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File metadata and controls

1169 lines (793 loc) · 62.4 KB


Contributors should read our contributors guide for instructions on how to update the changelog.

This document contains a historical list of changes between releases. Only changes that impact end-user behavior are listed; changes to documentation or internal API changes are not present.

Main (unreleased)


  • Add otelcol.receiver.awscloudwatch component to receive logs from AWS CloudWatch and forward them to other otelcol.* components. (@wildum)


  • Add livedebugging support for prometheus.scrape (@ravishankar15, @wildum)

  • Have loki.echo log the entry_timestamp and structured_metadata for any loki entries received (@dehaansa)

  • Bump snmp_exporter and embedded modules in prometheus.exporter.snmp to v0.28.0 (@v-zhuravlev)

  • Update prometheus.write.queue to reduce memory fragmentation and increase sent throughput. (@mattdurham)

  • Update mysqld_exporter to v0.17.2, most notable changes: (@cristiangreco)

    • [0.17.1] Add perf_schema quantile columns to collector
    • [0.17.1] Fix database quoting problem in collector 'info_schema.tables'
    • [0.17.1] Use SUM_LOCK_TIME and SUM_CPU_TIME with mysql >= 8.0.28
    • [0.17.1] Fix query on perf_schema.events_statements_summary_by_digest
    • [0.17.2] Fix query on events_statements_summary_by_digest for mariadb
  • Added additional backwards compatibility metrics to prometheus.write.queue. (@mattdurham)

  • Added OpenTelemetry logs and metrics support to Alloy mixin's dashboards and alerts. (@thampiotr)


  • Fixed an issue where the otelcol.exporter.awss3 could not be started with the sumo_ic marshaler. (@wildum)

  • Add support for proxy and headers in prometheus.write.queue. (@mattdurham)

  • Update jfr-parser dependency to v0.9.3 to fix jfr parsing issues in (@korniltsev)

  • Fixed an issue where indexing targets as maps (e.g. target["foo"]) or objects (e.g. didn't work in some circumstances resulting in expected object or array, got capsule error. This could also lead to foreach evaluation failed errors when using the foreach configuration block. (@thampiotr)

  • Fixed an issue where passing targets from some standard library functions was failing with target::ConvertFrom error. (@thampiotr)

  • Fixed expected object or array, got capsule errors that could be encountered when using targets with coalesce and array.combine_maps functions. (@thampiotr)

Other changes

  • Upgrading to Prometheus v2.55.1. (@ptodev)
    • Added a new http_headers argument to many discovery and prometheus components.
    • Added a new scrape_failure_log_file argument to prometheus.scrape.


  • (Experimental) Various changes to the experimental component database_observability.mysql:
    • query_sample: better handling of truncated queries (@cristiangreco)


  • Fixed an issue where some exporters such as prometheus.exporter.snmp couldn't accept targets from other components with an error conversion to '*map[string]string' is not supported". (@thampiotr)

  • Enable batching of calls to the appender in prometheus.write.queue to reduce lock contention when scraping, which will lead to reduced scrape duration. (@mattdurham)


Breaking changes

  • (Experimental) In prometheus.write.queue changed parallelism from attribute to a block to allow for dynamic scaling. (@mattdurham)

  • Remove tls_basic_auth_config_path attribute from prometheus.exporter.mongodb configuration as it does not configure TLS client behavior as previously documented.

  • Remove encoding and encoding_file_ext from otelcol.exporter.awss3 component as it was not wired in to the otel component and Alloy does not currently integrate the upstream encoding extensions that this would utilize.


  • Add a otelcol.receiver.tcplog component to receive OpenTelemetry logs over a TCP connection. (@nosammai)

  • (Public preview) Add otelcol.receiver.filelog component to read otel log entries from files (@dehaansa)

  • (Public preview) Add a otelcol.processor.cumulativetodelta component to convert metrics from cumulative temporality to delta. (@madaraszg-tulip)

  • (Experimental) Add a stage.windowsevent block in the loki.process component. This aims to replace the existing stage.eventlogmessage. (@wildum)

  • Add pyroscope.relabel component to modify or filter profiles using Prometheus relabeling rules. (@marcsanmi)

  • (Experimental) A new foreach block which starts an Alloy pipeline for each item inside a list. (@wildum, @thampiotr, @ptodev)


  • Upgrade to OpenTelemetry Collector v0.119.0 (@dehaansa):

    • otelcol.processor.resourcedetection: additional configuration for the ec2 detector to configure retry behavior
    • otelcol.processor.resourcedetection: additional configuration for the gcp detector to collect Managed Instance Group attributes
    • otelcol.processor.resourcedetection: additional configuration for the eks detector to collect cloud account attributes
    • otelcol.processor.resourcedetection: add kubeadm detector to collect local cluster attributes
    • otelcol.processor.cumulativetodelta: add metric_types filtering options
    • otelcol.exporter.awss3: support configuring sending_queue behavior
    • otelcol.exporter.otlphttp: support configuring compression_params, which currently only includes level
    • configtls: opentelemetry components with tls config now support specifying TLS curve preferences
    • sending_queue: opentelemetry exporters with a sending_queue can now configure the queue to be blocking
  • Add go_table_fallback arg to pyroscope.ebpf (@korniltsev)

  • Memory optimizations in pyroscope.scrape (@korniltsev)

  • Do not drop __meta labels in pyroscope.scrape. (@korniltsev)

  • Add the possibility to export span events as logs in otelcol.connector.spanlogs. (@steve-hb)

  • Add json format support for log export via faro receiver (@ravishankar15)

  • (Experimental) Various changes to the experimental component database_observability.mysql:

    • connection_info: add namespace to the metric (@cristiangreco)
    • query_sample: better support for table name parsing (@cristiangreco)
    • query_sample: capture schema name for query samples (@cristiangreco)
    • query_sample: fix error handling during result set iteration (@cristiangreco)
    • query_sample: improve parsing of truncated queries (@cristiangreco)
    • query_sample: split out sql parsing logic to a separate file (@cristiangreco)
    • schema_table: add table columns parsing (@cristiagreco)
    • schema_table: correctly quote schema and table name in SHOW CREATE (@cristiangreco)
    • schema_table: fix handling of view table types when detecting schema (@matthewnolf)
    • schema_table: refactor cache config in schema_table collector (@cristiangreco)
    • Component: add enable/disable collector configurability to database_observability.mysql. This removes the query_samples_enabled argument, now configurable via enable/disable collector. (@fridgepoet)
    • Component: always log instance label key (@cristiangreco)
    • Component: better error handling for collectors (@cristiangreco)
    • Component: use labels for some indexed logs elements (@cristiangreco)
  • Reduce CPU usage of loki.source.windowsevent by up to 85% by updating the bookmark file every 10 seconds instead of after every event and by optimizing the retrieval of the process name. (@wildum)

  • Ensure consistent service_name label handling in pyroscope.receive_http to match Pyroscope's behavior. (@marcsanmi)

  • Improved memory and CPU performance of Prometheus pipelines by changing the underlying implementation of targets (@thampiotr)

  • Add config_merge_strategy in prometheus.exporter.snmp to optionally merge custom snmp config with embedded config instead of replacing. Useful for providing SNMP auths. (@v-zhuravlev)

  • Upgrade beyla.ebpf to v2.0.4. The full list of changes can be found in the Beyla release notes. (@marctc)


  • Fix log rotation for Windows in loki.source.file by refactoring the component to use the runner pkg. This should also reduce CPU consumption when tailing a lot of files in a dynamic environment. (@wildum)

  • Add livedebugging support for prometheus.remote_write (@ravishankar15)

  • Add livedebugging support for otelcol.connector.* components (@wildum)

  • Bump snmp_exporter and embedded modules to 0.27.0. Add support for multi-module handling by comma separation and expose argument to increase SNMP polling concurrency for prometheus.exporter.snmp. (@v-zhuravlev)

  • Add support for pushv1.PusherService Connect API in pyroscope.receive_http. (@simonswine)

  • Fixed an issue where loki.process would sometimes output live debugging entries out-of-order (@thampiotr)

  • Fixed a bug where components could be evaluated concurrently without the full context during a config reload (@wildum)

  • Fixed locks that wouldn't be released in the remotecfg service if some errors occurred during the configuration reload (@spartan0x117)

  • Fix issue with prometheus.write.queue that lead to excessive connections. (@mattdurham)

  • Fixed a bug where loki.source.awsfirehose and loki.source.gcplog could not be used from within a module. (@tpaschalis)

  • Fix an issue where Prometheus metric name validation scheme was set by default to UTF-8. It is now set back to the previous "legacy" scheme. An experimental flag --feature.prometheus.metric-validation-scheme can be used to switch it to utf-8 to experiment with UTF-8 support. (@thampiotr)

Other changes

  • Upgrading to Prometheus v2.54.1. (@ptodev)
    • discovery.docker has a new match_first_network attribute for matching the first network if the container has multiple networks defined, thus avoiding collecting duplicate targets.

    • discovery.ec2, discovery.kubernetes, discovery.openstack, and discovery.ovhcloud add extra __meta_ labels.

    • prometheus.remote_write supports Azure OAuth and Azure SDK authentication.

    • discovery.linode has a new region attribute, as well as extra __meta_ labels.

    • A new scrape_native_histograms argument for prometheus.scrape. This is enabled by default and can be used to explicitly disable native histogram support. In previous versions of Alloy, native histogram support has also been enabled by default as long as scrape_protocols starts with PrometheusProto.

    • Change the stability of the remotecfg feature from "public preview" to "generally available". (@erikbaranowski)



  • Resolve issue with Beyla starting. (@rafaelroquetto)


Breaking changes

  • Upgrade to OpenTelemetry Collector v0.116.0:
    • otelcol.processor.tailsampling: Change decision precedence when using and_sub_policy and invert_match. For more information, see the release notes for Alloy 1.6.


  • Add support for TLS to prometheus.write.queue. (@mattdurham)

  • Add otelcol.receiver.syslog component to receive otel logs in syslog format (@dehaansa)

  • Add support for metrics in otelcol.exporter.loadbalancing (@madaraszg-tulip)

  • Add add_cloudwatch_timestamp to prometheus.exporter.cloudwatch metrics. (@captncraig)

  • Add support to prometheus.operator.servicemonitors to allow endpointslice role. (@yoyosir)

  • Add otelcol.exporter.splunkhec allowing to export otel data to Splunk HEC (@adlotsof)

  • Add otelcol.receiver.solace component to receive traces from a Solace broker. (@wildum)

  • Add otelcol.exporter.syslog component to export logs in syslog format (@dehaansa)

  • (Experimental) Add a database_observability.mysql component to collect mysql performance data. (@cristiangreco & @matthewnolf)

  • Add otelcol.receiver.influxdb to convert influx metric into OTEL. (@EHSchmitt4395)

  • Add a new /-/healthy endpoint which returns HTTP 500 if one or more components are unhealthy. (@ptodev)


  • Improved performance by reducing allocation in Prometheus write pipelines by ~30% (@thampiotr)

  • Update prometheus.write.queue to support v2 for cpu performance. (@mattdurham)

  • (Experimental) Add health reporting to database_observability.mysql component (@cristiangreco)

  • Add second metrics sample to the support bundle to provide delta information (@dehaansa)

  • Add all raw configuration files & a copy of the latest remote config to the support bundle (@dehaansa)

  • Add relevant golang environment variables to the support bundle (@dehaansa)

  • Add support for server authentication to otelcol components. (@aidaleuc)

  • Update mysqld_exporter from v0.15.0 to v0.16.0 (including 2ef168bf6), most notable changes: (@cristiangreco)

    • Support MySQL 8.4 replicas syntax
    • Fetch lock time and cpu time from performance schema
    • Fix fetching tmpTables vs tmpDiskTables from performance_schema
    • Skip SPACE_TYPE column for MariaDB >=10.5
    • Fixed parsing of timestamps with non-zero padded days
    • Fix auto_increment metric collection errors caused by using collation in INFORMATION_SCHEMA searches
    • Change processlist query to support ONLY_FULL_GROUP_BY sql_mode
    • Add perf_schema quantile columns to collector
  • Live Debugging button should appear in UI only for supported components (@ravishankar15)

  • Add three new stdlib functions to_base64, from_URLbase64 and to_URLbase64 (@ravishankar15)

  • Add ignore_older_than option for local.file_match (@ravishankar15)

  • Add livedebugging support for discovery components (@ravishankar15)

  • Add livedebugging support for discover.relabel (@ravishankar15)

  • Performance optimization for live debugging feature (@ravishankar15)

  • Upgrade to v0.10.4, which reduces the memory consumption of an Alloy instance by 20MB. If Alloy is running certain otelcol components, this reduction will not apply. (@ptodev)

  • improve performance in regexp component: call fmt only if debug is enabled (@r0ka)

  • Update prometheus.write.queue library for performance increases in cpu. (@mattdurham)

  • Update loki.secretfilter to be compatible with the new [[rules.allowlists]] gitleaks allowlist format (@romain-gaillard)

  • Update async-profiler binaries for to 3.0-fa937db (@aleks-p)

  • Reduced memory allocation in discovery components by up to 30% (@thampiotr)


  • Fix issue where alloy_prometheus_relabel_metrics_processed was not being incremented. (@mattdurham)

  • Fixed issue with automemlimit logging bad messages and trying to access cgroup on non-linux builds (@dehaansa)

  • Fixed issue with reloading configuration and prometheus metrics duplication in prometheus.write.queue. (@mattdurham)

  • Updated prometheus.write.queue to fix issue with TTL comparing different scales of time. (@mattdurham)

  • Fixed an issue in the prometheus.operator.servicemonitors, prometheus.operator.podmonitors and prometheus.operator.probes to support capitalized actions. (@QuentinBisson)

  • Fixed an issue where the otelcol.processor.interval could not be used because the debug metrics were not set to default. (@wildum)

  • Fixed an issue where loki.secretfilter would crash if the secret was shorter than the partial_mask value. (@romain-gaillard)

  • Change the log level in the eventlogmessage stage of the loki.process component from warn to debug. (@wildum)

  • Fix a bug in loki.source.kafka where the topics argument incorrectly used regex matching instead of exact matches. (@wildum)

Other changes



  • Logs from underlying clustering library memberlist are now surfaced with correct level (@thampiotr)

  • Allow setting informer_sync_timeout in prometheus.operator.* components. (@captncraig)

  • For sharding targets during clustering, loki.source.podlogs now only takes into account some labels. (@ptodev)

  • Improve instrumentation of pyroscope.relabel component. (@marcsanmi)


  • Fixed an issue in the pyroscope.write component to prevent TLS connection churn to Pyroscope when the pyroscope.receive_http clients don't request keepalive (@madaraszg-tulip)

  • Fixed an issue in the pyroscope.write component with multiple endpoints not working correctly for forwarding profiles from pyroscope.receive_http (@madaraszg-tulip)

  • Fixed a few race conditions that could lead to a deadlock when using import statements, which could lead to a memory leak on /metrics endpoint of an Alloy instance. (@thampiotr)

  • Fix a race condition where the ui service was dependent on starting after the remotecfg service, which is not guaranteed. (@dehaansa & @erikbaranowski)

  • Fixed an issue in the otelcol.exporter.prometheus component that would set series value incorrectly for stale metrics (@YusifAghalar)

  • loki.source.podlogs: Fixed a bug which prevented clustering from working and caused duplicate logs to be sent. The bug only happened when no selector or namespace_selector blocks were specified in the Alloy configuration. (@ptodev)

  • Fixed an issue in the pyroscope.write component to allow slashes in application names in the same way it is done in the Pyroscope push API (@marcsanmi)

  • Fixed a crash when updating the configuration of remote.http. (@kinolaev)

  • Fixed an issue in the otelcol.processor.attribute component where the actions delete and hash could not be used with the pattern argument. (@wildum)

  • Fixed an issue in the prometheus.exporter.postgres component that would leak goroutines when the target was not reachable (@dehaansa)


Breaking changes


  • Add support bundle generation via the API endpoint /-/support (@dehaansa)

  • Add the function path_join to the stdlib. (@wildum)

  • Add pyroscope.receive_http component to receive and forward Pyroscope profiles (@marcsanmi)

  • Add support to loki.source.syslog for the RFC3164 format ("BSD syslog"). (@sushain97)

  • Add support to loki.source.api to be able to extract the tenant from the HTTP X-Scope-OrgID header (@QuentinBisson)

  • (Experimental) Add a loki.secretfilter component to redact secrets from collected logs.

  • (Experimental) Add a prometheus.write.queue component to add an alternative to prometheus.remote_write which allowing the writing of metrics to a prometheus endpoint. (@mattdurham)

  • (Experimental) Add the array.combine_maps function to the stdlib. (@ptodev, @wildum)


  • The mimir.rules.kubernetes component now supports adding extra label matchers to all queries discovered via PrometheusRule CRDs. (@thampiotr)

  • The cluster.use-discovery-v1 flag is now deprecated since there were no issues found with the v2 cluster discovery mechanism. (@thampiotr)

  • SNMP exporter now supports labels in both target and targets parameters. (@mattdurham)

  • Add support for relative paths to import.file. This new functionality allows users to use import.file blocks in modules imported via import.git and other import.file. (@wildum)

  • prometheus.exporter.cloudwatch: The discovery block now has a recently_active_only configuration attribute to return only metrics which have been active in the last 3 hours.

  • Add Prometheus bearer authentication to a prometheus.write.queue component (@freak12techno)

  • Support logs that have a timestamp field instead of a time field for the loki.source.azure_event_hubs component. (@andriikushch)

  • Add proxy_url to otelcol.exporter.otlphttp. (@wildum)

  • Allow setting informer_sync_timeout in prometheus.operator.* components. (@captncraig)


  • Fixed a bug in import.git which caused a "non-fast-forward update" error message. (@ptodev)

  • Do not log error on clean shutdown of loki.source.journal. (@thampiotr)

  • prometheus.operator.* components: Fixed a bug which would sometimes cause a "failed to create service discovery refresh metrics" error after a config reload. (@ptodev)

Other changes



  • Fix an issue where some faro.receiver would drop multiple fields defined in payload.meta.browser, as fields were defined in the struct.

  • pyroscope.scrape no longer tries to scrape endpoints which are not active targets anymore. (@wildum @mattdurham @dehaansa @ptodev)

  • Fixed a bug with loki.source.podlogs not starting in large clusters due to short informer sync timeout. (@elburnetto-intapp)

  • Fixed bug with exclude regular expression config arguments which caused missing metrics. (@ptodev)



  • Update windows_exporter from v0.27.2 vo v0.27.3: (@jkroepke)

    • Fixes a bug where scraping Windows service crashes alloy
  • Update yet-another-cloudwatch-exporter from v0.60.0 vo v0.61.0: (@morremeyer)

    • Fixes a bug where cloudwatch S3 metrics are reported as 0
  • Issue 1687 - otelcol.exporter.awss3 fails to configure (@cydergoth)

    • Fix parsing of the Level configuration attribute in debug_metrics config block
    • Ensure "optional" debug_metrics config block really is optional
  • Fixed an issue with loki.process where stage.luhn and stage.timestamp would not apply default configuration settings correctly (@thampiotr)

  • Fixed an issue with loki.process where configuration could be reloaded even if there were no changes. (@ptodev, @thampiotr)

  • Fix issue where loki.source.kubernetes took into account all labels, instead of specific logs labels. Resulting in duplication. (@mattdurham)



  • Windows installer: Don't quote Alloy's binary path in the Windows Registry. (@jkroepke)


Security fixes

  • Add quotes to windows service path to prevent path interception attack. CVE-2024-8975 (@mattdurham)

Breaking changes

  • Some debug metrics for otelcol components have changed. (@thampiotr) For example, otelcol.exporter.otlp's exporter_sent_spans_ratio_total metric is now otelcol_exporter_sent_spans_total.

  • [otelcol.processor.transform] The functions convert_sum_to_gauge and convert_gauge_to_sum must now be used in the metric context rather than in the datapoint context. open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib#34567 (@wildum)

  • Upgrade Beyla from 1.7.0 to 1.8.2. A complete list of changes can be found on the Beyla releases page: (@wildum) It contains a few breaking changes for the component beyla.ebpf:

    • renamed metric process.cpu.state to cpu.mode
    • renamed metric beyla_build_info to beyla_internal_build_info


  • Added Datadog Exporter community component, enabling exporting of otel-formatted Metrics and traces to Datadog. (@polyrain)
  • (Experimental) Add an otelcol.processor.interval component to aggregate metrics and periodically forward the latest values to the next component in the pipeline.


  • Clustering peer resolution through --cluster.join-addresses flag has been improved with more consistent behaviour, better error handling and added support for A/AAAA DNS records. If necessary, users can temporarily opt out of this new behaviour with the --cluster.use-discovery-v1, but this can only be used as a temporary measure, since this flag will be disabled in future releases. (@thampiotr)

  • Added a new panel to Cluster Overview dashboard to show the number of peers seen by each instance in the cluster. This can help diagnose cluster split brain issues. (@thampiotr)

  • Updated Snowflake exporter with performance improvements for larger environments. Also added a new panel to track deleted tables to the Snowflake mixin. (@Caleb-Hurshman)

  • Add a otelcol.processor.groupbyattrs component to reassociate collected metrics that match specified attributes from opentelemetry. (@kehindesalaam)

  • Update windows_exporter to v0.27.2. (@jkroepke) The smb.enabled_list and smb_client.enabled_list doesn't have any effect anymore. All sub-collectors are enabled by default.

  • Live debugging of loki.process will now also print the timestamp of incoming and outgoing log lines. This is helpful for debugging stage.timestamp. (@ptodev)

  • Add extra validation in beyla.ebpf to avoid panics when network feature is enabled. (@marctc)

  • A new parameter aws_sdk_version_v2 is added for the cloudwatch exporters configuration. It enables the use of aws sdk v2 which has shown to have significant performance benefits. (@kgeckhart, @andriikushch)

  • prometheus.exporter.cloudwatch can now collect metrics from custom namespaces via the custom_namespace block. (@ptodev)

  • Add the label alloy_cluster in the metric alloy_config_hash when the flag is set to help differentiate between configs from the same alloy cluster or different alloy clusters. (@wildum)

  • Add support for discovering the cgroup path(s) of a process in process.discovery. (@mahendrapaipuri)


  • Fix a bug where the scrape timeout for a Probe resource was not applied, overwriting the scrape interval instead. (@morremeyer, @stefanandres)

  • Fix a bug where custom components don't always get updated when the config is modified in an imported directory. (@ante012)

  • Fixed an issue which caused loss of context data in Faro exception. (@codecapitano)

  • Fixed an issue where providing multiple hostnames or IP addresses via --cluster.join-addresses would only use the first provided value. (@thampiotr)

  • Fixed an issue where providing <hostname>:<port> in --cluster.join-addresses would only resolve with DNS to a single address, instead of using all the available records. (@thampiotr)

  • Fixed an issue where clustering peers resolution via hostname in --cluster.join-addresses resolves to duplicated IP addresses when using SRV records. (@thampiotr)

  • Fixed an issue where the connection_string for the loki.source.azure_event_hubs component was displayed in the UI in plaintext. (@MorrisWitthein)

  • Fix a bug in discovery.* components where old targets would continue to be exported to downstream components. This would only happen if the config for discovery.* is reloaded in such a way that no new targets were discovered. (@ptodev, @thampiotr)

  • Fixed bug in loki.process with sampling stage where all components use same drop_counter_reason. (@captncraig)

  • Fixed an issue (see #1599) where specifying both path and key in the remote.vault path configuration could result in incorrect URLs. The path and key arguments have been separated to allow for clear and accurate specification of Vault secrets. (@PatMis16)




  • Windows installer: Don't quote Alloy's binary path in the Windows Registry. (@jkroepke)


Security fixes

  • Add quotes to windows service path to prevent path interception attack. CVE-2024-8975 (@mattdurham)



  • Changed the cluster startup behaviour, reverting to the previous logic where a failure to resolve cluster join peers results in the node creating its own cluster. This is to facilitate the process of bootstrapping a new cluster following user feedback (@thampiotr)

  • Fix a memory leak which would occur any time loki.process had its configuration reloaded. (@ptodev)


Breaking changes

  • [otelcol.exporter.otlp,otelcol.exporter.loadbalancing]: Change the default gRPC load balancing strategy. The default value for the balancer_name attribute has changed to round_robin open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector#10319

Breaking changes to non-GA functionality

  • Update Public preview remotecfg argument from metadata to attributes. (@erikbaranowski)

  • The default value of the argument unmatched in the block routes of the component beyla.ebpf was changed from unset to heuristic (@marctc)


  • Added community components support, enabling community members to implement and maintain components. (@wildum)

  • A new otelcol.exporter.debug component for printing OTel telemetry from other otelcol components to the console. (@BarunKGP)



  • Fixed a clustering mode issue where a fatal startup failure of the clustering service would exit the service silently, without also exiting the Alloy process. (@thampiotr)

  • Fix a bug which prevented config reloads to work if a Loki metrics stage is in the pipeline. Previously, the reload would fail for loki.process without an error in the logs and the metrics from the metrics stage would get stuck at the same values. (@ptodev)



  • Fixed an issue with loki.source.kubernetes_events not starting in large clusters due to short informer sync timeout. (@nrwiersma)

  • Updated ckit to fix an issue with armv7 panic on startup when forming a cluster. (@imavroukakis)

  • Fixed a clustering mode issue where a failure to perform static peers discovery did not result in a fatal failure at startup and could lead to potential split-brain issues. (@thampiotr)


  • Use Go 1.22.5 for builds. (@mattdurham)


Security fixes

Breaking changes

  • Updated OpenTelemetry to v0.102.1. (@mattdurham)
    • Components otelcol.receiver.otlp,otelcol.receiver.zipkin,otelcol.extension.jaeger_remote_sampling, and otelcol.receiver.jaeger setting max_request_body_size default changed from unlimited size to 20MiB. This is due to CVE-2024-36129.

Breaking changes to non-GA functionality

  • Update Public preview remotecfg to use alloy-remote-config instead of agent-remote-config. The API has been updated to use the term collector over agent. (@erikbaranowski)

  • Component otelcol.receiver.vcenter removed,, and

    • replaced by
    • replaced by
    • replaced by


  • Add an otelcol.exporter.kafka component to send OTLP metrics, logs, and traces to Kafka.

  • Added live debugging to the UI. Live debugging streams data as they flow through components for debugging telemetry data. Individual components must be updated to support live debugging. (@wildum)

  • Added live debugging support for prometheus.relabel. (@wildum)

  • (Experimental) Add a otelcol.processor.deltatocumulative component to convert metrics from delta temporality to cumulative by accumulating samples in memory. (@rfratto)

  • (Experimental) Add an otelcol.receiver.datadog component to receive metrics and traces from Datadog. (@carrieedwards, @jesusvazquez, @alexgreenbank, @fedetorres93)

  • Add a prometheus.exporter.catchpoint component to collect metrics from Catchpoint. (@bominrahmani)

  • Add the -t/--test flag to alloy fmt to check if a alloy config file is formatted correctly. (@kavfixnel)


  • (Public preview) Add native histogram support to otelcol.receiver.prometheus. (@wildum)

  • (Public preview) Add metrics to report status of remotecfg service. (@captncraig)

  • Added scrape_protocols option to prometheus.scrape, which allows to control the preferred order of scrape protocols. (@thampiotr)

  • Add support for configuring CPU profile's duration scraped by pyroscope.scrape. (@hainenber)

  • prometheus.exporter.snowflake: Add support for RSA key-pair authentication. (@Caleb-Hurshman)

  • Improved filesystem error handling when working with loki.source.file and local.file_match, which removes some false-positive error log messages on Windows (@thampiotr)

  • Updates processor/probabilistic_sampler to use new FailedClosed field from OTEL release v0.101.0. (@StefanKurek)

  • Updates receiver/vcenter to use new features and bugfixes introduced in OTEL releases v0.100.0 and v0.101.0. Refer to the v0.100.0 and v0.101.0 release notes for more detailed information. Changes that directly affected the configuration are as follows: (@StefanKurek)

    • The resource attribute has been added and enabled by default for all resource types.
    • The resource attribute vcenter.virtual_app.inventory_path has been added and enabled by default to differentiate between resource pools and virtual apps.
    • The resource attribute has been added and enabled by default to differentiate between resource pools and virtual apps.
    • The resource attribute has been added and enabled by default to differentiate between virtual machines and virtual machine templates.
    • The resource attribute has been added and enabled by default to differentiate between virtual machines and virtual machine templates.
    • The metric vcenter.cluster.memory.used has been removed.
    • The metric has been added and enabled by default.
    • The metric vcenter.cluster.vm_template.count has been added and enabled by default.
  • Add yaml_decode to standard library. (@mattdurham, @djcode)

  • Allow override debug metrics level for otelcol.* components. (@hainenber)

  • Add an initial lower limit of 10 seconds for the the poll_frequency argument in the remotecfg block. (@tpaschalis)

  • Add a constant jitter to remotecfg service's polling. (@tpaschalis)

  • Added support for NS records to discovery.dns. (@djcode)

  • Improved clustering use cases for tracking GCP delta metrics in the prometheus.exporter.gcp (@kgeckhart)

  • Add the targets argument to the prometheus.exporter.snmp component to support passing SNMP targets at runtime. (@wildum)

  • Prefix Faro measurement values with value_ to align with the latest Faro cloud receiver updates. (@codecapitano)

  • Add base64_decode to standard library. (@hainenber)

  • Updated OpenTelemetry Contrib to v0.102.0. (@mattdurham)

    • otelcol.processor.resourcedetection: Added a tags config argument to the azure detection mechanism. It exposes regex-matched Azure resource tags as OpenTelemetry resource attributes.
  • A new snmp_context configuration argument for prometheus.exporter.snmp which overrides the context_name parameter in the SNMP configuration file. (@ptodev)

  • Add extra configuration options for beyla.ebpf to select Kubernetes objects to monitor. (@marctc)


  • Fixed an issue with prometheus.scrape in which targets that move from one cluster instance to another could have a staleness marker inserted and result in a gap in metrics (@thampiotr)

  • Fix panic when import.git is given a revision that does not exist on the remote repo. (@hainenber)

  • Fixed an issue with loki.source.docker where collecting logs from targets configured with multiple networks would result in errors. (@wildum)

  • Fixed an issue where converting OpenTelemetry Collector configs with unused telemetry types resulted in those types being explicitly configured with an empty array in output blocks, rather than them being omitted entirely. (@rfratto)

Other changes

  • pyroscope.ebpf,, pyroscope.scrape, pyroscope.write and discovery.process components are now GA. (@korniltsev)

  • prometheus.exporter.snmp: Updating SNMP exporter from v0.24.1 to v0.26.0. (@ptodev, @erikbaranowski)

  • prometheus.scrape component's enable_protobuf_negotiation argument is now deprecated and will be removed in a future major release. Use scrape_protocols instead and refer to prometheus.scrape reference documentation for further details. (@thampiotr)

  • Updated Prometheus dependency to v2.51.2 (@thampiotr)

  • Upgrade Beyla from v1.5.1 to v1.6.3. (@marctc)



  • Fix panic when component ID contains / in otelcomponent.MustNewType(ID).(@qclaogui)

  • Exit Alloy immediately if the port it runs on is not available. This port can be configured with --server.http.listen-addr or using the default listen address127.0.0.1:12345. (@mattdurham)

  • Fix a panic in loki.source.docker when trying to stop a target that was never started. (@wildum)

  • Fix error on boot when using IPv6 advertise addresses without explicitly specifying a port. (@matthewpi)

  • Fix an issue where having long component labels (>63 chars) on otelcol.auth components lead to a panic. (@tpaschalis)

  • Update prometheus.exporter.snowflake with the latest version of the exporter as of May 28, 2024 (@StefanKurek)

    • Fixes issue where returned NULL values from database could cause unexpected errors.
  • Bubble up SSH key conversion error to facilitate failed import.git. (@hainenber)



  • (Public preview) Add support for setting GOMEMLIMIT based on cgroup setting. (@mattdurham)

  • (Experimental) A new otelcol.exporter.awss3 component for sending telemetry data to a S3 bucket. (@Imshelledin21)

  • (Public preview) Introduce BoringCrypto Docker images. The BoringCrypto image is tagged with the -boringcrypto suffix and is only available on AMD64 and ARM64 Linux containers. (@rfratto, @mattdurham)

  • (Public preview) Introduce boringcrypto release assets. BoringCrypto builds are publshed for Linux on AMD64 and ARM64 platforms. (@rfratto, @mattdurham)

  • otelcol.exporter.loadbalancing: Add a new aws_cloud_map resolver. (@ptodev)

  • Introduce a otelcol.receiver.file_stats component from the upstream OpenTelemetry filestatsreceiver component. (@rfratto)


  • Update prometheus.exporter.kafka with the following functionalities (@wildum):

    • GSSAPI config
    • enable/disable PA_FX_FAST
    • set a TLS server name
    • show the offset/lag for all consumer group or only the connected ones
    • set the minimum number of topics to monitor
    • enable/disable auto-creation of requested topics if they don't already exist
    • regex to exclude topics / groups
    • added metric kafka_broker_info
  • In prometheus.exporter.kafka, the interpolation table used to compute estimated lag metrics is now pruned on metadata_refresh_interval instead of prune_interval_seconds. (@wildum)

  • Don't restart tailers in loki.source.kubernetes component by above-average time deltas if K8s version is >= 1.29.1 (@hainenber)

  • In mimir.rules.kubernetes, add support for running in a cluster of Alloy instances by electing a single instance as the leader for the mimir.rules.kubernetes component to avoid conflicts when making calls to the Mimir API. (@56quarters)

  • Add the possibility of setting custom labels for the AWS Firehose logs via X-Amz-Firehose-Common-Attributes header. (@andriikushch)


  • Fixed issue with defaults for Beyla component not being applied correctly. (marctc)

  • Fix an issue on Windows where uninstalling Alloy did not remove it from the Add/Remove programs list. (@rfratto)

  • Fixed issue where text labels displayed outside of component node's boundary. (@hainenber)

  • Fix a bug where a topic was claimed by the wrong consumer type in otelcol.receiver.kafka. (@wildum)

  • Fix an issue where nested import.git config blocks could conflict if they had the same labels. (@wildum)

  • In mimir.rules.kubernetes, fix an issue where unrecoverable errors from the Mimir API were retried. (@56quarters)

  • Fix an issue where faro.receiver's extra_log_labels with empty value don't map existing value in log line. (@hainenber)

  • Fix an issue where prometheus.remote_write only queued data for sending every 15 seconds instead of as soon as data was written to the WAL. (@rfratto)

  • Imported code using slog logging will now not panic and replay correctly when logged before the logging config block is initialized. (@mattdurham)

  • Fix a bug where custom components would not shadow the stdlib. If you have a module whose name conflicts with an stdlib function and if you use this exact function in your config, then you will need to rename your module. (@wildum)

  • Fix an issue where loki.source.docker stops collecting logs after a container restart. (@wildum)

  • Upgrading pyroscope/ebpf from 0.4.6 to 0.4.7 (@korniltsev):

    • detect libc version properly when libc file name is and not
    • treat elf files with short build id (8 bytes) properly

Other changes



  • Support for programmable pipelines using a rich expression-based syntax.

  • Over 130 components for processing, transforming, and exporting telemetry data.

  • Native support for Kubernetes and Prometheus Operator without needing to deploy or learn a separate Kubernetes operator.

  • Support for creating and sharing custom components.

  • Support for forming a cluster of Alloy instances for automatic workload distribution.

  • (Public preview) Support for receiving configuration from a server for centralized configuration management.

  • A built-in UI for visualizing and debugging pipelines.