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Gianluigi Lopardo gianluigilopardo
Data Scientist | Machine Learning PhD @INRIA | Mathematical Engineering MSc & BSc @polito

European Central Bank Frankfurt am Main

Mr Harsh MrHarsh10

People's Republic of China

RhizoSphere RhizoSphere

Undisclosed Location Somewhere in South-West Australia


北京化工大学 北京市昌平区南口镇南涧路

Manoj Baishya manojbaishya
Building code stuff!


Claudomir Silva claudomir8
PHP Developer : Full Stack

Brazil - Timon - MA

Ron Wolf ron-wolf
Recent grad & software engineer. Passionate about improving people's lives and worldly knowledge using open source software and scientific computing.

Washington, DC Metropolitan Area

just a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy, who knows a guy...

Backend Developer at C6Bank Brazil

Francesco Ficili ffich
I'm an electronic and software entusiast. I like to build new platforms and frameworks to help other developers to realize their own projects.

Francesco Ficili Turin

Vinayak S Vinayaks439

SAP Labs India Bengaluru

ControlCoreX ControlCoreX

河南科技大学 武汉 · 光谷

Nevio Hirani N3v1
iOS Dev | Web Developer | Graphic Designer | founder of @ScribbleLabApp | member of @SchoolRate and @SpectraFoundation | Contirbutor to @AuroraEditor | Student

@ScribbleLabApp @SchoolRate North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany

Arduino Aficionado ArduinoAficionado
Tinkerer, Maker, Hacker, Optimist.

Arduino Aficionado Detroit