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Mesheal D. Somah Sr. mdsomah
I'm a Full Stack Designer, Developer, Engineer & Architect

Monrovia, Liberia

Meow LinuxJS
I code in Python. Will work in @vivasoft-ltd


L1x nl1x
First year student at Epitech Rennes.

@EpitechPromo2028 Rennes

Pratik Raj Rajpratik71 , Linux @Semicode-OS , Virtualization , Networking , Cloud , Telecom, Stroage, Security & Observability (Monitoring,Logging)

@IBM Pune

Valentin Varen404
First year student at epitech rennes


pasdepseudo pasdepseud0
Tech Enthusiast, I like to eat my code in spaghetti, just as I like to arrange my cables in spaghetti, perfect method to obfuscate and secure env. (i'm kidding)

n/a localisation: between two nodes

anpawo anpawo
Hello I'm Marius Rousset.

Paris / Aix-en-Provence

YD | Adn Yannis-Adn
IT Student

Epitech Rennes

ENVY clashatdemonhead
~ And when I'm alone in bed at night I'm wishin' you were holdin' me tight

Singer of the band 'Labrador Peninsula'

Malek Lahbib MalekLahbib
Web3 enthusiast, Gno.Land, GnoLang

Rouen, France

Mada Again madaagain
Convinced the metaverse is the future, I aspire to one day upload my consciousness into it.🍄

POC Services Earth 2

Sacha Dujardin Sacharbon
R&D developer @PoCInnovation Blockchain enthusiast

@EpitechPromo2028 France

Tim Tim-Grn
• Rennes • Cybersecurity

Rennes, France

Albert Larsan albertlarsan68
@rust-lang enthusiast, member of the bootstrap team.

@Epitech and @rust-lang Colmar, France

Alexandre Timal alexandreTimal
Etudiant blockchain à Epitech en 3ème année !


Xavier Mitault Saverio976
I do things because why not

@EpitechPromo2026 France

290 Yasl290
Practice makes perfect

Epitech Lille

Killian CLETTE Skerilyo

PoC Innovation Paris

@Lisa Baumann LisaBaumann
Software engineer

Free Pro Marseille

Jekyll Tednoob17
Open Source Contributor, CTF player , DevSecOps. - Student at ALX | Holberton School.|@42school and @Epitech - IOT & RE|BE


AlexVplle AlexVplle
42 and ESIEE Paris's student

42 & ESIEE Paris

Shawiiz_z (Maël) Shawiizz
Salut Hello Holà

@MohistMC Somewhere in the universe

Mikael VALLENET MikaelVallenet
Freelance fullstack & Teritori Core Member 🥷

Teritori Lyon

Ben BenNotix
French student - involved in communication and management of teams and services for several years.

@RevoltGames Lyon, France

Matribuk Matribuk
Cc je danse en l'an 3000.
🎓 3rd Year student at Epitech // 💻 Developer