DevOps is a very broad topic and you have lots of choices when it comes to the tools that you use. In this challenge you will setup your computer and cloud environment with the minimum required tools.
Case of studies, the Contoso company is developing its eCommerce website called Parts Unlimited. Contoso is looking for using Terraform to implement it's infrastructure in Azure and using GitHub to orchestrate the releases using GitHub Actions and Terraform for IaC.
The Infrastructure Diagram:
In this challenge we will setup the core components needed to complete this GitHub Hackathon.
- Log into the Azure Portal using the user provide by instructors and check that you have an active subscription where you can deploy cloud services using Terraform.
- Log into GitHub using the SAME account as you use to log into your Azure Subscription and create a new Organization and then a repo. E.G Organization's name "mshackarginvteamXX", Repo: "TeamXX". (Ask instructor for passwords)
- The azure subscription's owner is the user providesde before so you can access the subscription and create the GitHub repo. So, you could use those users or use your personal account for the challenges. (The first option is recommended).
- If it needed, grant to the other members of your team, contributor access to the suscription and oboard them to the GitHub Organization how to add members).
- Download and install Git SCM if you don't have it or a similar Git client installed
- Download and install Visual Studio CODE if you don't have them
- All the Team members Team should be able to log in to the Azure Portal and the GitHub organization.