diff --git a/e2e/appActions.js b/e2e/appActions.js
index 6cd901fb4de..99ee63cdb5d 100644
--- a/e2e/appActions.js
+++ b/e2e/appActions.js
@@ -510,6 +510,10 @@ async function setTimeConductorBounds(page, { submitChanges = true, ...bounds })
// Open the time conductor popup
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Time Conductor Mode', exact: true }).click();
+ // FIXME: https://github.com/nasa/openmct/pull/7818
+ // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-wait-for-timeout
+ await page.waitForTimeout(500);
if (startDate) {
await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(startDate);
diff --git a/e2e/tests/functional/plugins/telemetryTable/telemetryTable.e2e.spec.js b/e2e/tests/functional/plugins/telemetryTable/telemetryTable.e2e.spec.js
index 9aea26f3952..e98e694b008 100644
--- a/e2e/tests/functional/plugins/telemetryTable/telemetryTable.e2e.spec.js
+++ b/e2e/tests/functional/plugins/telemetryTable/telemetryTable.e2e.spec.js
@@ -117,7 +117,8 @@ test.describe('Telemetry Table', () => {
endTimeStamp.setUTCMinutes(endTimeStamp.getUTCMinutes() - 5);
const endDate = endTimeStamp.toISOString().split('T')[0];
- const endTime = endTimeStamp.toISOString().split('T')[1];
+ const milliseconds = endTimeStamp.getMilliseconds();
+ const endTime = endTimeStamp.toISOString().split('T')[1].replace(`.${milliseconds}Z`, '');
await setTimeConductorBounds(page, { endDate, endTime });
diff --git a/e2e/tests/functional/plugins/timeConductor/timeConductor.e2e.spec.js b/e2e/tests/functional/plugins/timeConductor/timeConductor.e2e.spec.js
index 79346f382ed..9fe41e588f5 100644
--- a/e2e/tests/functional/plugins/timeConductor/timeConductor.e2e.spec.js
+++ b/e2e/tests/functional/plugins/timeConductor/timeConductor.e2e.spec.js
@@ -24,65 +24,210 @@ import {
- setStartOffset,
- setTimeConductorBounds
+ setStartOffset
} from '../../../../appActions.js';
import { expect, test } from '../../../../pluginFixtures.js';
test.describe('Time conductor operations', () => {
- test('validate start time does not exceed end time', async ({ page }) => {
+ const DAY = '2024-01-01';
+ const DAY_AFTER = '2024-01-02';
+ const ONE_O_CLOCK = '01:00:00';
+ const TWO_O_CLOCK = '02:00:00';
+ test.beforeEach(async ({ page }) => {
// Go to baseURL
await page.goto('./', { waitUntil: 'domcontentloaded' });
- const year = new Date().getFullYear();
+ });
+ test('validate date and time inputs are validated on input event', async ({ page }) => {
+ const submitButtonLocator = page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds');
+ // Open the time conductor popup
+ await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Time Conductor Mode', exact: true }).click();
+ await test.step('invalid start date disables submit button', async () => {
+ const initialStartDate = await page.getByLabel('Start date').inputValue();
+ const invalidStartDate = `${initialStartDate.substring(0, 5)}${initialStartDate.substring(6)}`;
+ await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(invalidStartDate);
+ await expect(submitButtonLocator).toBeDisabled();
+ await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(initialStartDate);
+ await expect(submitButtonLocator).toBeEnabled();
+ });
+ await test.step('invalid start time disables submit button', async () => {
+ const initialStartTime = await page.getByLabel('Start time').inputValue();
+ const invalidStartTime = `${initialStartTime.substring(0, 5)}${initialStartTime.substring(6)}`;
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(invalidStartTime);
+ await expect(submitButtonLocator).toBeDisabled();
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(initialStartTime);
+ await expect(submitButtonLocator).toBeEnabled();
+ });
+ await test.step('disable/enable submit button also works with multiple invalid inputs', async () => {
+ const initialEndDate = await page.getByLabel('End date').inputValue();
+ const invalidEndDate = `${initialEndDate.substring(0, 5)}${initialEndDate.substring(6)}`;
+ const initialStartTime = await page.getByLabel('Start time').inputValue();
+ const invalidStartTime = `${initialStartTime.substring(0, 5)}${initialStartTime.substring(6)}`;
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(invalidStartTime);
+ await expect(submitButtonLocator).toBeDisabled();
+ await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(invalidEndDate);
+ await expect(submitButtonLocator).toBeDisabled();
+ await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(initialEndDate);
+ await expect(submitButtonLocator).toBeDisabled();
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(initialStartTime);
+ await expect(submitButtonLocator).toBeEnabled();
+ });
+ });
+ test('validate date and time inputs validation is reported on change event', async ({ page }) => {
+ // Open the time conductor popup
+ await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Time Conductor Mode', exact: true }).click();
+ await test.step('invalid start date is reported on change event, not on input event', async () => {
+ const initialStartDate = await page.getByLabel('Start date').inputValue();
+ const invalidStartDate = `${initialStartDate.substring(0, 5)}${initialStartDate.substring(6)}`;
+ await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(invalidStartDate);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start date')).not.toHaveAttribute('title', 'Invalid Date');
+ await page.getByLabel('Start date').press('Tab');
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start date')).toHaveAttribute('title', 'Invalid Date');
+ await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(initialStartDate);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start date')).not.toHaveAttribute('title', 'Invalid Date');
+ });
+ await test.step('invalid start time is reported on change event, not on input event', async () => {
+ const initialStartTime = await page.getByLabel('Start time').inputValue();
+ const invalidStartTime = `${initialStartTime.substring(0, 5)}${initialStartTime.substring(6)}`;
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(invalidStartTime);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start time')).not.toHaveAttribute('title', 'Invalid Time');
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').press('Tab');
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start time')).toHaveAttribute('title', 'Invalid Time');
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(initialStartTime);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start time')).not.toHaveAttribute('title', 'Invalid Time');
+ });
+ await test.step('invalid end date is reported on change event, not on input event', async () => {
+ const initialEndDate = await page.getByLabel('End date').inputValue();
+ const invalidEndDate = `${initialEndDate.substring(0, 5)}${initialEndDate.substring(6)}`;
+ await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(invalidEndDate);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('End date')).not.toHaveAttribute('title', 'Invalid Date');
+ await page.getByLabel('End date').press('Tab');
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('End date')).toHaveAttribute('title', 'Invalid Date');
+ await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(initialEndDate);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('End date')).not.toHaveAttribute('title', 'Invalid Date');
+ });
+ await test.step('invalid end time is reported on change event, not on input event', async () => {
+ const initialEndTime = await page.getByLabel('End time').inputValue();
+ const invalidEndTime = `${initialEndTime.substring(0, 5)}${initialEndTime.substring(6)}`;
+ await page.getByLabel('End time').fill(invalidEndTime);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('End time')).not.toHaveAttribute('title', 'Invalid Time');
+ await page.getByLabel('End time').press('Tab');
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('End time')).toHaveAttribute('title', 'Invalid Time');
+ await page.getByLabel('End time').fill(initialEndTime);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('End time')).not.toHaveAttribute('title', 'Invalid Time');
+ });
+ });
+ test('validate start time does not exceed end time on submit', async ({ page }) => {
+ // Open the time conductor popup
+ await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Time Conductor Mode', exact: true }).click();
+ // FIXME: https://github.com/nasa/openmct/pull/7818
+ // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-wait-for-timeout
+ await page.waitForTimeout(500);
+ await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(DAY);
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(TWO_O_CLOCK);
+ await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(DAY);
+ await page.getByLabel('End time').fill(ONE_O_CLOCK);
+ await page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds').click();
- // Set initial valid time bounds
- const startDate = `${year}-01-01`;
- const startTime = '01:00:00';
- const endDate = `${year}-01-01`;
- const endTime = '02:00:00';
- await setTimeConductorBounds(page, { startDate, startTime, endDate, endTime });
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start date')).toHaveAttribute(
+ 'title',
+ 'Specified start date exceeds end bound'
+ );
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start bounds')).not.toHaveText(`${DAY} ${TWO_O_CLOCK}.000Z`);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('End bounds')).not.toHaveText(`${DAY} ${ONE_O_CLOCK}.000Z`);
+ await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(DAY);
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(ONE_O_CLOCK);
+ await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(DAY);
+ await page.getByLabel('End time').fill(TWO_O_CLOCK);
+ await page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds').click();
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start bounds')).toHaveText(`${DAY} ${ONE_O_CLOCK}.000Z`);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('End bounds')).toHaveText(`${DAY} ${TWO_O_CLOCK}.000Z`);
+ });
+ test('validate start datetime does not exceed end datetime on submit', async ({ page }) => {
// Open the time conductor popup
await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Time Conductor Mode', exact: true }).click();
- // Test invalid start date
- const invalidStartDate = `${year}-01-02`;
- await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(invalidStartDate);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeDisabled();
- await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(startDate);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeEnabled();
- // Test invalid end date
- const invalidEndDate = `${year - 1}-12-31`;
- await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(invalidEndDate);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeDisabled();
- await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(endDate);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeEnabled();
- // Test invalid start time
- const invalidStartTime = '42:00:00';
- await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(invalidStartTime);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeDisabled();
- await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(startTime);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeEnabled();
- // Test invalid end time
- const invalidEndTime = '43:00:00';
- await page.getByLabel('End time').fill(invalidEndTime);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeDisabled();
- await page.getByLabel('End time').fill(endTime);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeEnabled();
- // Submit valid time bounds
+ // FIXME: https://github.com/nasa/openmct/pull/7818
+ // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-wait-for-timeout
+ await page.waitForTimeout(500);
+ await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(DAY_AFTER);
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(ONE_O_CLOCK);
+ await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(DAY);
+ await page.getByLabel('End time').fill(ONE_O_CLOCK);
await page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds').click();
- // Verify the submitted time bounds
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Start bounds')).toHaveText(
- new RegExp(`${startDate} ${startTime}.000Z`)
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start date')).toHaveAttribute(
+ 'title',
+ 'Specified start date exceeds end bound'
- await expect(page.getByLabel('End bounds')).toHaveText(
- new RegExp(`${endDate} ${endTime}.000Z`)
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start bounds')).not.toHaveText(
+ `${DAY_AFTER} ${ONE_O_CLOCK}.000Z`
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('End bounds')).not.toHaveText(`${DAY} ${ONE_O_CLOCK}.000Z`);
+ await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(DAY);
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(ONE_O_CLOCK);
+ await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(DAY_AFTER);
+ await page.getByLabel('End time').fill(ONE_O_CLOCK);
+ await page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds').click();
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start bounds')).toHaveText(`${DAY} ${ONE_O_CLOCK}.000Z`);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('End bounds')).toHaveText(`${DAY_AFTER} ${ONE_O_CLOCK}.000Z`);
+ });
+ test('cancelling form does not set bounds', async ({ page }) => {
+ test.info().annotations.push({
+ type: 'issue',
+ description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/7791'
+ });
+ // Open the time conductor popup
+ await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Time Conductor Mode', exact: true }).click();
+ await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(DAY);
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(ONE_O_CLOCK);
+ await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(DAY_AFTER);
+ await page.getByLabel('End time').fill(ONE_O_CLOCK);
+ await page.getByLabel('Discard changes and close time popup').click();
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start bounds')).not.toHaveText(`${DAY} ${ONE_O_CLOCK}.000Z`);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('End bounds')).not.toHaveText(`${DAY_AFTER} ${ONE_O_CLOCK}.000Z`);
+ // Open the time conductor popup
+ await page.getByRole('button', { name: 'Time Conductor Mode', exact: true }).click();
+ await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(DAY);
+ await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(ONE_O_CLOCK);
+ await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(DAY_AFTER);
+ await page.getByLabel('End time').fill(ONE_O_CLOCK);
+ await page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds').click();
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('Start bounds')).toHaveText(`${DAY} ${ONE_O_CLOCK}.000Z`);
+ await expect(page.getByLabel('End bounds')).toHaveText(`${DAY_AFTER} ${ONE_O_CLOCK}.000Z`);
@@ -131,77 +276,6 @@ test.describe('Global Time Conductor', () => {
await expect(page.getByLabel('End offset: 01:30:31')).toBeVisible();
- test('Input field validation: fixed time mode', async ({ page }) => {
- test.info().annotations.push({
- type: 'issue',
- description: 'https://github.com/nasa/openmct/issues/7791'
- });
- // Switch to fixed time mode
- await setFixedTimeMode(page);
- // Define valid time bounds for testing
- const validBounds = {
- startDate: '2024-04-20',
- startTime: '00:04:20',
- endDate: '2024-04-20',
- endTime: '16:04:20'
- };
- // Set valid time conductor bounds ✌️
- await setTimeConductorBounds(page, validBounds);
- // Verify that the time bounds are set correctly
- await expect(page.getByLabel(`Start bounds: 2024-04-20 00:04:20.000Z`)).toBeVisible();
- await expect(page.getByLabel(`End bounds: 2024-04-20 16:04:20.000Z`)).toBeVisible();
- // Open the Time Conductor Mode popup
- await page.getByLabel('Time Conductor Mode').click();
- // Test invalid start date
- const invalidStartDate = '2024-04-21';
- await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(invalidStartDate);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeDisabled();
- await page.getByLabel('Start date').fill(validBounds.startDate);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeEnabled();
- // Test invalid end date
- const invalidEndDate = '2024-04-19';
- await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(invalidEndDate);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeDisabled();
- await page.getByLabel('End date').fill(validBounds.endDate);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeEnabled();
- // Test invalid start time
- const invalidStartTime = '16:04:21';
- await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(invalidStartTime);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeDisabled();
- await page.getByLabel('Start time').fill(validBounds.startTime);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeEnabled();
- // Test invalid end time
- const invalidEndTime = '00:04:19';
- await page.getByLabel('End time').fill(invalidEndTime);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeDisabled();
- await page.getByLabel('End time').fill(validBounds.endTime);
- await expect(page.getByLabel('Submit time bounds')).toBeEnabled();
- // Verify that the time bounds remain unchanged after invalid inputs
- await expect(page.getByLabel(`Start bounds: 2024-04-20 00:04:20.000Z`)).toBeVisible();
- await expect(page.getByLabel(`End bounds: 2024-04-20 16:04:20.000Z`)).toBeVisible();
- // Discard changes and verify that bounds remain unchanged
- await setTimeConductorBounds(page, {
- startDate: validBounds.startDate,
- startTime: '04:20:00',
- endDate: validBounds.endDate,
- endTime: '04:20:20',
- submitChanges: false
- });
- // Verify that the original time bounds are still displayed after discarding changes
- await expect(page.getByLabel(`Start bounds: 2024-04-20 00:04:20.000Z`)).toBeVisible();
- await expect(page.getByLabel(`End bounds: 2024-04-20 16:04:20.000Z`)).toBeVisible();
- });
* Verify that offsets and url params are preserved when switching
* between fixed timespan and real-time mode.
diff --git a/src/plugins/timeConductor/TimePopupFixed.vue b/src/plugins/timeConductor/TimePopupFixed.vue
index 7c098e44622..652df767e38 100644
--- a/src/plugins/timeConductor/TimePopupFixed.vue
+++ b/src/plugins/timeConductor/TimePopupFixed.vue
@@ -11,18 +11,19 @@