a simple TodoList builting with Vue ,Go and MySQL
- Learn html/css/js and a web framework as a gopher
- Understand how the frontend and backend interact by a simple CRUD project
- Try to deploy applications by using docker
#1 Clone this repository
git clone https://github.com/nc-77/todoList.git && cd todoList
#2 Create docker network
docker create network todo
#3 Build App Server
docker-compose up
#4 Go to http://localhost:8081 and enjoy it
tips: The web and api runs on 8081,8082 ports by defalut.
You can custom the port config by change the backend/config/config.toml and dockerfile-compoes.yml
Clone this repository
Finish mysql config in backend/config/config.toml and run data/mysql-init/tasks.sql in MySQL.
Run backend
cd backend && go run main.go
Run frontend
cd frontend yarn install yarn serve
Go to http://localhost:8080 and enjoy it