Releases: streetsidesoftware/cspell
feat: Add glob support for URLs (#5824)
feat: Add glob support for URLs (#5824)
It is possible to use CSpell in an environment where all the files being spell checked exist behind a virtual URL, something like: vscode-vfs://github/microsoft/vscode/extensions/csharp/
The challenge here is to make the glob system URL aware.
fix: Make sure case sensitive trace works as expected. (#5806)
fix: Make sure case sensitive trace works as expected. (#5806)
- Fix case sensitive tracing.
- Display preferred corrections when they are available.

fix: resolve imports from ESLint plugin (#5790)
fix: resolve imports from ESLint plugin (#5790)
fixes #5789
fix: `suggestWords` dict schema validation (#5786)
fix: suggestWords
dict schema validation (#5786)
- Inline dictionaries with only suggested words did not pass validation.
- Clean up the type docs a bit.
- Make sure there are not any ZeroWidthSpaces in the schema.
Dictionary Updates
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5849)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5849)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../snapshots/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/report.yaml | 3 +--
.../snapshots/MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/snapshot.txt | 3 +--
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 2 +-
pnpm-lock.yaml | 10 +++++-----
4 files changed, 8 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5800)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5800)
Update Dictionaries (main)
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 2 +-
pnpm-lock.yaml | 10 +++++-----
2 files changed, 6 insertions(+), 6 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5783)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5783)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/report.yaml | 5 +++--
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/snapshot.txt | 3 ++-
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 6 +++---
pnpm-lock.yaml | 25 +++++++++++++---------
4 files changed, 23 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
docs: Extract Markdown from cspell.schema.json (#5722)
docs: Extract Markdown from cspell.schema.json (#5722)
Extract Markdown from Schema file
feat: Support spell checking more document types (#5741)
feat: Support spell checking more document types (#5741)
fixes #5740
Checking Custom AST Nodes
The checkScope
setting is used to enable / disable checking AST Nodes. Parsers are used to generate the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) used by ESLint to evaluate a document. Each PlugIn gets access to the AST. checkScope
can be used to handle new AST node when a custom parser is added.
rules: {
'@cspell/spellchecker': ['warn', { checkScope: [
['JSONLiteral': true], // will match AST Nodes of type `JSONLiteral` and spell check the value.
['JSONProperty[key] JSONLiteral', false] // will turn off checking the JSON Property keys.
['JSONProperty JSONLiteral', false] // will turn off checking the JSON Property keys and values.
['JSONProperty[value] JSONLiteral', true] // will turn on checking the JSON Property values.
['YAMLPair[key] YAMLScalar', true],
['YAMLPair[value] YAMLScalar', true],
['YAMLSequence YAMLScalar', true],
] }],
New Options
* Scope selectors to spell check.
* This is a list of scope selectors to spell check.
* Example:
* ```js
* checkScope: [
* ['YAMLPair[key] YAMLScalar', true],
* ['YAMLPair[value] YAMLScalar', true],
* ['YAMLSequence[entries] YAMLScalar', true],
* ['JSONProperty[key] JSONLiteral', true],
* ['JSONProperty[value] JSONLiteral', true],
* ['JSONArrayExpression JSONLiteral', true],
* ],
* ```
* To turn off checking JSON keys, use the following:
* ```js
* checkScope: [
* ['JSONProperty[key] JSONLiteral', false],
* ],
* ```
* @since 8.9.0
checkScope?: ScopeSelectorList;
feat: Add library `@cspell/url` (#5720)
feat: Add library @cspell/url
Move URL methods into a common library.
Dictionary Updates
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5762)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5762)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro/report.yaml | 7 +++---
.../SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro/snapshot.txt | 3 ++-
.../apollographql/apollo-server/report.yaml | 7 +++---
.../apollographql/apollo-server/snapshot.txt | 5 +++--
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/report.yaml | 3 ++-
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/snapshot.txt | 3 ++-
.../snapshots/prettier/prettier/report.yaml | 7 +++---
.../snapshots/prettier/prettier/snapshot.txt | 5 +++--
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 6 ++---
pnpm-lock.yaml | 26 +++++++++++++++-------
10 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5755)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5755)
Update Dictionaries (main)
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 2 +-
pnpm-lock.yaml | 8 ++++----
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5716)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5716)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../aspnetboilerplate/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../aspnetboilerplate/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/django/django/report.yaml | 4 +--
.../snapshots/django/django/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/eslint/eslint/report.yaml | 6 ++--
.../snapshots/eslint/eslint/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/gitbucket/gitbucket/report.yaml | 2 +-
.../snapshots/gitbucket/gitbucket/snapshot.txt | 2 +-
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/report.yaml | 4 +--
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/snapshot.txt | 4 +--
.../iluwatar/java-design-patterns/report.yaml | 6 ++--
.../iluwatar/java-design-patterns/snapshot.txt | 4 +--
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/report.yaml | 8 ++----
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/snapshot.txt | 6 +---
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/snapshot.txt | 5 ++--
.../snapshots/php/php-src/report.yaml | 4 +--
.../snapshots/php/php-src/snapshot.txt | 4 +--
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 8 +++---
pnpm-lock.yaml | 33 +++++++++++++---------
24 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5711)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5711)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/report.yaml | 8 +--
.../Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/snapshot.txt | 6 +-
.../snapshots/RustPython/RustPython/report.yaml | 12 +---
.../snapshots/RustPython/RustPython/snapshot.txt | 10 +--
.../snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/report.yaml | 16 +----
.../snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/snapshot.txt | 14 +---
.../snapshots/django/django/report.yaml | 78 +++-------------------
.../snapshots/django/django/snapshot.txt | 34 +---------
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/report.yaml | 14 ++--
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/snapshot.txt | 6 +-
.../snapshots/pycontribs/jira/report.yaml | 2 +-
.../snapshots/pycontribs/jira/snapshot.txt | 2 +-
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 4 +-
.../cspell/src/app/__snapshots__/app.test.ts.snap | 6 +-
pnpm-lock.yaml | 24 +++++--
17 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5762)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5762)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro/report.yaml | 7 +++---
.../SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro/snapshot.txt | 3 ++-
.../apollographql/apollo-server/report.yaml | 7 +++---
.../apollographql/apollo-server/snapshot.txt | 5 +++--
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/report.yaml | 3 ++-
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/snapshot.txt | 3 ++-
.../snapshots/prettier/prettier/report.yaml | 7 +++---
.../snapshots/prettier/prettier/snapshot.txt | 5 +++--
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 6 ++---
pnpm-lock.yaml | 26 +++++++++++++++-------
10 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
docs: Use `inject` template function (#5754)
docs: Use inject
template function (#5754)
Create an inject
template function to help with keeping indention consistant.
Co-authored-by: Felix Moeser [email protected]
feat: Support spell checking more document types (#5741)
feat: Support spell checking more document types (#5741)
fixes #5740
Checking Custom AST Nodes
The checkScope
setting is used to enable / disable checking AST Nodes. Parsers are used to generate the AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) used by ESLint to evaluate a document. Each PlugIn gets access to the AST. checkScope
can be used to handle new AST node when a custom parser is added.
rules: {
'@cspell/spellchecker': ['warn', { checkScope: [
['JSONLiteral': true], // will match AST Nodes of type `JSONLiteral` and spell check the value.
['JSONProperty[key] JSONLiteral', false] // will turn off checking the JSON Property keys.
['JSONProperty JSONLiteral', false] // will turn off checking the JSON Property keys and values.
['JSONProperty[value] JSONLiteral', true] // will turn on checking the JSON Property values.
['YAMLPair[key] YAMLScalar', true],
['YAMLPair[value] YAMLScalar', true],
['YAMLSequence YAMLScalar', true],
] }],
New Options
* Scope selectors to spell check.
* This is a list of scope selectors to spell check.
* Example:
* ```js
* checkScope: [
* ['YAMLPair[key] YAMLScalar', true],
* ['YAMLPair[value] YAMLScalar', true],
* ['YAMLSequence[entries] YAMLScalar', true],
* ['JSONProperty[key] JSONLiteral', true],
* ['JSONProperty[value] JSONLiteral', true],
* ['JSONArrayExpression JSONLiteral', true],
* ],
* ```
* To turn off checking JSON keys, use the following:
* ```js
* checkScope: [
* ['JSONProperty[key] JSONLiteral', false],
* ],
* ```
* @since 8.9.0
checkScope?: ScopeSelectorList;
feat: Add library `@cspell/url` (#5720)
feat: Add library @cspell/url
Move URL methods into a common library.
Dictionary Updates
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5762)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5762)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro/report.yaml | 7 +++---
.../SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro/snapshot.txt | 3 ++-
.../apollographql/apollo-server/report.yaml | 7 +++---
.../apollographql/apollo-server/snapshot.txt | 5 +++--
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/report.yaml | 3 ++-
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/snapshot.txt | 3 ++-
.../snapshots/prettier/prettier/report.yaml | 7 +++---
.../snapshots/prettier/prettier/snapshot.txt | 5 +++--
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 6 ++---
pnpm-lock.yaml | 26 +++++++++++++++-------
10 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5755)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5755)
Update Dictionaries (main)
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 2 +-
pnpm-lock.yaml | 8 ++++----
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5716)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5716)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../aspnetboilerplate/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../aspnetboilerplate/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/django/django/report.yaml | 4 +--
.../snapshots/django/django/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/eslint/eslint/report.yaml | 6 ++--
.../snapshots/eslint/eslint/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/gitbucket/gitbucket/report.yaml | 2 +-
.../snapshots/gitbucket/gitbucket/snapshot.txt | 2 +-
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/report.yaml | 4 +--
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/snapshot.txt | 4 +--
.../iluwatar/java-design-patterns/report.yaml | 6 ++--
.../iluwatar/java-design-patterns/snapshot.txt | 4 +--
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/report.yaml | 8 ++----
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/snapshot.txt | 6 +---
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/snapshot.txt | 5 ++--
.../snapshots/php/php-src/report.yaml | 4 +--
.../snapshots/php/php-src/snapshot.txt | 4 +--
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 8 +++---
pnpm-lock.yaml | 33 +++++++++++++---------
24 files changed, 49 insertions(+), 78 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5711)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5711)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/report.yaml | 8 +--
.../Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/snapshot.txt | 6 +-
.../snapshots/RustPython/RustPython/report.yaml | 12 +---
.../snapshots/RustPython/RustPython/snapshot.txt | 10 +--
.../snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/report.yaml | 16 +----
.../snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/snapshot.txt | 14 +---
.../snapshots/django/django/report.yaml | 78 +++-------------------
.../snapshots/django/django/snapshot.txt | 34 +---------
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/report.yaml | 14 ++--
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/snapshot.txt | 6 +-
.../snapshots/pycontribs/jira/report.yaml | 2 +-
.../snapshots/pycontribs/jira/snapshot.txt | 2 +-
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 4 +-
.../cspell/src/app/__snapshots__/app.test.ts.snap | 6 +-
pnpm-lock.yaml | 24 +++++--
17 files changed, 62 insertions(+), 180 deletions(-)
docs: Extract Markdown from cspell.schema.json (#5722)
docs: Extract Markdown from cspell.schema.json (#5722)
Extract Markdown from Schema file
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5762)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5762)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro/report.yaml | 7 +++---
.../SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro/snapshot.txt | 3 ++-
.../apollographql/apollo-server/report.yaml | 7 +++---
.../apollographql/apollo-server/snapshot.txt | 5 +++--
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/report.yaml | 3 ++-
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/snapshot.txt | 3 ++-
.../snapshots/prettier/prettier/report.yaml | 7 +++---
.../snapshots/prettier/prettier/snapshot.txt | 5 +++--
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 6 ++---
pnpm-lock.yaml | 26 +++++++++++++++-------
10 files changed, 45 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
docs: Use `inject` template function (#5754)
docs: Use inject
template function (#5754)
Create an inject
template function to help with keeping indention consistant.
Co-authored-by: Felix Moeser [email protected]
Dictionary Updates
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5696)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5696)
Update Dictionaries (main)
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 2 +-
pnpm-lock.yaml | 8 ++++----
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5689)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5689)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../snapshots/wireapp/wire-webapp/report.yaml | 4 +---
.../snapshots/wireapp/wire-webapp/snapshot.txt | 4 +---
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 4 ++--
pnpm-lock.yaml | 17 +++++++++++------
4 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 14 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5682)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5682)
Update Dictionaries (main)
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 6 +++---
pnpm-lock.yaml | 24 ++++++++++++------------
2 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 15 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5675)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5675)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../snapshots/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/report.yaml | 3 +--
.../snapshots/Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/snapshot.txt | 3 +--
integration-tests/snapshots/mdx-js/mdx/report.yaml | 5 ++---
integration-tests/snapshots/mdx-js/mdx/snapshot.txt | 3 +--
integration-tests/snapshots/php/php-src/report.yaml | 3 +--
integration-tests/snapshots/php/php-src/snapshot.txt | 3 +--
integration-tests/snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/report.yaml | 4 +---
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt | 4 +---
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 4 ++--
pnpm-lock.yaml | 17 +++++++++++------
10 files changed, 22 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5669)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5669)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/report.yaml | 7 +---
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/snapshot.txt | 5 +--
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 12 +++---
pnpm-lock.yaml | 49 ++++++++++++----------
12 files changed, 44 insertions(+), 53 deletions(-)
fix: Make sure `files` globs are normalized. (#5665)
fix: Make sure files
globs are normalized. (#5665)
Dictionary Updates
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5664)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5664)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/django/django/report.yaml | 4 +--
.../snapshots/django/django/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/php/php-src/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/php/php-src/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 8 +++---
pnpm-lock.yaml | 33 +++++++++++++---------
8 files changed, 29 insertions(+), 31 deletions(-)
fix: lock version of `micromatch` (#5648)
fix: lock version of micromatch
The behavior on Windows has changed. Until that is fixed, lock the version to 4.0.5
See: micromatch/micromatch#256
Dictionary Updates
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5658)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5658)
Update Dictionaries (main)
integration-tests/snapshots/mdx-js/mdx/report.yaml | 6 +++---
integration-tests/snapshots/mdx-js/mdx/snapshot.txt | 6 +++---
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 4 ++--
pnpm-lock.yaml | 16 ++++++++--------
4 files changed, 16 insertions(+), 16 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5654)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5654)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../aspnetboilerplate/report.yaml | 6 +--
.../aspnetboilerplate/snapshot.txt | 4 +-
.../snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/report.yaml | 5 +-
.../snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/snapshot.txt | 5 +-
.../snapshots/django/django/report.yaml | 8 +--
.../snapshots/django/django/snapshot.txt | 5 +-
.../snapshots/gitbucket/gitbucket/report.yaml | 5 +-
.../snapshots/gitbucket/gitbucket/snapshot.txt | 5 +-
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/report.yaml | 32 +++---------
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/snapshot.txt | 24 ++-------
.../iluwatar/java-design-patterns/report.yaml | 7 +--
.../iluwatar/java-design-patterns/snapshot.txt | 5 +-
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
integration-tests/snapshots/mdx-js/mdx/report.yaml | 24 ++++-----
.../snapshots/mdx-js/mdx/snapshot.txt | 14 +++---
.../snapshots/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/report.yaml | 4 +-
.../snapshots/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/snapshot.txt | 6 +--
.../snapshots/php/php-src/report.yaml | 6 +--
.../snapshots/php/php-src/snapshot.txt | 6 +--
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/report.yaml | 9 +---
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt | 9 +---
.../snapshots/wireapp/wire-webapp/report.yaml | 7 +--
.../snapshots/wireapp/wire-webapp/snapshot.txt | 5 +-
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 14 +++---
pnpm-lock.yaml | 57 ++++++++++++----------
26 files changed, 93 insertions(+), 185 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5633)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5633)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../snapshots/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3/report.yaml | 7 +---
.../snapshots/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3/snapshot.txt | 7 +---
.../Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/report.yaml | 4 +--
.../Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/snapshot.txt | 4 +--
.../MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples/report.yaml | 6 +---
.../MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples/snapshot.txt | 6 +---
.../MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/report.yaml | 20 ++---------
.../MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/snapshot.txt | 22 ++----------
.../snapshots/RustPython/RustPython/report.yaml | 5 +--
.../snapshots/RustPython/RustPython/snapshot.txt | 5 +--
.../snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/report.yaml | 5 +--
.../snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/snapshot.txt | 5 +--
.../snapshots/alexiosc/megistos/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/alexiosc/megistos/snapshot.txt | 23 ++++++------
.../aspnetboilerplate/report.yaml | 16 ++-------
.../aspnetboilerplate/snapshot.txt | 22 ++++--------
.../snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/report.yaml | 5 +--
.../snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/snapshot.txt | 5 +--
.../snapshots/django/django/report.yaml | 26 ++------------
.../snapshots/django/django/snapshot.txt | 24 ++++---------
.../snapshots/eslint/eslint/report.yaml | 10 ++----
.../snapshots/eslint/eslint/snapshot.txt | 5 +--
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/report.yaml | 5 +--
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/snapshot.txt | 5 +--
.../iluwatar/java-design-patterns/report.yaml | 4 +--
.../iluwatar/java-design-patterns/snapshot.txt | 4 +--
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/report.yaml | 11 ++----
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/snapshot.txt | 9 +----
.../snapshots/pagekit/pagekit/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/pagekit/pagekit/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/php/php-src/report.yaml | 7 +---
.../snapshots/php/php-src/snapshot.txt | 15 +++-----
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/report.yaml | 8 ++---
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt | 6 +---
.../typescript-cheatsheets/react/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../typescript-cheatsheets/react/snapshot.txt | 5 ++-
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 10 +++---
pnpm-lock.yaml | 41 ++++++++++++----------
38 files changed, 100 insertions(+), 274 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5629)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5629)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../snapshots/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3/report.yaml | 4 +-
.../snapshots/AdaDoom3/AdaDoom3/snapshot.txt | 4 +-
.../Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/report.yaml | 7 +-
.../Azure/azure-rest-api-specs/snapshot.txt | 5 +-
.../MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples/report.yaml | 6 +-
.../MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples/snapshot.txt | 6 +-
.../MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/report.yaml | 14 +-
.../MicrosoftDocs/PowerShell-Docs/snapshot.txt | 12 +-
.../snapshots/RustPython/RustPython/report.yaml | 9 +-
.../snapshots/RustPython/RustPython/snapshot.txt | 7 +-
.../SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro/report.yaml | 5 +-
.../SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/report.yaml | 5 +-
.../snapshots/TheAlgorithms/Python/snapshot.txt | 5 +-
.../snapshots/alexiosc/megistos/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/alexiosc/megistos/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../aspnetboilerplate/report.yaml | 13 +-
.../aspnetboilerplate/snapshot.txt | 11 +-
.../snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/report.yaml | 8 +-
.../snapshots/caddyserver/caddy/snapshot.txt | 6 +-
.../snapshots/django/django/report.yaml | 37 ++--
.../snapshots/django/django/snapshot.txt | 33 +--
.../snapshots/eslint/eslint/report.yaml | 240 ++-------------------
.../snapshots/eslint/eslint/snapshot.txt | 148 ++-----------
.../snapshots/gitbucket/gitbucket/report.yaml | 6 +-
.../snapshots/gitbucket/gitbucket/snapshot.txt | 6 +-
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/report.yaml | 22 +-
.../googleapis/google-cloud-cpp/snapshot.txt | 18 +-
.../iluwatar/java-design-patterns/report.yaml | 4 +-
.../iluwatar/java-design-patterns/snapshot.txt | 4 +-
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/report.yaml | 20 +-
.../snapshots/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/snapshot.txt | 16 +-
.../snapshots/liriliri/licia/report.yaml | 4 +-
.../snapshots/liriliri/licia/snapshot.txt | 4 +-
integration-tests/snapshots/mdx-js/mdx/report.yaml | 11 +-
.../snapshots/mdx-js/mdx/snapshot.txt | 9 +-
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/report.yaml | 11 +-
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/snapshot.txt | 9 +-
.../snapshots/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/report.yaml | 12 +-
.../snapshots/neovim/nvim-lspconfig/snapshot.txt | 26 +--
.../snapshots/pagekit/pagekit/report.yaml | 14 +-
.../snapshots/pagekit/pagekit/snapshot.txt | 8 +-
.../snapshots/php/php-src/report.yaml | 47 ++--
.../snapshots/php/php-src/snapshot.txt | 29 +--
.../snapshots/shoelace-style/shoelace/report.yaml | 3 +-
.../snapshots/shoelace-style/shoelace/snapshot.txt | 3 +-
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/report.yaml | 59 ++---
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt | 63 ++----
.../typescript-cheatsheets/react/report.yaml | 12 +-
.../typescript-cheatsheets/react/snapshot.txt | 10 +-
.../snapshots/wireapp/wire-webapp/report.yaml | 8 +-
.../snapshots/wireapp/wire-webapp/snapshot.txt | 6 +-
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 16 +-
pnpm-lock.yaml | 65 +++---
54 files changed, 216 insertions(+), 903 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5626)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5626)
Update Dictionaries (main)
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 4 ++--
pnpm-lock.yaml | 16 ++++++++--------
2 files changed, 10 insertions(+), 10 deletions(-)
docs: Fix link to Dictionaries (#5585)
docs: Fix link to Dictionaries (#5585)
Fix #5579
In the Configuration documentation, the link to the Dictionaries doesn't work.
fix: Add config field `enabledFileTypes ` (#5584)
fix: Add config field enabledFileTypes
Add config field enabledFileTypes
to replace enableFiletypes
and enabledLanguageIds
fix: Drop dependency upon ConfigStore (#5569)
fix: Drop dependency upon ConfigStore (#5569)
ConfigStore hasn't been updated in a while and its dependencies have security issues. These show up when building cspell-action
feat: Add `configFile` option to CSpell ESLint Plugin (#5545)
feat: Add configFile
option to CSpell ESLint Plugin (#5545)
Related to #5541
fix: Add option to show a performance report. (#5561)
fix: Add option to show a performance report. (#5561)
Added a hidden option --show-perf-summary
used to show a perf summary at the end.
Usage: cspell . --no-progress --show-perf-summary
Also made it possible to show hidden options by using --verbose
Usage: cspell lint --help --verbose
. Will also display all of the hidden options:
Usage: cspell lint [options] [globs...] [file://<path> ...] [stdin[://<path>]]
- [globs...] Glob Patterns
- [stdin] Read from "stdin" assume text file.
- [stdin://<path>] Read from "stdin", use <path> for file type and config.
- [file://<path>] Check the file at <path>
cspell . Recursively check all files.
cspell lint . The same as "cspell ."
cspell "*.js" Check all .js files in the current directory
cspell "**/*.js" Check all .js files recursively
cspell "src/**/*.js" Only check .js under src
cspell "**/*.txt" "**/*.js" Check both .js and .txt files.
cspell "**/*.{txt,js,md}" Check .txt, .js, and .md files.
cat LICENSE | cspell stdin Check stdin
cspell stdin://docs/ Check stdin as if it was "./docs/"
Check spelling
-c, --config <cspell.json> Configuration file to use. By default cspell
looks for cspell.json in the current directory.
-v, --verbose Display more information about the files being
checked and the configuration.
--locale <locale> Set language locales. i.e. "en,fr" for English
and French, or "en-GB" for British English.
--language-id <file-type> Force programming language for unknown
extensions. i.e. "php" or "scala"
--words-only Only output the words not found in the
-u, --unique Only output the first instance of a word not
found in the dictionaries.
-e, --exclude <glob> Exclude files matching the glob pattern. This
option can be used multiple times to add
multiple globs.
--file-list <path or stdin> Specify a list of files to be spell checked. The
list is filtered against the glob file patterns.
Note: the format is 1 file path per line.
--file [file...] Specify files to spell check. They are filtered
by the [globs...].
--no-issues Do not show the spelling errors.
--no-progress Turn off progress messages
--no-summary Turn off summary message in console.
-s, --silent Silent mode, suppress error messages.
--no-exit-code Do not return an exit code if issues are found.
--quiet Only show spelling issues or errors.
--fail-fast Exit after first file with an issue or error.
-r, --root <root folder> Root directory, defaults to current directory.
--no-relative Issues are displayed with absolute path instead
of relative to the root.
--show-context Show the surrounding text around an issue.
--show-suggestions Show spelling suggestions.
--no-show-suggestions Do not show spelling suggestions or fixes.
--no-must-find-files Do not error if no files are found.
--cache Use cache to only check changed files.
--no-cache Do not use cache.
--cache-reset Reset the cache file.
--cache-strategy <strategy> Strategy to use for detecting changed files.
(choices: "metadata", "content")
--cache-location <path> Path to the cache file or directory. (default:
--dot Include files and directories starting with `.`
(period) when matching globs.
--gitignore Ignore files matching glob patterns found in
.gitignore files.
--no-gitignore Do NOT use .gitignore files.
--gitignore-root <path> Prevent searching for .gitignore files past
--validate-directives Validate in-document CSpell directives.
--no-color Turn off color.
--color Force color.
--no-default-configuration Do not load the default configuration and
--debug Output information useful for debugging
cspell.json files.
--reporter <module|path> Specify one or more reporters to use.
-h, --help display help for command
Hidden Options:
--languageId <file-type> Alias of "--language-id". Force programming
language for unknown extensions. i.e. "php" or
--wordsOnly Only output the words not found in the
--files [file...] Alias of "--file". Files to spell check.
--no-fail-fast Process all files even if there is an error.
--relative Issues are displayed relative to the root.
--must-find-files Error if no files are found.
--legacy Legacy output
--local <local> Deprecated -- Use: --locale
--no-validate-directives Do not validate in-document CSpell directives.
--default-configuration Load the default configuration and dictionaries.
--skip-validation Collect and process documents, but do not spell
--issues-summary-report Output a summary of issues found.
--show-perf-summary Output a performance summary report.
-f,--flag <flag:value> Declare an execution flag value
More Examples:
cspell "**/*.js" --reporter @cspell/cspell-json-reporter
This will spell check all ".js" files recursively and use
cspell . --reporter default
This will force the default reporter to be used overriding
any reporters defined in the configuration.
cspell . --reporter ./<path>/reporter.cjs
Use a custom reporter. See API for details.
cspell "*.md" --exclude --files
Spell check only check "" but NOT "".
cspell "/*.md" --no-must-find-files --files $FILES
Only spell check the "/*.md" files in $FILES,
where $FILES is a shell variable that contains the list of files.
fix: Update schema generator (#5558)
fix: Update schema generator (#5558)
Note: this can impact how auto complete suggestions are made in configuration files.
Dictionary Updates
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5548)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5548)
Update Dictionaries (main)
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 2 +-
pnpm-lock.yaml | 8 ++++----
2 files changed, 5 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5503)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5503)
Update Dictionaries (main)
integration-tests/snapshots/mdx-js/mdx/report.yaml | 4 +---
integration-tests/snapshots/mdx-js/mdx/snapshot.txt | 4 +---
integration-tests/snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/report.yaml | 7 ++-----
integration-tests/snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt | 5 +----
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 4 ++--
pnpm-lock.yaml | 16 ++++++++--------
6 files changed, 15 insertions(+), 25 deletions(-)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5486)
fix: Workflow Bot -- Update Dictionaries (main) (#5486)
Update Dictionaries (main)
.../MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples/report.yaml | 3 +--
.../MartinThoma/LaTeX-examples/snapshot.txt | 3 +--
.../SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro/report.yaml | 5 ++---
.../SoftwareBrothers/admin-bro/snapshot.txt | 3 +--
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/report.yaml | 3 ++-
.../microsoft/TypeScript-Website/snapshot.txt | 3 ++-
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/report.yaml | 3 +--
.../snapshots/sveltejs/svelte/snapshot.txt | 3 +--
packages/cspell-bundled-dicts/package.json | 6 +++...