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m3monster m3monster

Bangkok, Thailand

WENJUN ZHANG x-tinkerer
Simple life, simple work, happy coding. 喜欢前沿技术,先让代码跑起来。 喜欢折腾一些硬件小玩意,捣鼓各种小硬件。 喜欢买打折的游戏,但是真正通关的不多.

Shenzhen, China

Gerad Munsch unforgiven512
I'm a proud father, enjoy amateur radio operations as @KD9QZO on the air, and under @unforgiven-development I enjoy working on a variety of embedded systems.

Unforgiven Development Hainesville, IL, USA

李小保 lixb123
1.Je pense, donc je suis;2.La lecture de tous les bons livres est comme une conversation avec les plus honnetes gens des siecles passes;3.eadem mutata resurgo.

Brave New World

Michael Hennerich mhennerich

Analog Devices Inc. Munich

Jevin Sweval jevinskie
Senior Security Researcher, compilers/optimizations/[de]obfuscation, SCA, program analysis, NFC ninja, HW hacker w/ FPGA hammer Previously Apple Pay Security

Lafayette, Indiana

AHS Ali6114

Information Technology University (ITU)

Wilfredo Lora WilfredoLora
IT, Cybersecurity, and RF enthusiast.
Alexandre Dulaunoy adulau
Enjoy when human are using machines in unexpected ways. I break stuff and I do stuff.

@MISP @CIRCL @cve-search and many others Europe

Anıl Gürses anilgurses
Electrical Engineering PhD Student / HAM Radio Operator TA1ARE

NC State University 0:0:0:0:0:0:0:1

Peter Züger peterzuger
Electronics Engineer, Embedded System Designer, Cyber Security Specialist

@Feller-AG @coderbunker Switzerland

Tom Van den Bon tomvdb
geek :)

South Africa

Jose Rugeles Uribe jrugeles
Researcher at Military University Nueva Granada (COL)

Military University Nueva Granada

Frank J BelmOn BelmY
Just Another SDr/SDn/SDwn/SDe/SDx Enthusiast (JASDE) with interests on Mission, Safety, Security, Design, Development Assurance and more

TnF21 Tres Cantos - Spain

Eric Schneider etschneider
Freelance consultant. SDR, embedded, FPGA, electronics, security.

Closed Loop Design, Inc. Denver, Colorado, US

Victor Antonovich 3cky

Smartcoder Ltd Russia, Volgograd

Timothy mitoksim
Engineering Profesional


Short-Term Action, Long-Term Impact.
Jan - PE0SAT janvgils
Technology Professional

Private The Netherlands