pick and place commands for each Nozzle.
When you first start OpenPnP with this version it will automatically update your configuration and move the existing commands into a default command set. After closing OpenPnP, please inspect your machine.xml to see the changes.
To specify a specific tool for a command, the following syntax is used:
<command head-mountable-id="269edd567-df6c-495a-9b30-2fcbf5c9742f" type="PICK_COMMAND"> <text>M808</text> <text>M800</text> </command> <command head-mountable-id="69edd567-df6c-495a-9b30-2fcbf5c9742f" type="PICK_COMMAND"> <text>M808</text> <text>M802--</text> </command>
Note that the PICK_COMMAND is specified twice. One for each nozzle. The head-mountable-id specifies which nozzle the command is for.
OpenPnP will first search for a command that matches the specified tool, and if it cannot find one for the tool then it will default to the command defined without a head-mountable-id.
The commands that support tool specific codes are:
Python Scripting Support
Python support is now included by default, instead of requiring an external install.
GcodeDriver Pump On, Pump Off
GcodeDriver now has pump-on-command and pump-off-command commands which will trigger intelligently depending on whether there are any nozzles currently picking.
GcodeDriver Axis Mapping
The GcodeDriver now has a system for mapping axes to object on the head, along with a system for transforming coordinates on each axis. This allows more complex head setups than the basic single nozzle, four axis setup. In particular, this system allows for the case where a single Z motor powers two Z axes either in a cam, belt or rack and pinion configuration by specifying a single Z axis with two nozzles mapped to it, along with an appropriate transform. See for more information.
Scripting Engine
OpenPnP now has the ability to run user provided scripts that have full access to the OpenPnP API and GUI. This makes it easy to add new utilities and functionality to your installtion of OpenPnP without having to modify the code.
For more information, see:
ONVIF Camera Support
Thanks to @richard-sim we now have support for IP cameras using the ONVIF standard. This standard is used by many IP cameras, especially in the realm of security cameras. This brings cheap IP camera support to OpenPnP and opens up the options for cameras much wider than before.
Log Tab
There is a new main window tab called Log that shows logging output. This makes it easier for you to see the output of various commands in OpenPnP. It has options to limit the length of the log shown, and the log level. This is the first version of the feature and does not include all of the features that are planned. More information is available at: openpnp#288
GcodeDriver Move To Complete Regex
You can now include in your GcodeDriver configuration to specify a regex that the move-to command will wait for before completing. This is used for motion controllers that return the command confirmation before movement is complete - TinyG in particular. See for more information.
OpenBuilds Driver Rotation Improvements
The OpenBuilds Driver now treats the rotary axes as rotary axes, instead of linear ones. This means that it will choose to turn the opposite direction if that is the faster way to reach a given position. In other words, if you are trying to move from 355 degrees to 10 degrees it will counterclockwise 15 degrees, passing through 360 degrees instead of clockwise 345 degrees passing through 180 degrees.
This greatly improves performance related to the recent change to treat all rotation moves as solo.
Nozzle Park
There is now a per head park location. You can set the location in Machine Setup -> Heads.
The Zero buttons in the jog controls panel have been replaced with Park buttons. Each will move the selected nozzle to the park location.
The Job Processor will now optionally park the nozzle after a job completes, instead of re-homing. You can turn this option on in Machine Setup -> Job Processors.
Multi-Select on Parts and Packages Panels
You can now select multiple entries in the Parts and Packages panels for deletion.
Job Processor Refactor
This is a major rewrite of the JobProcessor, which is the code the handles the actual running of jobs. The purpose of this rewrite is to address many issues that have cropped up over the years in the JobProcessor, primarily around error handling and retry. The following changes are included:
Feed Retry: You can specify a retry count (default 3) in the feeder configuration and if a feed operation fails on a given feeder the operation will retry that many times before disabling the feeder and advancing to the next available one. If no more feeders are available for the part the feed operation fails and the user is notified. openpnp#206
Job Error Recovery: If any part of a job fails the user is now presented a dialog offering the options Retry, Skip, Pause to resolve it. No more "The job will be paused" leaving the system broken. Retry will attempt to re-run the previous task. Skip will skip processing the current placement. Pause pauses the job and hides the dialog so that the user can make configuration changes to attempt to resolve the error. The job may be continued with the Run or Step button.
Home After Job Complete: When a job completes normally the machine will return to home. openpnp#76
Pre and Post Job Machine Cleanup: Before a job starts and after it either finishes or is aborted, if any nozzles are holding a part the part will be discarded. openpnp#102
Note to developers: The code and API for this feature is considered alpha quality and is expected to change. I am not happy with the code quality of the feature, but I am very happy with the functionality, so I am releasing it. I intend to revisit this and make significant changes to both the code and the API.
Solder Paste Dispense Temporarily Disabled
Due to the Job Processor Refactor above, Solder Paste Dispense is temporarily disabled. Please see openpnp#271 for more information.
Show Camera Names in All Camera View
When the "All Cameras" view is selected, the name of each camera will be shown in in a little box in the bottom left of the view. This makes it easier to know what you are looking at when you have multiple cameras in action.
FPS Limit Option in OpenCvCamera
You can now set an FPS limit in the OpenCvCamera wizard. The default is 24. This is helpful to limit CPU usage on a machine with high resolution cameras.
Removed Bottom Vision API from VisionProvider
Before the Bottom Vision feature was complete it had been stubbed into the VisionProvider API. Since Bottom Vision is it's own first level object now this is no longer needed, so it has been removed. Existing implementations should move to either ReferenceBottomVision or to their own specific implementation of PartAlignment.
Camera Crop
You can now set a crop width and height on your camera. The crop is applied from the center, so setting a crop of 200x200 will make the output from the camera only the center 200x200 pixels. This is useful for when you have a high resolution camera but only care about a small portion of it. Cropping decreases the amount of data that is required to be processed and cuts down CPU and memory usage.
Speed Values Normalized
Anywhere in the UI referring to a speed is now expressed as a percentage. This includes the new speed limit slider, parts speed and drag feeder speed.
Global Speed Limit
There is now a slider in the jog controls that controls the overall speed of the machine from 0 - 100%. The speed is applied to all other speeds in the system. Specifically, if you have a part specific speed the speed applied to that part will be the global speed times the part speed.
Bottom Vision!
This is the first release of the Bottom Vision feature. This is a feature that has been in development for quite a long time and along the way has picked up a number of small but important features to go along with it.
More information about Bottom Vision can be found at:
Moved the jog controls from their dialog to the main window.
The jog controls are now always available and have been modified to take up less vertical space. The large START / STOP button has been replaced with a smaller "Power" button in the jog controls and the jog increment slider has been changed to vertical instead of horizontal and also integrated into the jog controls.
The end result is that the jog controls now take up about the same amount of space as the big START button + increment slider used to except now they are visible all the time.
Changed Nozzle.pick() to Nozzle.pick(Part) and added Nozzle.getPart()
This change allows the Nozzle to be aware of what Part it has picked and also allows callers to find out the same. This is used in SimulatedUpCamera to render the Part, will be used in the Nav View to render parts, is used in controlling movement speed based on Part speed and will be used in future improvements to the part discard bin.
Part speed is now enforced in Nozzle.moveTo instead of randomly all over the program.
This is possible due to the Nozzle.pick(Part) change above and improves the overall code quality related to part speed.
Add a Discard Location to machine.
Discard location can be configured in Machine Settings -> Machine. The Discard location is used as a dumping area for parts when an error occurs.
Add Discard button to Special Commands window.
Allows you to manually discard any part that is currently picked on the selected nozzle.
Add Pick button to Parts panel.
The Pick button allows you to pick the selected part from the first available feeder.
Remove Pick and Place buttons from Special Commands window.
This functionality was misnamed in that it did not actually pick or place a part, it was just used to turn vacuum on and off. Pick functionality is now handled by the Pick buttons on the Parts and Feeders panels and Place functionality is handled by the Discard button.