- Drop compatibility to the original engine, as it is not any more developed
- Made API nicer:
- jqtpl.tmpl -> jqtpl.render
- jqtpl.render returns always a string.
- jqtpl.template -> jqtpl.compile
- jqtpl.tempalte[name] -> jqtpl.cache[name]
- Make {{each}} tag [].forEach compatible - pass value as first, iteration number or key as a second argument.
- Rename {{tmpl}} tag to {{partial}}.
- Port unit tests from original engine.
- Add browser and AMD support
- Add support express 3.0.x
- implement partial and layout simpilar to the old express behavour.
- For those who has implemented custom tags:
- For less conflicts renamed "_" -> "__"
- "_default" -> "default"
- "$" namespace for global helper functions, not jQuery.
- Set layout globally: app.set('layout', true);