Releases: thoughtworks/talisman
Releases · thoughtworks/talisman
Custom severties
- Support for custom severities thanks to @steeve85
Fix markdown syntax for link (#276)
Hacktoberfest contributions
- A CLI flag to make talisman scan only HEAD (latest commit on branch), thanks to @louiedp3
- A progress bar to display scanning progress, thanks to @dineshba
- Changes to priority of some default search patterns, thanks to @tinamthomas
- Clojure keyword additions, thanks to @ravik-karn
Some fixes
- Disabled interactive mode for pre-push hook
- Fix for issue where talismanrc ignore directives are not processed by talisman on git-bash for windows, thanks to @dcRUSTy
- Fix to talisman hook script to process
env flags only when set totrue
Reduced binary sizes
Thanks to @dcRUSTy for setting up upx + lzma compression in CI
Disable interactive mode in windows temporarily
Interactive mode for talisman will only work on non-windows machines.
This is till we figure out a way to make it work with gitbash
and/or powershell
Fix File Overwrite issue vulnerability in talisman scan report generation
v1.6.0 Fix Case of Arbitrary File Overwrite while scanning malicious repo (#…
Fix for DOS of CI via talisman by avoiding scan of symlinks
v1.5.0 [Issue #220] - dcRUSTy - Fix DOS vulnerability related to scanning sy…
Ignored patterns and RCE prevention
- Ability to set Base64Entropy threshold in .talismanrc, thanks to @michaellihs
- Users now have a choice to install talisman hook in interactive mode (instead of having to set the mode manually before invocation), thanks to @harinee
- Threshold values for various scan matches and ability to configure threshold in .talismanrc, thanks to @tinamthomas (@tt-official ?)
- .talismanrc now supports allowed patterns at file and repo level to prevent false positives, thanks to @steeve85
- Fix for an RCE exploit/vulnerability issue raised by @dcRUSTy on windows, thanks to @dineshba and @prabhu43
Wildcard support in talismanrc and other enhancements
- Code Refactorings: Grouped detectors using package (#197)
- Add some spacing and filename in prompt in interactive mode (#194)
- Allow usage of wildcards in talismarc file (#196)
- Code cleanup (#193)
- Issue #185:Changed the pattern checking for passwords to verify strings succeeding the password phrase. *
- Detect more sensitive phrases (#188)