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Releases: terrastruct/d2


10 Jun 03:35
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This is a hotfix to 0.5.0, imports weren't working on Windows.

Improvements 🧹

  • Improves compiler's tooltip URL check. #1390


09 Jun 04:28
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There are three important features that were in the initial design of D2 that have not been done and hold it back from 1.0: globs, imports, and vars. This release brings imports.

Imports open up a world of possibilities and works beautifully to modularize diagrams. See the new docs to try it out today.

As usual, many improvements and bug fixes accompany this release. D2 0.5 produces more legible diagrams by masking obstructions (e.g. arrow going through a label), has better error messages to guide you, is faster at certain tasks, and addresses many issues brought by community bug reports.

Features 🚀

  • D2 files have the ability to import from other D2 files. See docs. #1371
  • sql_table alternatively takes an array of constraints instead of being limited to a single one. Thanks @satoqz ! #1245

Improvements 🧹

  • Use shape-specific sizing for grid containers #1294
  • Grid diagrams support nested shapes or grid diagrams #1309
  • grid-gap, vertical-gap, and horizontal-gap apply to padding on grid diagrams #1309
  • Watch mode browser uses an error favicon to easily indicate compiler errors. Thanks @sinyo-matu ! #1240
  • Grid layout performance improved when there are many similarly sized shapes #1315
  • Connections and labels are adjusted for shapes with 3d or multiple #1340
  • Constraints in sql_table render even if they have no matching abbreviation #1372
  • Constraints in sql_table sheds their excessive letter-spacing and is padded from the end consistently #1372
  • Duplicate image URLs in icons are only fetched once #1373
  • In watch mode, images are cached by default across compiles. Can be disabled with flag --img-cache=0. #1373
  • Common invalid array separator , usage in class arrays returns a helpful error message #1376
  • Invalid constraint usage is met with an error message, preventing a common mistake of omitting shape: sql_table #1379
  • Connections no longer obscure outside labels #1381
  • Container connections in dagre are more balanced #1384
  • Connections that go through shape labels are now masked translucently #1383

Bugfixes ⛑️

  • Shadow is no longer cut off when --pad is 0. Thank you @LeonardsonCC ! #1326
  • Fixes grid layout overwriting label placements for nested objects #1345
  • Fixes fonts not rendering correctly on certain platforms. Thanks @mikeday for identifying the solution. #1356
  • Fixes folders not rendering in animations (--animate-interval) #1357
  • Fixes panic using reserved keywords as containers #1358
  • When multiple classes are change different attributes of arrowheads, they are
    all applied instead of only the last one #1362
  • Prevent empty block strings #1364
  • Fixes dagre mis-aligning a nested shape's connection #1370
  • Fixes a bug in grids sometimes putting a shape on the next row/column #1380

Breaking changes

  • @xyz is now reserved as a pattern for imports. If you previously had a key that started like that, it must either be renamed or quoted like "@xyz".
  • Likewise with ...@xyz (spread operator import)


02 May 18:34
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This release improves on the features introduced in 0.4, with class keyword now accepting multiple class values with an array, and grid diagrams becoming faster and more robust.

Multiple classes example:

classes: {
  base: {
    style: {
      stroke-dash: 2
      border-radius: 5
      font: mono
      text-transform: uppercase
  error: {
    style.fill: "#e07d7d"
    style.stroke: "#a60c0c"
    style.font-color: white
  success: {
    style.fill: "#86f499"
    style.stroke: "#017f07"
    style.font-color: black

server-1.class: [base; error]
server-2.class: [base; success]

Features 🚀

  • class field now accepts arrays. See docs. #1256
  • Pill shape is implemented with rectangles of large border radius. See docs. Thanks @Poivey ! #1006

Improvements 🧹

  • ELK self loops get distributed around the object instead of stacking #1232
  • ELK preserves order of objects in cycles #1235
  • Improper usages of class and style get error messages #1254
  • Improves scaling of object widths/heights in grid diagrams #1263
  • Enhance Markdown parsing error message by appending link to docs #1269

Bugfixes ⛑️

  • Fixes an issue with markdown labels that are empty when rendered #1223
  • ELK self loops always have enough space for long labels #1232
  • Fixes panic when setting shape to be class or sql_table within a class #1251
  • Fixes rare panic exporting to gifs #1257
  • Fixes bad performance in large grid diagrams #1263
  • Fixes bug in ELK when container has ID "root" #1268
  • Fixes edge case panic with invalid CLI arguments #1271


18 Apr 02:05
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Multi-board D2 compositions now get 2 more useful formats to export to: PowerPoint and GIFs.

Powerpoint example

Make sure you click present, and click around the links and navigations!

GIF example

This is the same diagram as one we shared when we announced animated SVGs, but in GIF form.


Features 🚀

  • Export diagrams to .pptx (PowerPoint) #1139
  • Export diagrams to .gif #1200
  • Customize gap size in grid diagrams with grid-gap, vertical-gap, or horizontal-gap (see docs) #1178
  • New dark theme "Dark Terrastruct Flagship" with the theme ID of 201 #1150

Improvements 🧹

  • font-size works with Markdown text #1191
  • SVG outputs for internal links use relative paths instead of absolute #1197
  • Improves arrowhead label positioning #1207

Bugfixes ⛑️

  • Fixes grid layouts not applying on objects with a constant near #1173
  • Fixes Markdown header rendering in Firefox and Safari #1177
  • Fixes a grid layout panic when there are fewer objects than rows/columns #1189
  • Fixes an issue where PNG exports that were too large were crashing #1093


09 Apr 02:44
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Major updates in 0.4.0:

  • classes and class are finally here. No more repeating styles!
  • Introducing Grid diagrams. A very popular form of diagramming software architecture.

To showcase both of these, here's a demo with a link to the source code below:

Screen Shot 2023-04-08 at 7 20 04 PM

Bunch of other features, improvements, and bug fixes too. Make sure to check out the updated docs for how to use these new features!

Features 🚀

  • Classes are implemented. See docs. #772
  • Grid diagrams are implemented. See docs. #1122
  • Container with constant key near attribute now can have descendant objects and connections (thank you @donglixiaoche) #1071
  • Multi-board SVG outputs with internal links go to their output paths #1116

Improvements 🧹

  • Labels on parallel dagre connections include a gap between them #1134
  • Sequence diagram lifelines inherit the actor's stroke and stroke-dash #1140
  • Add text-transform styling option (thank you @alexstoick for these 2) #1118

Bugfixes ⛑️

  • Fix inheritence in scenarios/steps #1090
  • Fix a bug in 32bit builds #1115
  • Fix a bug in ID parsing #322
  • Fix a bug in watch mode parsing SVG #1119
  • Namespace transitions so that multiple animated D2 diagrams can exist on the same page #1123
  • Fix a bug in vertical alignment of appendix lines #1104
  • Fix precision difference for sketch mode running on different architectures #921
  • Fix an issue where markdown fonts weren't being applied correctly #1132

Breaking changes

  • class and classes are now reserved keywords.
  • text-transform is now a reserved keyword.


30 Mar 05:13
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D2 0.3 is here!

Major updates:

  • SVG sizes are ~5% of what they were in D2 0.2.
    • The disproportionately largest contributor to this size was the font. Instead of encoding the entire font, D2 now only bundles only the used part of it (e.g. if you don't use the letter "b", the font encoding for "b" won't be included).
  • The first practical applications of multi-board compositions are here: animations. Composition is among D2's most powerful features, and these first applications are just the tip of the iceberg. Stay tuned for more in upcoming 0.3.x releases. See docs.
  • Customizable fonts. You can pass in whatever you want to use through the command line.

Screen Shot 2023-03-29 at 8 27 45 PM


  • New "Origami" theme

Screen Shot 2023-03-29 at 7 59 31 PM

Features 🚀

  • Flags to set a custom font are supported. See docs. #1108
  • --animate-interval can be passed as a flag to animate multi-board diagrams. See docs. #1088
  • New fill-pattern: paper #1070
  • Fonts are subsetted to only include what's necessary #1089
  • New theme: Origami #1110

Improvements 🧹

  • Prevent tooltip being set to a URL when link is already set (for security) #1091
  • Scale arrowhead sizes appropriately to stroke-width. #1101

Bugfixes ⛑️

  • Prevents an object's near from targeting another object with near set to a constant #1100
  • Fixes inaccurate bold edge label padding #1108
  • Prevents Latex blocks from being uppercased in special themes #1111


18 Mar 22:52
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Features 🚀

  • --center flag centers the SVG in the containing viewbox. #1056
  • Strikethrough in Markdown with ~~. #1059

Improvements 🧹

  • elk layout containers no longer overlap the label with children. #1055
  • --browser flag on CLI controls BROWSER environment variable for not opening browser in watch mode. #1052
  • Message emitted by CLI when a particular stage is taking a long time. #1058
  • <title> attribute of HTML in watch mode is the base file name, instead of the whole path. #1054

Bugfixes ⛑️

  • Code blocks are not affected by uppercasing from special themes like Terminal. #1053
  • Fixes fill-pattern replacement in the API. #1051
  • Fixes multiple <br/> elements in a row being mismeasured in Markdown blocks. #1060


16 Mar 22:49
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Customizations and layouts take a big leap forward with this release! Put together, these improvements make beautiful diagrams like these possible:


Playground link

Features 🚀

  • New class of special themes, starting with Terminal, and Terminal Grayscale. See docs. #1040, #1041
  • style.font: mono to use a monospaced font for the text/label. See docs. #1010
  • border-radius is supported for both class and sql_table shapes. Thanks to second-time contributor @donglixiaoche ! #982
  • Implements style.fill-pattern. See docs. #1024, #1041

Improvements 🧹

  • dagre layouts that have a connection where one endpoint is a container is much improved. #1011
  • elk layouts have less bends in the routes. #1033
  • elk layouts center nodes better. #1028
  • elk layouts have nicer margins between node boundaries and edges. #1028
  • elk layouts container contents are centered within. #1038
  • elk layouts container dimensions fit label. #1038
  • sketch draws connections with less roughness, which especially improves look of corner bends in ELK. #1014
  • CSS in SVGs are diagram-specific, which means you can embed multiple D2 diagrams on a web page without fear of style conflicts. #1016

Bugfixes ⛑️

  • Fixes d2 erroring on malformed user paths (fdopendir error). util-go#10
  • Arrowhead labels being set without maps wasn't being picked up. #1015
  • Fixes a dagre layout error with connections to a container shape with a blockstring label. #1032


07 Mar 19:18
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ELK layout has been much improved by increasing node dimensions to make room for nice even padding around ports:

Do you use ELK more than dagre? We're considering switching d2's default layout engine to ELK, so please chime in to this poll if you have an opinion! #990

Improvements 🧹

  • ELK nodes with > 1 connection grow to ensure padding around ports #981
  • Using a style keyword incorrectly in connections returns clear error message #989
  • Unsemantic Markdown returns clear error message #994

Bugfixes ⛑️

  • Accept absolute paths again on the CLI (regression from previous release). #979
  • Fixes some rare undefined behavior using capitalized reserved keywords #978
  • Fixes an error rendering when links contained & characters #988


04 Mar 20:00
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Diagrams that link between objects and the source they represent are much more integrated into your overall documentation than standalone diagrams. This release brings the linking feature to PDFs! Try clicking on "GitHub" object in the following PDF:


Code blocks now adapt to dark mode:

Screen Shot 2023-03-04 at 11 33 46 AM

Welcome new contributor @donglixiaoche , who helps D2 support border-radius on connections!
Screen Shot 2023-03-04 at 11 33 46 AM

Features 🚀

  • PDF exports support linking #891, #966
  • border-radius is supported on connections (ELK and TALA only, since dagre uses curves). #913

Improvements 🧹

  • Code blocks adapt to dark mode #971
  • SVGs are fit to top left by default to avoid issues with zooming. #954
  • Person shapes have labels below them and don't need to expand as much. #960

Bugfixes ⛑️

  • Fixes a regression where PNG backgrounds could be cut off in the appendix. #941
  • Fixes zooming not working in watch mode. #944
  • Fixes insufficient vertical padding in dagre with direction: right/left. #973