This document describes how to configure netmap passthrough, a technology that enables very fast network I/O (up to 30 Mpps and more) for QEMU Virtual Machines. With netmap passthrough you can make an arbitrary netmap port (physical NIC, VALE port, pipe endpoint, monitor, ...) available inside a VM. In this way your (unmodified) netmap application can run isolated inside a VM, without losing the performance advantages of netmap. In particular you will still able to zerocopy across the passed-through netmap ports (a.k.a. ptnetmap ports). Netmap passthrough requires support in both host (hypervisor) and guest OS. Host needs a ptnetmap-capable hypervisor like QEMU (Linux host with KVM enabled) or bhyve (FreeBSD host). Guest OS requires some ptnetmap drivers that are already included with netmap, although not enabled by default. Guest OS ptnetmap drivers are available for both Linux and FreeBSD guests.
Netmap passthrough is an enabler technology for Network Function Virtualization, as it can be used to build chains of VMs for high-rate middlebox packet processing. Given the variety of netmap ports you can decide to connect the VMs together through zerocopy ports (i.e. netmap pipes), or with copy for untrusted VMs (i.e. VALE ports). You can get NIC-independent NIC passthrough by directly passing a dedicated physical netmap port to a VM.
More information about ptnetmap are available in these slides:
and in these papers
- (older)
and in section 7 of this document.
On the Linux host, configure, build and install netmap normally:
git clone
cd netmap
./configure [options]
sudo make install
Download, build and install the ptnetmap-enabled QEMU:
git clone
cd qemu
./configure --target-list=x86_64-softmmu --enable-kvm --enable-vhost-net --disable-werror --enable-netmap
sudo make install
Load the netmap
sudo modprobe netmap
Example to run a VM passing through a VALE port (vale1:10):
sudo qemu-system-x86_64 img.qcow2 -enable-kvm -smp 2 -m 2G -vga std -device ptnet-pci,netdev=data10,mac=00:AA:BB:CC:0a:0a -netdev netmap,ifname=vale1:10,id=data10,passthrough=on
Example to run a VM passing though the "left" endpoints of two pipes endpoints (the "right" endpoints can be connected to other VMs or netmap programs running directly on the host.
sudo qemu-system-x86_64 img.qcow2 -enable-kvm -smp 2 -m 2G -vga std -device ptnet-pci,netdev=data1,mac=00:AA:BB:CC:0b:01 -netdev netmap,ifname=netmap:pipe0{1,id=data1,passthrough=on -device ptnet-pci,netdev=data1,mac=00:AA:BB:CC:0b:02 -netdev netmap,ifname=netmap:pipe1{1,id=data1,passthrough=on
In the Linux guest, compile, build and install netmap with ptnetmap support:
git clone
cd netmap
./configure --enable-ptnetmap
sudo make install
Load netmap module
sudo rmmod netmap # Possibly remove a previous netmap module:
sudo modprobe netmap
As the netmap module is loaded, a new network interface will show up for each passed-through netmap port, (e.g. 'ens4'). You can check that an interface is a netmap passthrough one checking the driver:
ethtool -i ens4
driver: ptnetmap-guest-drivers
A guest ptnetmap port behaves like any other netmap ports. You can use pkt-gen to test transmission;
sudo pkt-gen -i ens4 -f tx
Netmap passthrough guest drivers are already included with netmap from FreeBSD 12 versions. When running FreeBSD guest with ptnetmap ports (e.g. using QEMU as described above), an interface called "ptnet$N" will show up for each passed through port. If you want to use ptnetmap with older FreeBSD guests you can just update your FreeBSD source tree with the updated netmap code from github and rebuild your kernel.
While ptnetmap is mainly designed for the VMs to run middleboxes applications (e.g. firewall, DDoS prevention, load balancing, IDS, typically carried out by network operators), it also offers good performance when VMs run TCP/UDP user applications. To make this possible, virtualized offloadings are supported using the virtio-net header defined by the VirtIO standard ( When the header is enabled in the guest OS and supported by the VM network backend (e.g. VALE port and TAP devices both support it), two VMs on the same host (e.g. connected through a VALE switch) can exchange TSO packets (up to 64KB each) without the need to perform any TCP segmentation or computing TCP checksums. This header is the key for very high TCP VM-to-VM throughput (20+ Gbps), and it is stored before the ethernet header of each packet sent or received by your VMs. If you want to use ptnetmap mainly to run middleboxes application (which is the common case), you should disable the virtio-net header in the guest OS:
# echo 0 > /sys/module/netmap/parameters/ptnet_vnet_hdr
This step is needed to avoid performance issues in case your datapath exits the hypervisor host through a physical NIC or goes through netmap ports that don't support the virtio-net header.
Netmap is a framework for high performance network I/O. It exposes an hardware-independent API which allows userspace application to directly interact with NIC hardware rings, in order to receive and transmit Ethernet frames. Rings are always accessed in the context of system calls and NIC interrupts are used to notify applications about NIC processing completion. The performance boost of netmap w.r.t. traditional socket API primarily comes from: (i) batching, since it is possible to send/receive hundreds of packets with a single system call, (ii) preallocation of packet buffers and memory mapping of those in the application address space.
Several netmap extension have been developed to support virtualization. Netmap support for various paravirtualized drivers - e.g. virtio-net, Xen netfront/netback - allows netmap applications to run in the guest over fast paravirtualized I/O devices.
The Virtual Ethernet (VALE) software switch, which supports scalable high performance local communication (over 20 Mpps between two switch ports), can then be used to connect together multiple VMs.
However, in a typical scenario with two communicating netmap applications running in different VMs (on the same host) connected through a VALE switch, the journey of a packet is still quite convoluted. As a matter of facts, while netmap is fast on both the host (the VALE switch) and the guest (interaction between application and the emulated device), each packet still needs to be processed from the hypervisor, which needs to emulate the device model used in the guest (e.g. e1000, virtio-net). The emulation involves device-specific overhead - queue processing, format conversions, packet copies, address translations, etc. As a consequence, the maximum packet rate between the two VMs is often limited by 2-5 Mpps.
To overcome these limitations, ptnetmap has been introduced as a passthrough technique to completely avoid hypervisor processing in the packet datapath, unblocking the full potential of netmap also for virtual machine environments. With ptnetmap, a netmap port on the host can be exposed to the guest in a protected way, so that netmap applications in the guest can directly access the rings and packet buffers of the host port, avoiding all the extra overhead involved in the emulation of network devices. System calls issued by guest applications on ptnetmap ports are served by kernel threads (one per ring) running in the netmap host.
Similarly to VirtIO paravirtualization, synchronization between guest netmap (driver) and host netmap (kernel threads) happens through a shared memory area called Communication Status Block (CSB), which is used to store producer-consumer state and notification suppression flags.
Two notification mechanisms needs to be supported by the hypervisor to allow guest and host netmap to wake up each other. On QEMU/bhyve, notifications from guest to host are implemented with accesses to I/O registers which cause a trap in the hypervisor. Notifications in the other direction are implemented using KVM/bhyve interrupt injection mechanisms. MSI-X interrupts are used since they have less overhead than traditional PCI interrupts.
Since I/O register accesses and interrupts are very expensive in the common case of hardware assisted virtualization, they are suppressed when not needed, i.e. each time the host (or the guest) is actively polling the CSB to check for more work. From an high-level perspective, the system tries to dynamically switch between polling operation under high load, and interrupt-based operation under lower loads.
The original ptnetmap implementation required ptnetmap-enabled virtio-net/e1000 drivers. Only the notification functionalities of those devices were reused, while the datapath (e.g. e1000 rings or virtio-net Virtual Queues) was completely bypassed.
The ptnet device has been introduced as a cleaner approach to ptnetmap that also adds the ability to interact with the standard TCP/IP network stack and supports multi-ring netmap ports. The introduction of a new device model does not limit the adoption of this solution, since ptnet drivers are distributed together with netmap, and hypervisor modifications are needed in any case.
The ptnet device belongs to the classes of paravirtualized devices, like virtio-net. Unlike virtio-net, however, ptnet does not define an interface to exchange packets (datapath), but the existing netmap API is used instead. However, a CSB - cleaned up and extended to support an arbitrary number of rings - is still used for producer-consumer synchronization and notification suppression.
A number of device registers are used for configuration (number of rings and slots, device MAC address, supported features, ...) while "kick" registers are used for guest-to-host notifications. The ptnetmap kthread infrastructure, moreover, has been already extended to support an arbitrary number of rings, where currently each ring is served by a different kernel thread.