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Matt Christian DrMattChristian

Wonderly Software Solutions Minneapolis, MN

이준헌 leejoonhun

@qraft-technologies Seoul, Republic of Korea

Tony Bark tonytins
I've been developing software in C#, Rust and now Zig when I feel like it.
Nic the nothing nicthenothing

HOME Tehran

Hirad Rasoolinejad Hiiirad
DevSecOps Engineer | eBPF and XDP | Cyber Security Researcher | Telco Cloud | Rust | Open Source Contributor
Abdel Shokair abdelshok
ex-engineer @ethereum

Manhattan, NY

Ingeun Lee glycogen94
zk-SNARK researcher @ Zkrypto Inc. Master's from Kookmin University with cryptography lab research; ACM ASIACCS 2021 publication.

Zkrypto Inc Seoul, Korea

Cameron LazyHatGuy
A professional idiot

Sanity Not Found Ireland

someCodeGirl someCodeGirl
•︎ it/she •︎ Free Palestine •︎
Arturo rtro-dev
📚 Second-year web development student 🎨 Fine Arts graduate 💻 Technology enthusiast

Andalucía (Spain)

Josh Boles joshboles

@forgedideas Columbus, OH

Officer K lxwulf
All those moments will be lost in time, like tears in rain. Time to die.

Militech Night City

bt3gl's && @autistic-symposium's chief assistant

some mempool 🦈

Benjamin Warren warrenson
Research software engineer, bioinformatician, futurist, and advancer.

@powerPlant, @PlantandFoodResearch, @BrightmindsNZ Auckland, New Zealand

Personal account of the director of the V4NT. See @OfficialV4NT for official repositories.

V4NT Thailand

Lars Lxxrs

NRW, Germany

Arbal arbal

Los Angeles, CA

RJ MolarFox
Software engineer, VK3 HAM radio operator, copper wire hoarder

@ferocia / @up-banking Victoria, Australia

Aidan Holland thehappydinoa
Student, Developer, Researcher, and Collaborator

@censys ~

Alixe Langshall alangshall
Senior Systems Engineer at Lucid Software. Retrocomputing enthusiast.

@lucidsoftware Beaverton, OR

Garfield Linden toastercup
Little duck, when is our day?

@secondlife @lindenlab Philadelphia, PA

Filipe Oliveira filipeoliveiraa
Software Engineer @GLanDrive, Brand Manager @APBI and CTO at @GivingTuesdayPT

@GLanDrive @APBI @GivingTuesdayPT world.

Joshua Lowry joshuarlowry
Opinions are my own and do not reflect the views of my employer. Creator of the UX Design Federation
Loma Gerhold loma-gerhold
👨‍💻 Loma Gerhold | Web & AI Enthusiast 🚀 Passionate about web development, AI, and open-source 💡 Always building & exploring new ideas
Federico Ceratto FedericoCeratto
Software Engineer, Debian Developer (My repositories are being migrated to Codeberg)


Octavio Cano tavikano
Architecting StreamPod AGI

Blowleaf Tokyo

Johnathan W j7nw4r
I build distributed systems. Some frontends too if needed. Rust || Go || Java/JVM || C#/CLR

Microsoft Brooklyn, NY

Angel Juarez ajuarezse
JavaScript & React Developer | Passionate about creating efficient, scalable web solutions | See my portfolio for projects & contributions.

San Francisco Bay Area

durandal gitdurandal
Hi I'm durandal. I make things that break things.

Hephaestus Security Consulting Group, Inc. Durandalingrad

Yunus Emre ÇOBAN yunusmrcoban
Security Engineer


Andrej Hrončo andrejhronco
Senior Software Engineer at OpenSpace. Musician, tinkerer, generative sound/light artist.

OpenSpace Oakland, CA