If you have a working/work in progress replacement proposition feel free to open an issue and discuss it.
Hubot script for pokemon go. hubot-pokemongo send you one private message every time one pokemon spawn near you. It support multiple location, mute notification, custom notification interval, and some small features.
❗ This does not require you to run your own bots for Pokémon localisation. However, the API we're querying is very instable and you might experience not-so-great service and unaccurate results.
- hubot-redis-brain
- geolib
- add : Attach address to your user
- debug on : Enable debug
- debug off : Disable debug
- delete : Delete address from your user
- list : List addresses from the current user
- locale <en|fr|de> : Set locale for the current user
- notif on : Enable notification
- notif off : Disable notification
- number : Search for a Pokémon using it's Pokédex number
- nb : Alias for number
- id : Alias for number
- preference : Show user preferences
- range : Set detection range to m
- remove : Alias for delete
- rm : Alias for delete
- search : Searches on a Pokémon Wiki (depending on your locale)
- s : Alias for search
- timer : Set timer interval to minute(s)
- version : Print current version of hubot-pokemongo
- help : Print this help
- ? : Alias for help
> {hubot} pogo add 43.60385011 1.4439189
> {hubot} pogo list
> {hubot} pogo remove 43.60385011 1.4439189
> {hubot} pogo list
Download the latest version from npm
npm install hubot-pokemongo
Add dependency to your hubot external script: external-scripts.json
- Refactoring
- Locale (User preferences)
- Tests
- Show pokemon on map (send image)
- Improve range system