Welcome to the repository for the infrastructure setup of BYOR-VotingApp!
You can find more information about the BYOR-VotingApp in the web-app Github repository.
Running BYOR-VotingApp locally
Deploy BYOR-VotingApp to AWS Lambda
- Prerequisites
- Setting up an AWS account
- Settting up MongoAtlas account and database
- Deploying the application
- Updating the application
Deploy BYOR-VotingApp to Kubernetes
- Provisioning AWS EKS Kubernetes cluster
- Setting up an already provisioned cluster
- Deploying the application
- Updating the application
Run end to end tests based on Gauge
How to contribute to the project
- install Docker
- open the terminal
- clone the project
git clone https://github.com/thoughtworks/byor-voting-web-app.git
- move into the project folder
cd byor-voting-web-app
- startup web app, server, and a local MongoDB
docker-compose -f docker-compose.all.yml up
- access the application front-end on http://localhost:4201
if needed, application back-end is accessible on http://localhost:3001 and application's mongo database is accessible at
Please refer to BYOR-VotingApp [web-app] Github repository for more options on running the application locally.
- install GNU Bash
- install GNU Make
- install npm
- install AWS Command Line interface
- clone VotingApp [web-app]
git clone https://github.com/thoughtworks/byor-voting-web-app.git
- clone VotingApp [server]
git clone https://github.com/thoughtworks/byor-voting-server.git
- clone VotingApp [infrastructure]
git clone https://github.com/thoughtworks/byor-voting-infrastructure.git
- sign-in or create a new account in AWS
- go to
- create a new user to be used for deployment
- create an
Access key
for the user and download itkeep note of the
Access key ID
andSecret access key
contained inside the file, they will be asked later by the deployment script.
- sign-in or create a new account in MongoAtlas
- create a new database using a lowercase name without spaces (e.g. production) and use
for the collection name - go to
Database Access
- create a user setting
add default privileges
for the database defined above - go to
, click onconnect
and then onConnect your application
- select
dropdownkeep note of the
Connection string only
(replace the<password>
with the user password defined above), it will be asked later by the deployment script - go to
, click on...
and then onCommand Line Tools
keep note of the
parameter value from themongorestore
example, it will be asked later by the deployment script
Run the deploy_to_lambda.sh
script passing the name of the installation. Use a lowercase name, without spaces (e.g. production).
If you want to deploy to several installation targets at once pass them as a comma separated list (e.g. test,production).
cd byor-voting-infrastructure
aws/deploy_to_lambda.sh <installation_name1[,installation_nameX]>
The first time you run the script you will be asked to enter several informations. Afterwards, all the parameters will be stored inside the config/byor_<installation_name>.sh
file. If you change some of the configuration values later, please either delete the file and let the script ask you again them, or update the file manually.
Requested values:
- AWS access key id [
]: the value of theAccess key ID
field contained downloaded file from point 4 of AWS instructions - AWS secret access [
]: the value of theSecret access key
field contained downloaded file from point 4 of AWS instructions - AWS region [
]: the AWS region where you want to host the application - MongoDB connection string [
]: the local path of your mongodb installation home (required if you want to perform backups) - MongoDB database [
]: the value from point 7 in the MongoAtlas instructions - MongoDB host [
]: the value from point 4 in the MongoAtlas instructions - MongoDB username [
]: the value from point 4 in the MongoAtlas instructions - MongoDB password [
]: the default value (admin
) is usually the right one - MongoDB admin database [
]: he value from point 6 in the MongoAtlas instructions
The script will create S3 buckets with the following naming conventions:
contains the build-your-own-radar SPA (single page application)<installation_name>--byor-voting
: contains the byor-voting-server deployed as lambda<installation_name>--byor-voting-web-app
: contains the byor-voting-web-app SPA (single page application)
The script will configure <installation_name>--byor
and <installation_name>--byor-voting-web-app
buckets as static contents' web server.
To update the web-app or the server, just execute again the aws/deploy_to_lambda.sh
script as above.
- install AWS Command Line interface
- install aws-iam-authenticator
- install Terraform
- install kubectl
- login into AWS console:
- create programmatic access for provisioning resources using Terraform and attach the right EC2 policies.
- configure AWS cli to interact with AWS
- create EC2 keypair
- create AMI
- create S3 bucket to store Terraform state file
if you want you can use aws/create_s3_bucket.sh script to perform the operation
- set permission on S3 to ensure to be accessible only by your organization
- inside terraform.tf
- replace
with the S3 bucket you create above - replace
with the AWS region of your choice
- replace
- inside variable.tf
- replace
with the AMI ID - replace
<keypair name>
with the Keypair name - customize other settings for eks (e.g. node_instance_type) based on your needs.
- replace
- inside terraform.tfvars replace
with your AWS settings
- open terminal and login into AWS
- move into the VotingApp [infrastructure] project folder
- duplicate terraform template files to replace sample variables:
cp terraform.tf.sample terraform.tf cp terraform.tfvars.sample terraform.tfvars cp variables.rf.sample variables.rf
- if this is the first time you run terraform, execute:
terraform init
- review the plan outputs:
terraform plan
- if everything looks good, run:
terraform apply
- if everything looks good, run:
terraform apply
- to install Isto, Cert-Manager, Kiali secrets, and Let's encrypt secrets:
source k8s/k8s_setup.sh
- if you want to delete all the resources managed by terraform, run:
terraform destroy
- set the
contextexport KUBECONFIG=<path-to-kubeconfig> echo "export KUBECONFIG=${KUBECONFIG}" >> ${HOME}/.bashrc
- if you don't have already installed Isto, Cert-Manager, Kiali secrets, and Let's encrypt secrets, you can do it running:
- install helm
- add the repositories for web-app, server, and infrastructure
helm repo add byor-voting-web-app https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thoughtworks/byor-voting-web-app/master/charts helm repo add byor-voting-server https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thoughtworks/byor-voting-server/master/charts helm repo add byor-voting-infrastructure https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thoughtworks/byor-voting-infrastructure/master/charts
- deploy BYOR-VotingApp:
helm install byor-voting-chart
To update the VotingApp, just repeat the step 3 above.
Admin Username : k8s-admin
- get token
kubectl -n kube-system describe secret $(kubectl -n kube-system get secret | grep k8s-admin | awk '{print $1}')
- run the proxy
kubectl proxy`` command in provision machine.
- access the dashboard at http://localhost:8001/api/v1/namespaces/kube-system/services/
kubectl describe clusterissuer <cluster issuer name>
kubectl -n istio-system describe certificate <certificate name>
kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -l app=kiali -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') 20001:20001 &
kubectl port-forward -n istio-system $(kubectl get pod -n istio-system -l app=jaeger -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') 16686:16686 &
kubectl -n istio-system port-forward $(kubectl -n istio-system get pod -l app=grafana -o jsonpath='{.items[0].metadata.name}') 3000:3000 &
The byor-gauge folder contains the code that implements end to end tests using the Gaugue test framework.
The tests required the installation of the Gauge Testing Framework which can be accomplished with the command
npm install -g @getgauge/cli
Before launching the tests make sure that there is a byor-voting-server instance up and running. Currently the server has to run at http://localhost:3000/.
To execute the test run, from within byor-gauge folder, the command
gauge run specs
Please refer to CONTRIBUTING.md for all the information about how to contribute.