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Releases: mongodb/mongo-go-driver

MongoDB Go Driver Alpha 12

23 Aug 19:55
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The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release the twelfth alpha of the official Go driver.

This release contains support for retryable writes, transactions, and SCRAM-SHA-256. This is alpha software, so it is not recommended for production use.

Following semver, the v0 version of the public API should not be considered stable and could change.

Documentation can be found on GoDoc. Questions and inquiries can be asked on the mongo-go-driver Google Group. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.

Release Notes

New Feature


  • [GODRIVER-519] - Convert SCRAM-SHA-1 to use external scram library

MongoDB Go Driver Alpha 11

09 Aug 15:58
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The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release the eleventh alpha of the official Go driver.

This release contains support for causal consistency and the new count API. Additionally, this release has bug fixes and small API changes. This is alpha software, so it is not recommended for production use.

Following semver, the v0 version of the public API should not be considered stable and could change.

Documentation can be found on GoDoc. Questions and inquiries can be asked on the mongo-go-driver Google Group. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.

Release Notes


  • [GODRIVER-491] - Failure to establish connection when using only local certificate
  • [GODRIVER-510] - Documents larger than the MaxDocumentSize/MaxBSONObjectSize should cause error on InsertOne/InsertMany

New Feature

MongoDB Go Driver Alpha 10

26 Jul 17:57
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The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release the tenth alpha of the official Go driver.

This release contains support for sessions and application performance monitoring. Additionally, this release has bug fixes and small API changes. This is alpha software, so it is not recommended for production use.

Following semver, the v0 version of the public API should not be considered stable and could change.

Documentation can be found on GoDoc. Questions and inquiries can be asked on the mongo-go-driver Google Group. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.

Release Notes



New Feature

MongoDB Go Driver Alpha 9

12 Jul 19:37
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The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release the ninth alpha of the official Go driver.

This release contains a major update for option handling within the Driver API and adds support for OP_MSG. Additionally, this release has several bug fixes and small API changes. This is alpha software, so it is not recommended for production use.

Following semver, the v0 version of the public API should not be considered stable and could change.

Documentation can be found on GoDoc. Questions and inquiries can be asked on the mongo-go-driver Google Group. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.

Release Notes


  • [GODRIVER-302] - Optioner Interfaces are difficult to construct programatically
  • [GODRIVER-479] - Typo - Error information lost / not returned in func Projection()
  • [GODRIVER-485] - Authentication degrade after 0.0.6


New Feature

  • [GODRIVER-54] - OP_MSG type 0 support
  • [GODRIVER-157] - Add read preference option to db.RunCommand
  • [GODRIVER-335] - Split options.OptProjection into OptFields and OptProjection
  • [GODRIVER-356] - Add ability to create Database and Collection instances with a read preference


  • [GODRIVER-272] - Implement redesigned options for the Collection methods
  • [GODRIVER-350] - Change OptWriteConcern to directly wrap a writeconcern.WriteConcern
  • [GODRIVER-352] - Incorrect copyright statement on bson/decimal/decimal.go
  • [GODRIVER-450] - Combine options that are singular entities
  • [GODRIVER-481] - Remove bson/internal libraries
  • [GODRIVER-482] - Separate command.Command into command.Read and command.Write
  • [GODRIVER-486] - Connection String AuthSource should default to using connection string database name before defaulting to admin

MongoDB Go Driver Alpha 8

28 Jun 21:15
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The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release the eighth alpha of the official Go driver.

This release adds support for network compression. Additionally, there are improvements to the index management functionality in the driver. This is alpha software, so it is not recommended for production use.

Following semver, the v0 version of the public API should not be considered stable and could change.

Documentation can be found on GoDoc. Questions and inquiries can be asked on the mongo-go-driver Google Group. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.

Release Notes


  • [GODRIVER-477] - benchmark max execution timeout counts setup time.

New Feature


MongoDB Go Driver Alpha 7

14 Jun 17:38
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The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release the seventh alpha of the official Go driver.

This release mainly contains bug fixes and documentation updates. Additionally, there are improvements to the index management functionality in the driver. This is alpha software, so it is not recommended for production use.

Following semver, the v0 version of the public API should not be considered stable and could change.

Documentation can be found on GoDoc. Questions and inquiries can be asked on the mongo-go-driver Google Group. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.

Release Notes


  • [GODRIVER-436] - Documentation does not indicate users should call client.Connect or use mongo.Connect
  • [GODRIVER-441] - Connection Handshake should not call buildInfo
  • [GODRIVER-442] - Authentication error should drain a topology.Server's connection pool
  • [GODRIVER-456] - Creating an index with nil Keys panics
  • [GODRIVER-457] - expireAfter index option incorrectly uses expireAfter instead of expireAfterSeconds

New Feature

  • [GODRIVER-31] - Implement Enumerate Collections Specification
  • [GODRIVER-47] - Support passing index hint to aggregations
  • [GODRIVER-294] - Add builder for index management options


MongoDB Go Driver Alpha 6

31 May 19:05
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The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release the sixth alpha of the official Go driver.

This release mainly contains bug fixes and documentation updates. There are a few large changes of note in the BSON library, where the behavior of the bson.Prepend and bson.Delete methods was corrected, the extjson package was merged into the bson package, and the semantics of the bson.Document.Lookup method were changed. This is alpha software, so it is not recommended for production use.

Following semver, the v0 version of the public API should not be considered stable and could change.

Documentation can be found on GoDoc. Questions and inquiries can be asked on the mongo-go-driver Google Group. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.

Release Notes


New Feature

  • [GODRIVER-50] - Support maxTimeMS for createIndexes and dropIndexes commands
  • [GODRIVER-124] - Support bulk inserting documents over 16 MB in total size with InsertMany
  • [GODRIVER-360] - Correct semantics of bson.Document.Lookup method


  • [GODRIVER-419] - Set the Kind when returning a topology.SelectedServer

MongoDB Go Driver Alpha 5

17 May 18:49
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The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release the fifth alpha of the official Go driver.

This release mainly contains user experience improvements and a refactor of internal driver structure. This is alpha software, so it is not recommended for production use.

Following semver, the v0 version of the public API should not be considered stable and could change.

Documentation can be found on GoDoc. Questions and inquiries can be asked on the mongo-go-driver Google Group. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.

Release Notes


New Feature


MongoDB Go Driver Alpha 4

03 May 20:26
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The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release the fourth alpha of the official Go driver.

This release mainly contains user experience improvements and a refactor of internal driver structure. This is alpha software, so it is not recommended for production use.

Following semver, the v0 version of the public API should not be considered stable and could change.

Documentation can be found on GoDoc. Questions and inquiries can be asked on the mongo-go-driver Google Group. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.

Release Notes


  • [GODRIVER-298] - Passing a nil context.Next to Cursor#Next panics
  • [GODRIVER-307] - Insert methods do not seem propogate duplicate key errors
  • [GODRIVER-369] - Function mongo.newClient should not call topology.Connect
  • [GODRIVER-370] - The ConnectTimeout ClientOption should be used when using the default Dialer
  • [GODRIVER-371] - SocketTimeout should be set as Read and Write Timeouts on a Connection
  • [GODRIVER-374] - examples_test.go : Topology is closed on Mac
  • [GODRIVER-383] - Use Server Selection Timeout from connection string
  • [GODRIVER-388] - Creating a new connection may leak a semaphore permit
  • [GODRIVER-389] - Race condition when disconnecting a connection pool
  • [GODRIVER-390] - Getting a connection from a pool can be starved indefinitely
  • [GODRIVER-397] - Connections are leaked by the driver

New Feature


  • [GODRIVER-337] - Allow option.Optioner to return an error
  • [GODRIVER-343] - Add Encoder support for the decimal.decimal128 type
  • [GODRIVER-359] - Add bson.Zeroer types for comparing structs
  • [GODRIVER-363] - BSON encode and decoder do not support time.Time, url.URL, or json.Number

MongoDB Go Driver Alpha 3

19 Apr 15:24
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The MongoDB Go driver team is pleased to release the third alpha of the official Go driver.

This release mainly contains user experience improvements and a refactor of internal driver structure. This is alpha software, so it is not recommended for production use.

Following semver, the v0 version of the public API should not be considered stable and could change.

Documentation can be found on GoDoc. Questions and inquiries can be asked on the mongo-go-driver Google Group. Bugs can be reported in the Go Driver Jira where a list of current issues can be found.


  • [GODRIVER-282] - bson.Decoder cannot decode into bson types inside of a struct
  • [GODRIVER-287] - SSL client certificate should support PEM files with passwords
  • [GODRIVER-288] - Fix decoding BSON arrays into empty interface
  • [GODRIVER-309] - Fix excessive escaping when printing BSON objects
  • [GODRIVER-313] - Examples don't reset the document before decode
  • [GODRIVER-320] - Document Should Be Reset In Examples
  • [GODRIVER-321] - convertValueToElem should copy the attached *bson.Document
  • [GODRIVER-323] - Struct with bson tag _id inserts a byte array instead of objectId
  • [GODRIVER-339] - Document Set does not always replace the correct field.

New Feature



  • [GODRIVER-256] - Ensure Cursor implementations return Close error on Close
  • [GODRIVER-315] - Mongo shipped BSON marshaller to support nested structs using embedding
  • [GODRIVER-317] - Handle nil properties of a struct in the BSON encoder
  • [GODRIVER-324] - Handle objectid.ObjectID in the bson.Encoder
  • [GODRIVER-327] - Migrate to new library structure
  • [GODRIVER-330] - Create Collection using Database's read and write selectors
  • [GODRIVER-331] - Use description.WriteSelector instead of a ReadPrefSelector
  • [GODRIVER-332] - Use db.writeSelector in Database.RunCommand
  • [GODRIVER-333] - ReadPref selector should use feature.MaxStaleness
  • [GODRIVER-334] - Remove topology server selectors and use description server selectors
  • [GODRIVER-336] - Move TLS configuration out of connection.New
  • [GODRIVER-346] - Refactor Client Options
  • [GODRIVER-353] - Add license notice for core library