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Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


E-Magic emagic2
Full Stack Web engineer - JavaScript, Typescript, React, Angular, Vue.js, Node.js, Python, Django, Flask, FastAPI, AsyncIO, Tensorflow, PyTouch
Adolfo Jimenez adolfojmnz
Passionate about science, technology, and problem solving


- 0xNullLight
"To develop a complete mind:Study the science of art;Study the art of science.Learn how to see.Realize that everything connects to everything else." - Da Vince
Enrico Massa em1208
Software engineer & Physicist = True


Chris Tycer tycerch
Data-driven developer with 15+ years in analytics, forecasting, and supply chain optimization. I build scalable solutions using open-source tools.

PixelFin, LLC Portland, Oregon

Muhammad Taqi ArchTaqi
A ai+blockchain enthusiast with a decade in tech.

@codora-io @atlas-dex @STIX-Co @DuboisGold Islamabad, Pakistan

Chuckz Okoye tricelex
Python and Django Developer | Restful API | Learning Solidity | Web3 | Backend Infrastructure at Cocoon Creations | CODM Trickster

Cocoon Creations Lagos, NG

Felipe Angeli FelipeAngeli

Florianópolis, Brasil

Rico FAUCHARD Balita1124
Senior Software Engineer

Maltem Canada Montreal, Quebec, Canada

Saif SA12IF34
FullStack web developer
Mohammed Sunasra Mohammed-Sunasra
Product Developer @pixeldust-in We are hiring! @pixeldust-in

@pixeldust-in Mumbai

Júlia Vidigal Munhoz jubsvidigalmunhoz
Senior Marketing Lead | Vinta Software


jules tiidadavena
@pyladiesrecife | @apyb | developer at daylight | artist at moonlight | npx tiidadavena | STEMinist

@CheesecakeLabs Brazil

Thomaz Mello ThOMaZMe11o
Olá, Tenho 18 anos, sou Aluno Fatec São José Dos Campos. Desenvolvedor FullStack. Gosto de aprender coisas novas, sou bom com trabalhos em equipe e curioso!!

Fatec Jessen Vidal - São José Dos Campos São José Dos Campos,São Paulo, Brasil

Alfredo Braga alphabraga
PHP, Python and Java. Oracle and Mysql Linux

EMAP - Empresa Maranhense de Administração Portuária São Luis, Brasil

Samuel D' Siqueira samueldsiqueira
Software Development at TIM Brasil;

Tim Brasil Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Vaibhav Malaviya vaimalaviya1233
Backup & Android enthusiast.


Cauan Victor CauanDZN
@digitalcollegebrasil@digitalcollegebr@Engaja-Comunicacao • Mentor • Speaker • Teacher

@digitalcollegebrasil Fortaleza

Raphael Rossi RaphaelVRossi
So, I'm a guy who loves to code, in Java, Kotlin, python, whatever I just love to code! I like to refactor the code trying to find bugs or best way to run code!

@stone-payments SBC - Brazil

Furkan Onder furkanonder
Member of the @python Triage Team


Yazid Jibrel jibrel

Shrewsbury and Telford NHS | @Medical-Ocean Telford

Jamille Maria millemaria
Desenvolvedora Júnior na prefeitura de Jaboatão dos Guararapes | Front - End 🥇

@prefeituradejaboataodosguararapes Recife- PE

Hylan Silva hylansilvadev
Software Engineer - Neurobots Internet Systems - UNICAP( Catholic University of Pernambuco )


Muhammad Asad Janjua KripKrop72724
I'm a Python developer with a knack for machine learning and a love for building things with Django and Flask.
.Python & Javascript. /|\ Web Dev \|/ Self-taught. <> 🐍 🖥 🍏 <> ~Apple ultraist~
Kaustubh kaustubhn
All about Technology!


Abhishek 3x10RaiseTo8
🧪MS OChem


Marc G Marc-g-Z

Derisk Venture Studio

Williams Song wfsong
Software engineer passionate about AI/ML and defense tech

Washington, D.C.

Shiqi Mei shiqimei
All in GenAI

Bay Area

Daniel Gonçalves danielgoncalves

Base4 Sistemas Catanduva/SP

Muhammad Abdullah ranahaani
Full Stack Developer @xrefdev

@xrefdev Lahore

Pedro Vitor pedrovitorrs

@easysoftwareltda Barbacena - MG

Rodrigo Lira rodrigoclira
Professor @ifpe-paulista

@ifpe-paulista Olinda, Brazil