The Go special interest group (SIG) meets regularly. See the OpenTelemetry community repo for information on this and other language SIGs.
See the public meeting notes for a summary description of past meetings. To request edit access, join the meeting or get in touch on Slack.
You can view and edit the source code by cloning this repository:
git clone
Run make test
to run the tests instead of go test
There are some generated files checked into the repo. To make sure
that the generated files are up-to-date, run make
(or make precommit
- the precommit
target is the default).
The precommit
target also fixes the formatting of the code and
checks the status of the go module files.
Additionally, there is a codespell
target that checks for common
typos in the code. It is not run by default, but you can run it
manually with make codespell
. It will set up a virtual environment
in venv
and install codespell
If after running make precommit
the output of git status
nothing to commit, working tree clean
then it means that everything
is up-to-date and properly formatted.
Everyone is welcome to contribute code to opentelemetry-go
GitHub pull requests (PRs).
To create a new PR, fork the project in GitHub and clone the upstream repo:
go get -d
(This may print some warning about "build constraints exclude all Go files", just ignore it.)
This will put the project in ${GOPATH}/src/
. You
can alternatively use git
directly with:
git clone
(Note that git clone
is not using the
name -
that name is a kind of a redirector to GitHub that go get
understand, but git
does not.)
This would put the project in the opentelemetry-go
directory in
current working directory.
Enter the newly created directory and add your fork as a new remote:
git remote add <YOUR_FORK> [email protected]:<YOUR_GITHUB_USERNAME>/opentelemetry-go
Check out a new branch, make modifications, run linters and tests, update
, and push the branch to your fork:
git checkout -b <YOUR_BRANCH_NAME>
# edit files
# update changelog
make precommit
git add -p
git commit
Open a pull request against the main opentelemetry-go
repo. Be sure to add the pull
request ID to the entry you added to
Avoid rebasing and force-pushing to your branch to facilitate reviewing the pull request.
Rewriting Git history makes it difficult to keep track of iterations during code review.
All pull requests are squashed to a single commit upon merge to main
- If the PR is not ready for review, please put
in the title, tag it aswork-in-progress
, or mark it asdraft
. - Make sure CLA is signed and CI is clear.
A PR is considered ready to merge when:
It has received two qualified approvals1.
This is not enforced through automation, but needs to be validated by the maintainer merging.
- The qualified approvals need to be from Approvers/Maintainers affiliated with different companies. Two qualified approvals from Approvers or Maintainers affiliated with the same company counts as a single qualified approval.
- PRs introducing changes that have already been discussed and consensus reached only need one qualified approval. The discussion and resolution needs to be linked to the PR.
- Trivial changes2 only need one qualified approval.
All feedback has been addressed.
- All PR comments and suggestions are resolved.
- All GitHub Pull Request reviews with a status of "Request changes" have been addressed. Another review by the objecting reviewer with a different status can be submitted to clear the original review, or the review can be dismissed by a Maintainer when the issues from the original review have been addressed.
- Any comments or reviews that cannot be resolved between the PR author and reviewers can be submitted to the community Approvers and Maintainers during the weekly SIG meeting. If consensus is reached among the Approvers and Maintainers during the SIG meeting the objections to the PR may be dismissed or resolved or the PR closed by a Maintainer.
- Any substantive changes to the PR require existing Approval reviews be cleared unless the approver explicitly states that their approval persists across changes. This includes changes resulting from other feedback. Approvers and Maintainers can help in clearing reviews and they should be consulted if there are any questions.
The PR branch is up to date with the base branch it is merging into.
- To ensure this does not block the PR, it should be configured to allow maintainers to update it.
It has been open for review for at least one working day. This gives people reasonable time to review.
- Trivial changes2 do not have to wait for one day and may be merged with a single Maintainer's approval.
All required GitHub workflows have succeeded.
Urgent fix can take exception as long as it has been actively communicated among Maintainers.
Any Maintainer can merge the PR once the above criteria have been met.
As with other OpenTelemetry clients, opentelemetry-go follows the OpenTelemetry Specification.
It's especially valuable to read through the library guidelines.
OpenTelemetry is an evolving specification, one where the desires and use cases are clear, but the method to satisfy those uses cases are not.
As such, Contributions should provide functionality and behavior that conforms to the specification, but the interface and structure is flexible.
It is preferable to have contributions follow the idioms of the language rather than conform to specific API names or argument patterns in the spec.
For a deeper discussion, see this.
Each functionality should be covered by tests.
Performance-critical functionality should also be covered by benchmarks.
- Pull requests adding a performance-critical functionality
should have
go test -bench
output in their description. - Pull requests changing a performance-critical functionality
should have
output in their description.
Each (non-internal, non-test) package must be documented using
Go Doc Comments,
preferably in a doc.go
Prefer using Examples instead of putting code snippets in Go doc comments. In some cases, you can even create Testable Examples.
You can install and run a "local Go Doc site" in the following way:
go install
is an example of a very well-documented package.
Each (non-internal, non-test, non-documentation) package must contain a
file containing at least a title, and a
The README should not be a repetition of Go doc comments.
You can verify the presence of all README files with the make verify-readmes
One of the primary goals of this project is that it is actually used by developers. With this goal in mind the project strives to build user-friendly and idiomatic Go code adhering to the Go community's best practices.
For a non-comprehensive but foundational overview of these best practices the Effective Go documentation is an excellent starting place.
As a convenience for developers building this project the make precommit
will format, lint, validate, and in some cases fix the changes you plan to
submit. This check will need to pass for your changes to be able to be
In addition to idiomatic Go, the project has adopted certain standards for implementations of common patterns. These standards should be followed as a default, and if they are not followed documentation needs to be included as to the reasons why.
When creating an instantiation function for a complex type T struct
, it is
useful to allow variable number of options to be applied. However, the strong
type system of Go restricts the function design options. There are a few ways
to solve this problem, but we have landed on the following design.
Configuration should be held in a struct
named config
, or prefixed with
specific type name this Configuration applies to if there are multiple
in the package. This type must contain configuration options.
// config contains configuration options for a thing.
type config struct {
// options ...
In general the config
type will not need to be used externally to the
package and should be unexported. If, however, it is expected that the user
will likely want to build custom options for the configuration, the config
should be exported. Please, include in the documentation for the config
how the user can extend the configuration.
It is important that internal config
are not shared across package boundaries.
Meaning a config
from one package should not be directly used by another. The
one exception is the API packages. The configs from the base API, eg.
, are intended to be consumed
by the SDK therefore it is expected that these are exported.
When a config is exported we want to maintain forward and backward compatibility, to achieve this no fields should be exported but should instead be accessed by methods.
Optionally, it is common to include a newConfig
function (with the same
naming scheme). This function wraps any defaults setting and looping over
all options to create a configured config
// newConfig returns an appropriately configured config.
func newConfig(options ...Option) config {
// Set default values for config.
config := config{/* […] */}
for _, option := range options {
config = option.apply(config)
// Perform any validation here.
return config
If validation of the config
options is also performed this can return an
error as well that is expected to be handled by the instantiation function
or propagated to the user.
Given the design goal of not having the user need to work with the config
the newConfig
function should also be unexported.
To set the value of the options a config
contains, a corresponding
interface type should be used.
type Option interface {
apply(config) config
Having apply
unexported makes sure that it will not be used externally.
Moreover, the interface becomes sealed so the user cannot easily implement
the interface on its own.
The apply
method should return a modified version of the passed config.
This approach, instead of passing a pointer, is used to prevent the config from being allocated to the heap.
The name of the interface should be prefixed in the same way the
corresponding config
is (if at all).
All user configurable options for a config
must have a related unexported
implementation of the Option
interface and an exported configuration
function that wraps this implementation.
The wrapping function name should be prefixed with With*
(or in the
special case of a boolean options Without*
) and should have the following
function signature.
func With*(…) Option { … }
type defaultFalseOption bool
func (o defaultFalseOption) apply(c config) config {
c.Bool = bool(o)
return c
// WithOption sets a T to have an option included.
func WithOption() Option {
return defaultFalseOption(true)
type defaultTrueOption bool
func (o defaultTrueOption) apply(c config) config {
c.Bool = bool(o)
return c
// WithoutOption sets a T to have Bool option excluded.
func WithoutOption() Option {
return defaultTrueOption(false)
type myTypeOption struct {
MyType MyType
func (o myTypeOption) apply(c config) config {
c.MyType = o.MyType
return c
// WithMyType sets T to have include MyType.
func WithMyType(t MyType) Option {
return myTypeOption{t}
type optionFunc func(config) config
func (fn optionFunc) apply(c config) config {
return fn(c)
// WithMyType sets t as MyType.
func WithMyType(t MyType) Option {
return optionFunc(func(c config) config {
c.MyType = t
return c
Using this configuration pattern to configure instantiation with a NewT
func NewT(options ...Option) T {…}
Any required parameters can be declared before the variadic options
Sometimes there are multiple complex struct
that share common
configuration and also have distinct configuration. To avoid repeated
portions of config
s, a common config
can be used with the union of
options being handled with the Option
For example.
// config holds options for all animals.
type config struct {
Weight float64
Color string
MaxAltitude float64
// DogOption apply Dog specific options.
type DogOption interface {
applyDog(config) config
// BirdOption apply Bird specific options.
type BirdOption interface {
applyBird(config) config
// Option apply options for all animals.
type Option interface {
type weightOption float64
func (o weightOption) applyDog(c config) config {
c.Weight = float64(o)
return c
func (o weightOption) applyBird(c config) config {
c.Weight = float64(o)
return c
func WithWeight(w float64) Option { return weightOption(w) }
type furColorOption string
func (o furColorOption) applyDog(c config) config {
c.Color = string(o)
return c
func WithFurColor(c string) DogOption { return furColorOption(c) }
type maxAltitudeOption float64
func (o maxAltitudeOption) applyBird(c config) config {
c.MaxAltitude = float64(o)
return c
func WithMaxAltitude(a float64) BirdOption { return maxAltitudeOption(a) }
func NewDog(name string, o ...DogOption) Dog {…}
func NewBird(name string, o ...BirdOption) Bird {…}
To allow other developers to better comprehend the code, it is important to ensure it is sufficiently documented. One simple measure that contributes to this aim is self-documenting by naming method parameters. Therefore, where appropriate, methods of every exported interface type should have their parameters appropriately named.
All exported stable interfaces that include the following warning in their documentation are allowed to be extended with additional methods.
Warning: methods may be added to this interface in minor releases.
These interfaces are defined by the OpenTelemetry specification and will be updated as the specification evolves.
Otherwise, stable interfaces MUST NOT be modified.
When an API change must be made, we will update the SDK with the new method one release before the API change. This will allow the SDK one version before the API change to work seamlessly with the new API.
If an incompatible version of the SDK is used with the new API the application will fail to compile.
We have explored using a v2 of the API to change interfaces and found that there was no way to introduce a v2 and have it work seamlessly with the v1 of the API. Problems happened with libraries that upgraded to v2 when an application did not, and would not produce any telemetry.
More detail of the approaches considered and their limitations can be found in the Use a V2 API to evolve interfaces issue.
If new functionality is needed for an interface that cannot be changed it MUST
be added by including an additional interface. That added interface can be a
simple interface for the specific functionality that you want to add or it can
be a super-set of the original interface. For example, if you wanted to a
method to the Exporter
type Exporter interface {
A new interface, Closer
, can be added:
type Closer interface {
Code that is passed the Exporter
interface can now check to see if the passed
value also satisfies the new interface. E.g.
func caller(e Exporter) {
/* ... */
if c, ok := e.(Closer); ok {
/* ... */
Alternatively, a new type that is the super-set of an Exporter
can be created.
type ClosingExporter struct {
This new type can be used similar to the simple interface above in that a
passed Exporter
type can be asserted to satisfy the ClosingExporter
and the Close
method called.
This super-set approach can be useful if there is explicit behavior that needs to be coupled with the original type and passed as a unified type to a new function, but, because of this coupling, it also limits the applicability of the added functionality. If there exist other interfaces where this functionality should be added, each one will need their own super-set interfaces and will duplicate the pattern. For this reason, the simple targeted interface that defines the specific functionality should be preferred.
See also: Keeping Your Modules Compatible: Working with interfaces.
The tests should never leak goroutines.
Use the term ConcurrentSafe
in the test name when it aims to verify the
absence of race conditions. The top-level tests with this term will be run
many times in the test-concurrent-safe
CI job to increase the chance of
catching concurrency issues. This does not apply to subtests when this term
is not in their root name.
The use of internal packages should be scoped to a single module. A sub-module should never import from a parent internal package. This creates a coupling between the two modules where a user can upgrade the parent without the child and if the internal package API has changed it will fail to upgrade3.
There are two known exceptions to this rule:
- This package manages global state for all of opentelemetry-go. It needs to be a single package in order to ensure the uniqueness of the global state.
- This package provides values in a
that need to be recognized
but remain private.
- This package provides values in a
If you have duplicate code in multiple modules, make that code into a Go
template stored in
and use gotmpl
to render the templates in the desired locations. See #4404 for an example of
OpenTelemetry API implementations need to ignore the cancellation of the context that are passed when recording a value (e.g. starting a span, recording a measurement, emitting a log). Recording methods should not return an error describing the cancellation state of the context when they complete, nor should they abort any work.
This rule may not apply if the OpenTelemetry specification defines a timeout mechanism for the method. In that case the context cancellation can be used for the timeout with the restriction that this behavior is documented for the method. Otherwise, timeouts are expected to be handled by the user calling the API, not the implementation.
Stoppage of the telemetry pipeline is handled by calling the appropriate Shutdown
of a provider. It is assumed the context passed from a user is not used for this purpose.
Outside of the direct recording of telemetry from the API (e.g. exporting telemetry, force flushing telemetry, shutting down a signal provider) the context cancellation should be honored. This means all work done on behalf of the user provided context should be canceled.
- Cheng-Zhen Yang, Independent
- Damien Mathieu, Elastic
- David Ashpole, Google
- Robert Pająk, Splunk
- Sam Xie, Cisco/AppDynamics
- Tyler Yahn, Splunk
- Aaron Clawson
- Anthony Mirabella
- Chester Cheung
- Evan Torrie
- Gustavo Silva Paiva
- Josh MacDonald
- Liz Fong-Jones
See the community membership document in OpenTelemetry community repo.
A qualified approval is a GitHub Pull Request review with "Approve" status from an OpenTelemetry Go Approver or Maintainer. ↩
Trivial changes include: typo corrections, cosmetic non-substantive changes, documentation corrections or updates, dependency updates, etc. ↩ ↩2
- ↩