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Clark Terry apollon282
I am a senior full stack software engineer with 9 years of experience. contact me with discord: carlostina34_3

Baxter Spring ,KS

Byte ByteAfterlife
Just your average github user, I make things, some stupid, some kinda useful. I have too many private repos lol

Behind you

yunai yunaimatsu
Just your typical Japanese anime/Vtuber nerd 🤓 Lately has been holding back on his "OTAKU activities" to focus on work 🧑‍💻
Amit Kumar aktech
Open Source @Quansight and Buiding

@Quansight @AktechLabs London, UK

Stanimir Iglev StanimirIglev
Security Researcher | Software Developer | Penetration Tester

CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security

Yanis Benekaa YanisBenekaa
A young developper who enjoy code, art and culture 😎🏞🎷

Montpellier, France

NeO - Wesley Souza neopromic
✨ Hello outsider! ✨ Welcome. I'm Wesley aka Neo! If you need help with something, I'm here!

Mata Redonda, Paraíba, Brasil.

Moteesh moteesh-reddy
I love coding and designing tools that make people productive
Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


Maizer Aly de Oliveira Gomes MaizerGomes
Young web developer with passion for information systems.

@eKutivaSolutions Moçambique

Sébastien Mestrallet sebmestrallet
Making digital technologies more understandable

Self-employed Palaiseau, France

Kirill Sukhorukov K1rsN7
‍💻 Data Scientist | 👨‍🎓 Student

Searching... Russia, Nizhny Novgorod

Shreyash Gupta shreyashguptas

University of Arkansas Arkansas, USA

Gift Sibiya GiftSibiya
Full Stack Mobile and Web developer getting smarter by the day.

bobo software Midrand, South Africa

Work thiagovictorino
PHP Expert, Typescript enthusiast, VueJS lover

Victorino Software LLC Joinville/SC Brazil

Keidson Roby keidsondesigner

Brasil - Amazonas/Manaus

Suresh Kumar sureshkumar-cse
Assistant Manager

IndiaBonds Mumbai

Dương Bảo Duy bdx0
I'm a software engineer Vietnam

Othmane N. iietmoon
I'm a Senior Developer 👋

@devwithmaya Casablanca, Morocco

Viraj G. Kulkarni (विराज गु. कुलकर्णी) virajkulkarni14
Full Stack Engineer with cross-functional skills and startup experience. Always interested in cool remote freelance work. #Ruby #React #Java #AWS #Docker

Huntington Bank Columbus, Ohio

Tim Keller timkeller
Producer @SunriseProductions, Developer, Photographer.

Sunrise Productions Cape Town, South Africa.

Kostas Douzis KostasD21
Software engineer


Tahmid Bin Taslim Rafi tahmidbintaslim
Versatile Full Stack Developer who posses Software Engineering, AI, ML Magic 🪄

@Marion-s-Kitchen-Group Thailand

Leonardo Marcos lmarcosss

CWI Software Porto Alegre


Athens, France

Ashutosh Sajan AshutoshSajan
Full Stack (MERN) developer.


Sett Sarverott Sarverott
Metallurgist, Artificer, Technomancer
ashish ashish111333
contributing to OSS / Golang /


Have some phun


Mike miketorreno
Full Stack Developer • Computer Science and Systems Engineering Graduate

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Malix Malix-Labs
SaaS Entrepreneur & Engineer | Open-source-only Account

Malix GmbH 🇫🇷 Paris / Geneva 🇨🇭

Kevin Leon Smith kevinleonsmith
to be a Smart Contract Engineer.

Dana Point, CA

Tom Phan phanOne
New to programming

THP Irvine, CA