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Aya Ali AyaA1i

Faculty of Computers and Artificial Intelligence - Cairo University Cairo, Egypt Cairo, Egypt

-A L D A I R- 2A2G
Access free code repositories and a diverse library of exercises in various programming languages. Join the community and enhance your learning

Cartagena Col.

ishfaq babar babarlhr
Father | Gamer | Reader | Opinions are my own The only way to improve your coding skills is to share your knowledge and help others ☝️


Kartikey swordonfire
Hi, I am interested in Deep Learning, Large Language Models (LLMs), practical applications of AI and focus on low-level for efficiency
Harrison W. harrisonwashington
Passionate IT professional | Open-source enthusiast | Bash | Powershell | Python
SXL studioxlumiere
Audio Visual Agency

SXL Global

謝宗儒 zongruxie73


Adamo Blaze localartaction
...A traveling Artist and solution-finder. A web native and a skeleton key…. learning better methods to go with ALL the flows…

USA (all over)

Harsh Pratap Singh harshh2002

Jaipur, Rajasthan, India

Mohammed Sayed cersho
puter wizard

@CodeCampsis ::1

Todd Anthony Stephens FuzzysTodd
54 year aged c devhead

Additive mfg UnitedStates Georgia

Adam Dryden Phlotonic
Software Engineering Student @ Coding Temple

Oklahoma, USA

Muhammad Azeem Ansari Jimmy1Error
Mr Nachos maimul
Delivering high grade packages~ 🐳


Thiago Maturana Tmaturano
I mainly work with C# and .Net Core for mobile and APIs.

Joinville, Santa Catarina

compilers always be complaining
Daniel Bayley danielbayley
Full stack developer and animotion/graphic designer hybrid. Prolific open source hacker. Composition > inheritance. Less === more.

Edge Studio London

Yassine ElBadaoui yassinotec

Photoruction, Inc. Tokyo, Japan

Ismail Salah msi404

Tatweer ICT Iraq

Phan Su Bin Bright140
Try to be better

Hue University of Sciences Hue, Vietnam