API Aggregation 允许在不修改 Kubernetes 核心代码的同时扩展 Kubernetes API,即将第三方服务注册到 Kubernetes API 中,这样就可以通过 Kubernetes API 来访问外部服务。
备注:另外一种扩展 Kubernetes API 的方法是使用 CustomResourceDefinition (CRD)。
满足以下条件时使用 API Aggregation | 满足以下条件时使用独立 API |
Your API is Declarative. | Your API does not fit the Declarative model. |
You want your new types to be readable and writable using kubectl . |
kubectl support is not required |
You want to view your new types in a Kubernetes UI, such as dashboard, alongside built-in types. | Kubernetes UI support is not required. |
You are developing a new API. | You already have a program that serves your API and works well. |
You are willing to accept the format restriction that Kubernetes puts on REST resource paths, such as API Groups and Namespaces. (See the API Overview.) | You need to have specific REST paths to be compatible with an already defined REST API. |
Your resources are naturally scoped to a cluster or to namespaces of a cluster. | Cluster or namespace scoped resources are a poor fit; you need control over the specifics of resource paths. |
You want to reuse Kubernetes API support features. | You don’t need those features. |
kube-apiserver 增加以下配置
--requestheader-client-ca-file=<path to aggregator CA cert>
--proxy-client-cert-file=<path to aggregator proxy cert>
--proxy-client-key-file=<path to aggregator proxy key>
如果 kube-proxy
没有在 Master 上面运行,还需要配置
- 确保开启 APIService API(默认开启,可用
kubectl get apiservice
命令验证) - 创建 RBAC 规则
- 创建一个 namespace,用来运行扩展的 API 服务
- 创建 CA 和证书,用于 https
- 创建一个存储证书的 secret
- 创建一个部署扩展 API 服务的 deployment,并使用上一步的 secret 配置证书,开启 https 服务
- 创建一个 ClusterRole 和 ClusterRoleBinding
- 创建一个非 namespace 的 apiservice,注意设置
- 运行
kubectl get <resource-name>
,正常应该返回No resources found.
可以使用 apiserver-builder 工具自动化上面的步骤。
# 初始化项目
$ cd GOPATH/src/github.com/my-org/my-project
$ apiserver-boot init repo --domain <your-domain>
$ apiserver-boot init glide
# 创建资源
$ apiserver-boot create group version resource --group <group> --version <version> --kind <Kind>
# 编译
$ apiserver-boot build executables
$ apiserver-boot build docs
# 本地运行
$ apiserver-boot run local
# 集群运行
$ apiserver-boot run in-cluster --name nameofservicetorun --namespace default --image gcr.io/myrepo/myimage:mytag
$ kubectl create -f sample/<type>.yaml