{:as request-map,
:keys [url method query-string headers body response-consumer-factory request-options],
:or {method :get, headers default-headers}})
Bulk-chan takes a client, a partial request/option map, returns a
map of :input-ch
, :output-ch
and :flush-ch
is a channel that will accept bulk fragments to be
sent (either single or collection). It then will
wait (:flush-interval request-map) or (:flush-threshold request-map)
and then trigger an async request with the bulk payload accumulated.
Parallelism of the async requests is controllable via (:max-concurrent-requests request-map).
If the number of triggered requests exceeds the capacity of the job
buffer, puts! in :input-ch
will block (if done with async/put! you
can check the return value before overflowing the put! pending
Jobs results returned from the processing are a pair of job and responses map, or exception. The :output-ch will allow you to inspect [job responses] the server returned and handle potential errors/failures accordingly (retrying etc).
If you close! the :input-ch
it will close the underlying resources
and exit cleanly (consuming all jobs that remain in queues).
By default requests are run against _bulk, but the option map is passed as is to request-chan, you can overwrite options here and provide your own url, headers and so on.
is provided to afford an immediate flush of the contents
of the job buffer by putting anything onto this channel.
(chunks->body chunks)
Utility function to create _bulk/_msearch bodies. It takes a
sequence of clj fragments and returns a newline delimited string of
JSON fragments
(client options)
Returns a client instance to be used to perform requests.
: Collection of URIs of nodes - Defaults to ["http://localhost:9200"] -
: Sets the default request headers, which will be sent along with each request. Request-time headers will always overwrite any default headers. -
: Sets the RestClient.FailureListener to be notified for each request failure -
: request scoped config - extendable via theqbits.client-options/set-request-option!
: http-client scoped config - extendable via theqbits.client-options/set-http-client-option!
(map of:user
If you need extra/custom building you can hook into the builder by
extending the multimethod
(close! this)
(decode-exception x)
Controls how to translate a client exception
(default-exception-handler ex)
Exception handler that will try to decode Exceptions via
ExceptionDecoder/decode-exception. If after decoding we still have a
throwable it will rethrow, otherwise it will pass on the value
returned. You can then extend ExceptionDecoder/decode-exception to
do whatever you'd like.
(encode-body x)
(node-selector f)
Creates a NodeSelector instance that will call f
as select():
see: https://github.com/elastic/elasticsearch/blob/master/client/rest/src/main/java/org/elasticsearch/client/NodeSelector.java#L29
(raw body)
Marks body as raw, which allows to skip JSON encoding
{:keys [method url headers query-string body keywordize? response-consumer-factory exception-handler],
{method :get,
keywordize? true,
exception-handler default-exception-handler,
response-consumer-factory HttpAsyncResponseConsumerFactory/DEFAULT},
:as request-params})
{:keys [method url headers query-string body success error keywordize? response-consumer-factory exception-handler],
{method :get,
keywordize? true,
exception-handler decode-exception,
response-consumer-factory HttpAsyncResponseConsumerFactory/DEFAULT},
:as request-params})
Similar to qbits.spandex/request
but returns immediately and works
asynchronously and triggers option :success
once a results is
received, or :error
if it was a failure
(request-chan client {:as options, :keys [ch]})
Similar to qbits.spandex/request
but runs asynchronously and
returns a core.async/promise-chan
that will have the result (or
error) delivered upon reception
(response-ex->ex-info re)
Utility function to transform an ResponseException into an ex-info
(response-ex->response re)
Return the response-map wrapped in a ResponseException
(scroll-chan client {:as request-map, :keys [ttl output-ch], :or {ttl "1m"}})
Returns a core async channel. Takes the same args as
. Perform async scrolling requests for a
query, request will be done as the user takes from the
channel. Every take! will request/return a page from the
scroll. You can specify scroll :ttl in the request map otherwise
it'll default to 1m. The chan will be closed once scroll is
complete. If you must stop scrolling before that, you must
async/close! manually, this will release all used resources. You can
also supply a :output-ch key to the request map, a core.async/chan that
will receive the results. This allow you to have custom buffers, or
have multiple scroll-chan calls feed the same channel instance
(set-sniff-on-failure! sniffer)
Register a SniffOnFailureListener that allows to perform sniffing
on failure.
(sniffer client)
{:as options,
:keys [scheme timeout],
:or {scheme :http, timeout ElasticsearchNodesSniffer/DEFAULT_SNIFF_REQUEST_TIMEOUT}})
Takes a Client instance (and possible sniffer options) and returns a sniffer instance that will initially be bound to passed client. Options:
: Sets the interval between consecutive ordinary sniff executions in milliseconds. Will be honoured when sniffOnFailure is disabled or when there are no failures between consecutive sniff executions. -
: Sets the delay of a sniff execution scheduled after a failure (in milliseconds)
If you need extra/custom building you can hook into the builder by
extending the multimethod
(builder {:as options, :keys [hosts]})
Return a SSLContext that trusts all certificate
(builder client sniffer options)
(encode x)
(encode-fragment value)
(chan->seq ch)
Convert a channel to a lazy sequence.
Will block on after the last element if the channel is not closed.
(escape-query-string query)
Escape or remove special characters in query string coming from users.