Releases: shrugal/PersoLootRoll
Releases · shrugal/PersoLootRoll
- Replaced access to removed friend-list functions
Get it from CurseForge or WoWInterface
- Updated TOC version to 9.0.1
- Updated instance and trinket lists for Shadowlands
- Updated Ace3 to latest version
- Properly handle shadowlands conduits and legendaries
- Added support for rolling on and checking for missing pets
- Added option to roll on missing transmog items, not just missing appearances
- Added info message when entering old instances with all collectible filters turned off
- Added option to enable/disable chat messages in legacy runs
- Added suppressing whispers and announcements by shift-clicking the bid button
- Removed PLR prefix from concise announcements
- Improved handling of item links in difference languages
- Use the build-in legacy loot detection instead of a custom implementation
- Updated legacy-run detection for new player levels
- Cleaned up error messages in log
- Reordered item filter options
- Disable addon in horrific visions (a bit late I guess :/)
- Fixed trinket list generation
- Fixed frames with missing backdrops
- Fixed considering some non-equippable items transmoggable
- Fixed considering legion relics useful for players above legion max level
- Fixed access to removed constants
- Some small player level related fixes
Get it from CurseForge or WoWInterface
- Properly handle shadowlands conduits and legendaries
- Fix access to removed constants
Get it from CurseForge or WoWInterface
- Added option to enable/disable chat messages in legacy runs
- Added suppressing announces by shift-clicking bid button
- Removed PLR prefix from concise announcements
- Fixed considering some non-equippable items transmoggable
- Fixed considering legion relics useful for players above legion max level
Get it from CurseForge or WoWInterface
- Bugfixes to collected item detection
Get it from CurseForge or WoWInterface
- Added option to roll on missing transmog items, not just missing appearances
- Improved battle pet handling
- Improved handling of item links in difference languages
Get it from CurseForge or WoWInterface
- Updated instance and trinket lists for Shadowlands
- Use the build-in legacy loot detection instead of a custom implementation
- Updated legacy-run detection for new player levels
- Fixed trinket list generation
- Some small player level related fixes
Get it from CurseForge or WoWInterface
- Updated TOC version to 9.0.1
- Updated Ace3 to latest alpha version
- Fixed frames with missing backdrops
Get it from CurseForge or WoWInterface
- Added support for rolling on and checking for missing pets
- Added suppress whisper message when bidding by shift-clicking the need/greed button
- Disable addon in horrific visions
- Reordered item filter options
- Added info message when entering old instances with all collectible filters turned off
- Cleaned up error messages in log
Get it from CurseForge or WoWInterface
- Use concise announcements for groups up to 10 players in legacy runs (was 5).
- French translation completed, big thanks to Llathala (EU-Hyjal)!
- Some esES and zhCN translation updates.
Get it from CurseForge or WoWInterface