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License: MIT

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Table of Contents

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Built with CSS, Express.js, JavaScript, MongoDB, Node.js, and Pug templates, Natours is a tour booking site that allows users to browse nature tours, "purchase" tours they wish to buy, view tours they've booked, update their login credentials/profile picture, and so much more!


Clone the repository to your local machine, open your terminal, and navigate to the root folder in the Natours repository. To install the necessary dependencies, run npm i in your command-line terminal.


Home Page

To view the Natours home page navigate to this link:


Sign Up

To create an account with Natours enter your full name, a valid email address, a secure password (that's at least 8 characters), confirm your password, and press the SIGN UP button.

Welcome Email

View In Browser

When you register with Natours you'll receive a welcome email. You can view it in the browser by simply clicking on the View In Browser link at the bottom of the email.

Log In

To log into Natours simply enter your email address, password, and press the LOGIN button.

Tour Picture 1

Tour Picture 2

Tour Picture 3

To view a tour navigate to the home page and click on the DETAILS button underneath it. To go back to the home page click on the All Tours navigation bar link in the upper left-hand corner of the screen. To book a tour simply click on the BOOK TOUR button at the bottom of that tour's page.

Stripe Checkout

If you wish to "purchase" a tour follow these steps:

  1. Under Card information type 4242 4242 4242 4242 for the card number, 12/34 for the expiration date, and 567 for the CVC.
  2. Under Name on card feel free to enter any name you wish.
  3. Under Country or region use United States for the country/region and 12345 for the ZIP Code.
  4. Press the Pay button and wait a few seconds for the transaction to process.
  5. You're all set! Congratulations on booking your first tour!

My Bookings

To view your bookings click on your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner of the screen. Then, at the top of the screen, underneath Settings, you should see My Bookings. If you click on it you'll be redirected to a page with the tour you just booked.

Change Picture

To update your profile picture click on the Choose New Photo button in Account Settings (to navigate to Account Settings click on your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner of the screen just like you did to view your bookings), select an image file, and press Upload. Finally, press the SAVE button!

Change Password

To change your password click on your profile picture in the upper right-hand corner of the screen, scroll down to the bottom where it says Change Password, type your current password, your new password, and confirm it. Finally, press the SAVE button and you're all set!















If you have any additional questions, you can reach me at:

[email protected]