diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System.Linq.csproj b/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System.Linq.csproj
index 68b88631587ace..60d926e02917ad 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System.Linq.csproj
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System.Linq.csproj
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Index.SpeedOpt.cs b/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Index.SpeedOpt.cs
new file mode 100644
index 00000000000000..8393e0c3d6a258
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Index.SpeedOpt.cs
@@ -0,0 +1,213 @@
+// Licensed to the .NET Foundation under one or more agreements.
+// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
+using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using static System.Linq.Utilities;
+namespace System.Linq
+ public static partial class Enumerable
+ {
+ private sealed partial class IEnumerableIndexIterator : Iterator<(int Index, TSource Item)>
+ {
+ private readonly IEnumerable _source;
+ private int _index;
+ private IEnumerator? _enumerator;
+ public IEnumerableIndexIterator(IEnumerable source)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(source is not null);
+ _source = source;
+ }
+ private protected override Iterator<(int Index, TSource Item)> Clone() =>
+ new IEnumerableIndexIterator(_source);
+ public override void Dispose()
+ {
+ if (_enumerator is not null)
+ {
+ _enumerator.Dispose();
+ _enumerator = null;
+ }
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ public override bool MoveNext()
+ {
+ switch (_state)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ _enumerator = _source.GetEnumerator();
+ _index = -1;
+ _state = 2;
+ goto case 2;
+ case 2:
+ Debug.Assert(_enumerator is not null);
+ if (_enumerator.MoveNext())
+ {
+ _current = (checked(++_index), _enumerator.Current);
+ return true;
+ }
+ Dispose();
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Select(Func<(int Index, TSource Item), TResult2> selector) =>
+ new IEnumerableSelect2Iterator(_source, CombineSelectors((TSource x, int i) => (i, x), selector));
+ public override (int Index, TSource Item)[] ToArray()
+ {
+ int index = -1;
+ if (_source.TryGetNonEnumeratedCount(out int known))
+ {
+ var array = new (int Index, TSource Item)[known];
+ foreach (TSource item in _source)
+ {
+ array[checked(++index)] = (index, item);
+ }
+ return array;
+ }
+ SegmentedArrayBuilder<(int Index, TSource Item)>.ScratchBuffer scratch = default;
+ SegmentedArrayBuilder<(int Index, TSource Item)> builder = new(scratch);
+ foreach (TSource item in _source)
+ {
+ builder.Add((checked(++index), item));
+ }
+ (int Index, TSource Item)[] result = builder.ToArray();
+ builder.Dispose();
+ return result;
+ }
+ public override List<(int Index, TSource Item)> ToList()
+ {
+ List<(int Index, TSource Item)> list = _source.TryGetNonEnumeratedCount(out int known) ? new(known) : [];
+ int index = -1;
+ foreach (TSource item in _source)
+ {
+ list.Add((checked(++index), item));
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ public override int GetCount(bool onlyIfCheap)
+ {
+ // In case someone uses Count() to force evaluation of
+ // the selector, run it provided `onlyIfCheap` is false.
+ if (onlyIfCheap)
+ {
+ return _source.TryGetNonEnumeratedCount(out int known) ? known : -1;
+ }
+ int count = 0;
+ foreach (TSource item in _source)
+ {
+ checked
+ {
+ count++;
+ }
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ public override (int Index, TSource Item) TryGetElementAt(int index, out bool found)
+ {
+ if (_source is Iterator iterator)
+ {
+ return iterator.TryGetElementAt(index, out found) is var element && found ? (0, element!) : default;
+ }
+ if (index >= 0)
+ {
+ IEnumerator e = _source.GetEnumerator();
+ int enumeratorIndex = -1;
+ try
+ {
+ while (e.MoveNext())
+ {
+ if (index == 0)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ return (checked(++enumeratorIndex), e.Current);
+ }
+ index--;
+ }
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ (e as IDisposable)?.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ found = false;
+ return default;
+ }
+ public override (int Index, TSource Item) TryGetFirst(out bool found)
+ {
+ if (_source is Iterator iterator)
+ {
+ return iterator.TryGetFirst(out found) is var first && found ? (0, first!) : default;
+ }
+ using IEnumerator e = _source.GetEnumerator();
+ if (e.MoveNext())
+ {
+ found = true;
+ return (0, e.Current);
+ }
+ found = false;
+ return default;
+ }
+ public override (int Index, TSource Item) TryGetLast(out bool found)
+ {
+ if (_source is Iterator iterator && iterator.GetCount(true) is not -1 and var count)
+ {
+ return iterator.TryGetLast(out found) is var last && found ? (count - 1, last!) : default;
+ }
+ using IEnumerator e = _source.GetEnumerator();
+ if (e.MoveNext())
+ {
+ found = true;
+ TSource lastElement = e.Current;
+ int lastIndex = -1;
+ while (e.MoveNext())
+ {
+ lastElement = e.Current;
+ lastIndex++;
+ }
+ return (lastIndex, lastElement);
+ }
+ found = false;
+ return default;
+ }
+ }
+ }
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Index.cs b/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Index.cs
index 49339b03d1ad39..11658cdafadcf4 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Index.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Index.cs
@@ -2,6 +2,8 @@
// The .NET Foundation licenses this file to you under the MIT license.
using System.Collections.Generic;
+using System.Diagnostics;
+using static System.Linq.Utilities;
namespace System.Linq
@@ -22,22 +24,11 @@ public static partial class Enumerable
return [];
- return IndexIterator(source);
- }
- private static IEnumerable<(int Index, TSource Item)> IndexIterator(IEnumerable source)
- {
- int index = -1;
- foreach (TSource element in source)
- {
- checked
- {
- index++;
- }
- yield return (index, element);
- }
+ return new IEnumerableSelect2Iterator(source, (x, i) => (i, x));
+ return new IEnumerableIndexIterator(source);
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Select.SpeedOpt.cs b/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Select.SpeedOpt.cs
index f491f1f0de015a..afb239ebeb16bb 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Select.SpeedOpt.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Select.SpeedOpt.cs
@@ -129,6 +129,156 @@ public override int GetCount(bool onlyIfCheap)
+ private sealed partial class IEnumerableSelect2Iterator
+ {
+ public override TResult[] ToArray()
+ {
+ Func selector = _selector;
+ int index = -1;
+ if (_source.TryGetNonEnumeratedCount(out int known))
+ {
+ var array = new TResult[known];
+ foreach (TSource item in _source)
+ {
+ array[checked(++index)] = selector(item, index);
+ }
+ return array;
+ }
+ SegmentedArrayBuilder.ScratchBuffer scratch = default;
+ SegmentedArrayBuilder builder = new(scratch);
+ foreach (TSource item in _source)
+ {
+ builder.Add(selector(item, checked(++index)));
+ }
+ TResult[] result = builder.ToArray();
+ builder.Dispose();
+ return result;
+ }
+ public override List ToList()
+ {
+ List list = _source.TryGetNonEnumeratedCount(out int known) ? new(known) : [];
+ Func selector = _selector;
+ int index = -1;
+ foreach (TSource item in _source)
+ {
+ list.Add(selector(item, checked(++index)));
+ }
+ return list;
+ }
+ public override int GetCount(bool onlyIfCheap)
+ {
+ // In case someone uses Count() to force evaluation of
+ // the selector, run it provided `onlyIfCheap` is false.
+ if (onlyIfCheap)
+ {
+ return _source.TryGetNonEnumeratedCount(out int known) ? known : -1;
+ }
+ int count = 0;
+ foreach (TSource item in _source)
+ {
+ _selector(item, checked(count++));
+ }
+ return count;
+ }
+ public override TResult? TryGetElementAt(int index, out bool found)
+ {
+ if (_source is Iterator iterator)
+ {
+ return iterator.TryGetElementAt(index, out found) is var element && found
+ ? _selector(element!, 0)
+ : default;
+ }
+ if (index >= 0)
+ {
+ IEnumerator e = _source.GetEnumerator();
+ int enumeratorIndex = -1;
+ try
+ {
+ while (e.MoveNext())
+ {
+ if (index == 0)
+ {
+ found = true;
+ return _selector(e.Current, checked(++enumeratorIndex));
+ }
+ index--;
+ }
+ }
+ finally
+ {
+ (e as IDisposable)?.Dispose();
+ }
+ }
+ found = false;
+ return default;
+ }
+ public override TResult? TryGetFirst(out bool found)
+ {
+ if (_source is Iterator iterator)
+ {
+ return iterator.TryGetFirst(out found) is var first && found ? _selector(first!, 0) : default;
+ }
+ using IEnumerator e = _source.GetEnumerator();
+ if (e.MoveNext())
+ {
+ found = true;
+ return _selector(e.Current, 0);
+ }
+ found = false;
+ return default;
+ }
+ public override TResult? TryGetLast(out bool found)
+ {
+ if (_source is Iterator iterator && iterator.GetCount(true) is not -1 and var count)
+ {
+ return iterator.TryGetLast(out found) is var last && found ? _selector(last!, count - 1) : default;
+ }
+ using IEnumerator e = _source.GetEnumerator();
+ if (e.MoveNext())
+ {
+ found = true;
+ TSource lastElement = e.Current;
+ int lastIndex = -1;
+ while (e.MoveNext())
+ {
+ lastElement = e.Current;
+ lastIndex++;
+ }
+ return _selector(lastElement, lastIndex);
+ }
+ found = false;
+ return default;
+ }
+ }
private sealed partial class ArraySelectIterator
public override TResult[] ToArray()
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Select.cs b/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Select.cs
index 37a41c450f873c..683ee62ab0fcf2 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Select.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Select.cs
@@ -68,21 +68,7 @@ public static IEnumerable Select(this IEnumerable SelectIterator(IEnumerable source, Func selector)
- {
- int index = -1;
- foreach (TSource element in source)
- {
- checked
- {
- index++;
- }
- yield return selector(element, index);
- }
+ return new IEnumerableSelect2Iterator(source, selector);
@@ -145,6 +131,64 @@ public override IEnumerable Select(Func s
new IEnumerableSelectIterator(_source, CombineSelectors(_selector, selector));
+ private sealed partial class IEnumerableSelect2Iterator : Iterator
+ {
+ private readonly IEnumerable _source;
+ private readonly Func _selector;
+ private int _index;
+ private IEnumerator? _enumerator;
+ public IEnumerableSelect2Iterator(IEnumerable source, Func selector)
+ {
+ Debug.Assert(source is not null);
+ Debug.Assert(selector is not null);
+ _source = source;
+ _selector = selector;
+ }
+ private protected override Iterator Clone() =>
+ new IEnumerableSelect2Iterator(_source, _selector);
+ public override void Dispose()
+ {
+ if (_enumerator is not null)
+ {
+ _enumerator.Dispose();
+ _enumerator = null;
+ }
+ base.Dispose();
+ }
+ public override bool MoveNext()
+ {
+ switch (_state)
+ {
+ case 1:
+ _enumerator = _source.GetEnumerator();
+ _index = -1;
+ _state = 2;
+ goto case 2;
+ case 2:
+ Debug.Assert(_enumerator is not null);
+ if (_enumerator.MoveNext())
+ {
+ _current = _selector(_enumerator.Current, checked(++_index));
+ return true;
+ }
+ Dispose();
+ break;
+ }
+ return false;
+ }
+ public override IEnumerable Select(Func selector) =>
+ new IEnumerableSelect2Iterator(_source, CombineSelectors(_selector, selector));
+ }
/// An iterator that maps each item of an array.
diff --git a/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Utilities.cs b/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Utilities.cs
index 987d0004d4ec3a..9cc8245e17f1a2 100644
--- a/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Utilities.cs
+++ b/src/libraries/System.Linq/src/System/Linq/Utilities.cs
@@ -69,5 +69,19 @@ public static Func CombinePredicates(Func
public static Func CombineSelectors(Func selector1, Func selector2) =>
x => selector2(selector1(x));
+ ///
+ /// Combines two selectors.
+ ///
+ /// The type of the first selector's argument.
+ /// The type of the second selector's argument.
+ /// The type of the second selector's return value.
+ /// The first selector to run.
+ /// The second selector to run.
+ ///
+ /// A new selector that represents the composition of the first selector with the second selector.
+ ///
+ public static Func CombineSelectors(Func selector1, Func selector2) =>
+ (x, i) => selector2(selector1(x, i));